"You die for me!"

A kick in the past, do not know to pull which nerve, it is painful to her bared teeth.

Seeing that she was really suffering this time, she had to suffer more than the last three days.

"Wife, get down and I'll give you a massage."

Ling Weifeng fiercely glared at him, and then he really fell down.

Her body now is really sour and painful, even walking is a problem.

Thinking of bidding this afternoon, she would like to break up the Xi Prince gu!


With her current physical condition, walking is a problem. How can she participate in the bidding?

"If I can't bid this afternoon, I'll kill you!"

"Wife, don't shout, fight and kill, pay attention to the image."

"Ah, bah!"

My mother almost gave up her life in bed. She also paid attention to the image of a fart.

Xi Prince Gu very speechless, took time to pinch her face, "rest assured, can go."

He pinched it for her again, until her body relaxed, and xihuangzi Gu went to the bathroom to drain water and add essential oil to let her take a bath.

These essential oils are specially researched by him, which can effectively relieve fatigue.

Waiting for Ling Weifeng to take a bath comfortably, he took her out of the bathtub, put on clothes and carried her to the bed outside.

Turn down the stairs and bring up the breakfast just made.

Feed her very carefully.

After feeding, she first pressed her stomach to help her eat.

Then get her down and massage her again.

Sure enough, Ling Weifeng's body relaxed a lot, not so tired.

After a little sleep, I can walk.

But the posture is still some awkward, can only endure.

Looking at her sitting in front of the dressing mirror to draw the outline, Xi Prince Gu went over and took over the outline pen in her hand.

"Wife, teach me, and I'll help you draw later."

He found that her method of drawing outlines was very special, much more magical than makeup.

Moreover, this contour pen is also very unique. It is not sold outside at all.

If he guesses right, this technology this thing, all is amorous feelings net interior.

Ling Weifeng originally wanted to say that she could paint by herself.

But after thinking about it, I still taught him and asked him to help draw later!

Every day she tossed so miserably, no interest, her heart is not balanced.

Finally, when he was ready to go out, Ling Weifeng took two steps.

My God, this feeling is so sour!

Seeing her walking awkwardly, Xi Prince Gu finally found out his conscience and really upset her!

"Wife ~"

Ling Weifeng took a deep breath, and when she saw that the emperor Gu of Xi looked like a man who was ok, she could hardly breathe.

In the heart secretly swore, wait for her to have a good rest, accumulate physical strength, squeeze xihuangzi Gu this bastard!

She also wants to let him taste the taste that the road can't walk!

What about sister Keng? Pooh!

If you let Xi Prince Gu know Ling Weifeng's thoughts at this time, he will be happy to fly, and then nod like a good daughter-in-law.

Come on, come on, squeeze me.

In the afternoon, xihuangzi Gu sent her to Ling's group, and then went to the royal mansion.

As soon as he entered the company, Ling Weifeng felt all the tension.

Today is undoubtedly a big day for her and Ling Jiang.

This tender is about their future.

As long as she wins this time, it can be said that 80% of the Ling family's inheritance is hers.

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