Hello White-Eyed Wolf in Quick Travel

Chapter 194 My White-eyed Wolf Commander (34)

Li He was indeed a little complacent at first, but slowly he got used to it.

These people were trying to kill him, not for his life, but for his money.

For someone like Li Hyuk, such behavior is tantamount to humiliation.

But what made him feel even more humiliated was later, when they discovered that he had no intention of paying the reward. Instead of showing displeasure, the guards looked at him with sympathetic eyes and even whispered to each other behind his back.

Li He overheard a few words, and these people actually said that he was a poor guy who pretended to be fat.

This secret contempt made Li He feel like a thorn in his back. In order to show his demeanor as an envoy of a great country, he not only could no longer pretend to be stupid, he even became more generous than before.

From the border town to the capital, it takes ten days to drive at a high speed and fifteen days to travel normally.

Due to Li He's generosity, they walked this short journey for a month.

The three large boxes that were originally full have become one and a half.

Li He also hated these bandit-like guards.

When he meets the so-called lord, he will definitely not make it easy for these people.

If you want someone to die, you don't actually need to use the knife directly, just use your brain.

Seeing that Li He was about to arrive in Kyoto, 08 was excited and kept jumping in the sea of ​​​​consciousness in his peripheral vision: Host, how are you going to kill that scumbag?

Yu Guang chuckled without raising his head and said: It's not easy to meet an old lover. Why should I hit her? You don't want to have such a mentality.

Recently, four of the seven cities have come out to surrender. After all, Yu Guang only killed the city owner and mainly persuaded the soldiers to surrender.

Therefore, most of these surrendered soldiers were sent to Yu Guang with their own city lords tied up.

It can be said that these city lords only care about their own enjoyment and do not want to share the benefits with others.

Originally, these matters were all handled by Hei, but the shipyard was already on track. Hei had already moved there and came back every two days to help Yu Guang handle official documents.

And this also caused Yu Guang to be busy with a lot of things, and he couldn't even think of Li He.

08's voice suddenly rose: Host, how could you not hit him!

He even had the bench ready, just waiting to see how the host would beat up the scumbag.

How could the host not take action? Didn't he want to avenge the original owner?

Yu Guang smiled and pushed up his glasses: We should treat people with different statuses in different ways. After all, Li He is the prime minister of a country, and he deserves better treatment.

08: . I suspect that my host has been snatched away, otherwise how could he say such powerful words.

Could it be that just because Li He is the prime minister, the host intends to be open to others? Where is the host's integrity?

Sensing 08's doubts, the smile on Yu Guang's face remained unchanged: I don't need to explain to you what I do.

If you want to make a person's life worse than death, you don't just have to kill him, but you have to completely defeat him from the area where the opponent is best.

In her memory, Li Hyuk seemed very proud.

That's good, she likes people with backbone best.

08: . The host said that Li Hyuk is the host's old lover, and the host also said that she likes Li Hyuk.

Just when 08 was doubting his life, Li He's team had slowly entered the city.

He was holding back a lot of anger along the way, and he had already made up his mind that when he saw the rebel leader, he would definitely teach these people a lesson.

As an envoy, of course he would not go overboard and teach other people's ministers.

But he can kill people with a borrowed knife and let the rebel leader deal with his men.

After making up his mind, Li Hyuk showed a cold smile.

In his eyes, all these people in front of him are dead!

Before meeting Yu Guang, Li He imagined countless scenes of meeting with the bandit leader.

Imagine how you should persuade the other party and the different reactions of the other party.

He is very good at reading people's hearts and can observe the other person's true thoughts from their subtle expressions.

It's just a woman. Her thoughts are written on her face. She is the most difficult thing to control. He still has confidence in himself.

Knowing that his biggest advantage was his face, before meeting the gang leader, Li He specially cleaned himself up and even put on a light layer of makeup on his face.

This is also the etiquette of noble men on formal occasions.

After everything was sorted, Li He finally went on the road to meet the bandit leader.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two met, Li He was stunned on the spot. After a long time, a scream came from the room: How could it be you!

Looking at Li He with a smile from the corner of his eye, he looked like he was being strangled by the neck.

Facts have proven that no matter how handsome a man is, he will look strange after wearing makeup.

And the look of a big man pulling his neck and screaming, it’s really disgusting!

Seeing him looking at him with a gentle smile from the corner of his eye, Li He finally calmed down and tried to make his voice less sharp: Why are you here!

He saw this woman die with his own eyes, so why did she appear here in good condition and be called the lord?

Doesn't he know how much this woman is capable of? There must be something in this so-called lord.

This time Li He came with an envoy group and a group of soldiers. At this time, everyone in the envoy group looked at Li He in surprise.

This was the first time that they had seen the prime minister act so out of sorts.

Yu Guang did not reply to Li He's words, but looked at Li He's face: Helang, you finally came to me. Are you here to accompany me to manage the country?

The envoy group was instantly shocked: they heard something, the prime minister had actually betrayed the king.

08: “.WTF” host, are you telling the truth or not?

Yu Guang raised her hand timidly, as if she wanted to touch Li He's face, but her hand stopped about a centimeter away from Li He's cheek.

Only the outline of Li He was traced in the air: Helang, I finally see you, tell me this is not a dream, tell me you are really by my side, okay?

Her mysophobia prevents her from touching dirty things, but it doesn't matter, the distance is just right now!

08's body expanded rapidly and was about to explode!

When did his host go crazy and why no one informed him? He is the host's most loyal friend!

Or is it that the host has been bewitched? Otherwise, the host who should have pinched the person's neck and slapped the person until they couldn't recognize their mother suddenly started to act um in public, so crazy!

Has spring really arrived?

But the host can’t be so picky!

Li He obviously found it difficult to accept Yu Guang's current appearance, and immediately straightened his expression: I don't know what you mean, He?

This was the woman he knocked into the river. He recognized the wounds on her face, but it was just that she seemed to have forgotten their grudges, so he could test her.

Besides, the lord is the most jealous, so today's incident will inevitably not be reported to the lord's ears. He still has to put aside the relationship first, and then plan carefully.

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