Xi Prince Gu was speechless. He directly carried her up and threw her on the bed. Then he strode to the door and locked the door with a click.

Outside, the housekeeper was the first to arrive and knocked on the door. "Master, master Ling didn't come in on purpose. Don't bully him."

"Go away." The emperor of Xi opened his mouth in a deep voice.

The housekeeper almost burst into tears. Listening to the young master's tone, he seemed very bad.

"Master Ling, are you ok?"

"Young master, don't argue with master Ling. She's still young. Don't beat her."


Du Ruxue just arrived, and heard the housekeeper crying and begging the emperor Xi not to hit Ling Weifeng. His face was white with fear.

"AGU, AGU, open the door. What do you do with Xiao Feng? Open the door."

Han Ling is scared to death, Xi Prince Gu hit people never show mercy, she is such a precious son, don't kill.

"Ah Gu, open the door, Xiao Feng, how are you doing?"

It was a mess outside, and everyone was pounding at the door. Through a door, xihuangzi's face was as dark as it could be.

I really want to rush out and throw those people out!

But he's not wearing anything. He can't open the door.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Ling Weifeng was thrown on the bed, it seems that he hasn't recovered from the fright just now, still screaming constantly.

She screamed so harshly that to outsiders, she was being tortured.

So the people were more sure that Ling Weifeng suddenly broke in and offended Gu, the son of Xi, who beat her up.

Such a vicious circle, the housekeeper has a snot a tear to find tools to pry the door!

Young master Ling, you must hold on. I will come to save you.

Xi Prince Gu looked gloomy. He strode to the bedside and turned Ling Weifeng over, "have you called enough?"

Is not just a look at it, we are all men, as for scared into this way.

Ling Weifeng looks panic, scared six souls have no owner, was so roared by him, she finally stopped screaming.

He turned to look at him, eyes down, eyes suddenly wide.

"Ah, Prince Xi, you rogue!"

"Help, help, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah."

Her help, but outside Han Ling and Du Ruxue scared legs soft.

"Ah Gu, ah Gu, calm down. Xiao Feng is so thin and weak that he doesn't fight."

"Housekeeper, where is the housekeeper? Come and pry the door

Outside, Ling Weifeng was terrified to speak incoherently inside. The emperor Gu of Xi was almost two years old.

He suddenly leaned forward, directly pressed on Ling Weifeng's body, restrained her dancing hands, bent over and blocked her mouth.

Sealed with a kiss!

Ling Weifeng was scared silly again, a pair of peach blossom eyes, opened the boss.

She even forgot how to breathe. Her heart beat like a drum and her face turned red.

Just when she was about to die of breath, Xi Prince Gu left her lips and looked down at her, "is it quiet?"

Get up, take out a set of sportswear from the wardrobe, also don't avoid taboo, in front of her, put on elegantly.

Outside the door, the housekeeper was holding a hammer and was about to hammer it down.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and the gloomy son of Xi appeared in front of the public.

And the housekeeper swung the hammer, as if to hammer him.

Silence, the silence of death.

"Go away!" The voice of Gu Bing, the prince of Xi, sounded, and the people trembled.

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