Bu Zhiya gently touched Bu Zhiyao's head, "fool, you are also good for your sister, but it's OK. A child is a piece of white paper. As long as you guide well, you won't go astray."

Bu Zhiyao skimmed his lips. Who would not covet such a family as the Tang family.

Help your future son raise a competitor and ask for trouble.

But these words, she will not say.

Because she has seen that Bu Zhiya doesn't like to listen to this.

Forget it, she didn't raise it anyway, and it has nothing to do with her in the future.

But this child, really is Tang Fengyang picked up, that pair of eyes, how to look so like Tang Fengyang?

It should not be the illegitimate son of Tang Fengyang. It was picked up on purpose.

Bu Zhiyao just wanted to remind Bu Zhiya that someone came in at the door.

She immediately stopped all the words and sat down beside Bu Zhiya, laughing and teasing the child.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, bu Zhiya looks up and sees Tang Fengyang come in, followed by two bodyguards, a man and a woman.

"When did you come?" Tang Fengyang went to one side of the sofa and sat down.

"In the afternoon, come and see the kids. It's lovely."

After finishing, bu Zhiya lowered her head to look at the little guy in her arms. Her mouth showed a gentle smile.

As you can see, she likes the child very much.

So he was relieved.

The servant came out with the soaked milk powder. Seeing Tang Fengyang back, he bowed down respectfully, "sir."

Tang Fengyang nodded his head, and the servant took the bottle to step in front of ya.

"Miss Bu, it's time for young master to take milk."

"Give it to me." Bu Zhiya smiles very gently, takes the bottle from the servant's hand, and then feeds the baby to drink milk.

The little guy's eyes were bright and giggled. He smelled the fragrance of milk. He opened his mouth and sucked it.

Round toot flesh of small face move move move, look lovely extremely.

After drinking milk, she grinned at Bu Zhiya.

Pink tender lips with some white milk, the servant handed a clean towel, bu Zhiya took it, and then carefully cleaned the little guy.

I don't know what the chubby one is eating.

It seems that this embrace is very comfortable and arched inward.

This lovely little appearance, you can see the elegant heart of step.

Tang Fengyang looked at, the corner of his mouth, also curved a slightly invisible arc.

I don't know why, he especially likes this child, as if there is a kind of traction in the dark, this child originally belongs to him.

If there is no accident, bu Zhiya will be his future wife. How happy she is to get along with the child and take good care of the child with all her heart.

This also reflects the generosity of the elegant step.

The Bu family did teach a good girl.

"The baby is very fond of you." Tang Fengyang said.

Bu Zhiya pinched the little guy's face and chuckled, "I think the baby and I are particularly close."

This sentence is absolutely not flattery. At the first sight of the child, she liked it very much.

Very kind.

Love is followed by Tang Fengyang come in, she stood behind Tang Fengyang, some lost in mind looking at the step of the Yahuai children.

There's an impulse to rush over and give it a hug.

However, forbearance.

After looking at Bu Zhiya, we can see that Bu Zhiya really likes this child.

Moreover, she has also investigated Bu Zhiya. If she comes to be the mother of the child, she will not treat the child unfairly.

"Brother in law, did the baby have a name?"

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