"Oh, what are you calling for?" She asked, a little absent-minded, following his words.

"Mom said I'll give you the money."

Ling Weifeng's heart clapped.


It's not an ordinary embarrassment to expose a lie on the spot.

After thinking about it, she told the emperor Gu of Xi about Zhou Meige.

It's not a secret, but I don't think it's necessary to tell Xi Prince Gu.

The only thing that needs to be explained is how the 50 million yuan came from.

After that, she racked her brains to make up an excuse, and finally decided that if the source of the 50 million yuan that Prince Xi's adviser had, she would have asked Tang Fengyang to borrow it.

Then he communicated with Tang Fengyang. In any case, Tang Fengyang knew the existence of love, and it was easier to fool him. He went through the pass of Xi Prince Gu.

"Zhou Meige is a bit tricky. Her words may not all be believable. You should be careful." Xi Prince Gu said.

Ling Weifeng nodded, "I know."

Then he waited for Xi's Prince Gu to ask questions, but he didn't want to wait left or right. He just focused on driving and didn't mean to ask.

After waiting for a while, Ling Weifeng was relieved after confirming that he really did not intend to ask.

After relaxing, I feel tired again.

A lie, to cover up with countless lies, this kind of life is very tired.

In fact, she didn't care about the relationship between xihuangzi Gu and fengqing.com.

Just, if said, then he will certainly ask the amorous feelings network is how to come, will involve her past.

Those past, is she does not want to face the pain, would rather be buried in the bottom of her heart all her life, do not want to let him know.

The prince of Xi glanced at her tiredness from the corner of his eyes and felt a little pain.

Suddenly he reached out and took her hand on her lap.

"Xiao Feng, you don't have to hide anything in front of me. Although I'm very curious, if you don't want to say it, I won't ask.

I married you to give you happiness. I wanted you to be happy every day. I didn't want to make you live like a cage and worry about everything

When he was in the United States, he personally checked her past and found out what she experienced in the year when she disappeared in the United States.

If he has ever had such an experience, he doesn't want anyone to know, especially his favorite.

So he won't ask again.

He didn't know what happened in the three days when she and Han Ling disappeared seven years ago, but he would not ask again.

Knowing that it is a bad memory, why force her to go through the original pain.

Ling Weifeng suddenly turned around and looked out of the window.

The eyes were red.

Until the car stopped, Ling Weifeng only converged all the moving expression.

She looked outside. "Where are we going?"

Xi's Prince Gu had already come to her side and helped her open the door.

"Supermarket, what would you like to eat? We'll buy vegetables and go back to make them."

Ling Weifeng suddenly a little guilty, blushing for just unreasonable.

Looking at the red look of her small face, Xi Prince Gu wanted to stretch out his hand and pinch it.

But in public, it's like pretending to be a brother again. Don't mention it.

Looking at the man who pushed the shopping cart consciously, Ling Weifeng suddenly felt that she had pulled down the noble position of Xihuang.

More and more like a good man at home.

Is thinking, on the man's black eyes such as splash ink, "small maple, want to eat what."

Ling Weifeng pursed his lips, and then led him to the snack area, where bear biscuits, potato chips, biscuits, melon seeds, and even spicy strips were all held in a pile.

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