"Yes." The whole school was blown up. I can't hide such a thing. It's estimated that even the outside world has already known about it.

"You say how this happened."

How can such a thing happen? Ha ha, he made it by himself. If Ling Mengxi was not greedy and vain and forced for something that did not belong to him, how could he end up like this.

"Xiao Feng, you don't know. Ling Mengxi shut himself up in the room and cried all day. The old man was furious and said that she had lost the face of Ling family."

Ling Weifeng's eyes, cold with the night, is really a good grandfather ah, the accident will only be angry.

In his heart, there will always be only interests, there is no family relationship to speak of!

For example, when Han Ling was forced to live in a mental hospital, is not her grandfather's credit.

"Xiao Feng, are you listening?"

"Yes, beauty."

"Alas." Han Ling sighed on the phone. "You didn't see how embarrassed Ling Mengxi was when she was brought back. Her hair was messy, her body was blue and purple, and she had no good skin.

The fox spirit cried and scolded, crying for revenge.

Although this matter your father strong pressure down, but the reputation of the Ling family has been damaged, Ling's industry has been impacted, and now your father is very busy. "

"Mom, don't worry about these things. Just let dad deal with them, so that he won't hurt your heart by loving and loving mom Lin every day."

Han Ling sneered at her, how does this child speak.

"Xiao Feng, Meng Xi's matter, I feel it's not an accident, your father has sent someone to thoroughly investigate."

"Oh, yes." With a smile.

Han Ling is very worried. Her intuition tells her that this matter has something to do with Ling Weifeng.

"Xiao Feng, tell your mother the truth. Did you do it?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?" At best, she just added fuel to the flames.

"It's not you, son. Mom, you're the only one now. Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry, beauty."

No matter how we look into this matter, we can't find her.

Hang up the phone, Ling Weifeng into the room.

"Uncomfortable." Xi's Prince Gu frowned at her poor complexion.

"My stomach is a little uncomfortable." I don't know how, since noon, her stomach is a little swollen and painful.

"Let me see."

Ling Wei Feng suddenly hit a spirit, "don't have to, it's all right."

She said, holding the bear and jumping straight to the bed.

Body curled up, swelling pain feeling more and more obvious, really uncomfortable.

The first time I met this situation, I didn't know what was going on.

The next day, she finally understood why this happened, such as being struck by lightning!

When she had PE class, her abdomen was swollen and painful, so she asked for leave.

Lying on the table to sleep, I suddenly feel something flowing out of my lower body, warm and hot.

At the beginning, she didn't pay attention to it, until the flow was more and more, she got up and took a look.

She was scared out of her wits.

Oh, God!!!

Ah, ah, ah, ah, she came to menarche!!!!!

What to do? Although the pants are black, I can't see it, but the chair is all dirty. And when she moves, she feels like a dike is missing, flowing down her thighs.

Ling Weifeng simply want to crash to death, she sat down in a hurry, if this time ran in a person, then she will die.

What to do? What to do!

Holding the cell phone, hands shaking.

Now, in this situation, we must ask for help. Who?

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