Hands out, trying to hug her.

However, his hands were still covered with gloves, and they were greasy. Emperor Xi frowned.

What an inconvenience!

Ling Weifeng is moving, see the situation, take the initiative to embrace his neck.

Small body, flexible drilling into his arms, and sat on his lap.

In the surprised and surprised eyes of Xi Prince Gu, he took the initiative to kiss his lips.

She seldom takes the initiative and kisses badly.

Four lips, and then I don't know what to do next.

She opened her mouth, stretched out the tip of her tongue, and licked his thin lips.

I licked it, chewed it a few times, and then there was no more.

Gu, the son of Xi, was going to be tortured to death by her.

Rare wife willing to take the initiative once, how can it just skim the surface.

So he opened his mouth and sucked at her lip, not radical, just guidance.

Because it is rare for her to take the initiative, he wants her to lead.

Ling Weifeng also clumsily sucked a few times, and then did not know what to do.

She let go of Xi's Prince Gu. Her eyes were a little sad and her face was a little red.

Xi Prince Gu knew that she must have some wrong tendon at this time, so he suddenly kisses him.

When she wakes up, it will be difficult for her to take the initiative again.

So he quickly said, "wife, remember you used to practice kissing with me."

Ling Wei Feng Leng for a moment, face more red, head also low down.

He went to Gu Huaili, Prince of Xi.

Of course she does.

At that time, Xi's Prince Gu had already known that she was a girl, but he did not say so. Instead, he asked her to practice kissing with him and kept eating her tofu.

Think about it and blush.

So clumsy lies, it is estimated that only she will be cheated.

She remembers that his most common trick was to put a strawberry or grape in his mouth and let her grab it.

Said that as long as she can grab strawberries or grapes, then the kiss will pass.

However, she did not succeed in learning.

This man is too dark.

The emperor of Xi grinned maliciously, and then took a bite of the drunk shrimp that had just been peeled.

Looking at Ling Weifeng with a bad smile, he lowered his head and made her grab it.

Small tongue, very flexible.

Like a small snake, he was constantly chasing, which made the Xi Prince Gu itchy.

I wish I could turn my back on her and kiss her hard.

However, he still tolerated, he kisses her time to go more, but she actively kisses his frequency, is one hand can count.

In the room, already beautiful.

Hot rising day by day, Ling Weifeng face red, breathing a little short.

After robbing for a long time, she didn't succeed in snatching the drunk shrimp. She became angry.

He bit on the tip of Gu's tongue.

Then let go.

This just discovered, two people just kiss too hard, unexpectedly bring out a silver silk.

Xi Prince Gu's smile could not be stopped.

He leaned over and pecked at her lips to remove the moisture.

This makes Ling Weifeng whole body blood instantly rushed to the top of the head, head also sober up.

Oh, my God!

She just took the initiative to kiss Xi Prince Gu, but also kiss so deeply.

Looking at Xi Prince Gu's red lips, Ling Weifeng has no face to see people.

One head buried in his chest, eyes closed tightly.

You can't see me. No one can see me.

It's a shame.

From the top of his head came the dull laughter of Gu, the son of Xi.

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