Xi Prince Gu eyebrows lock more tightly, he cold eyes sweep around, "no, how to ask."

He has always been very vigilant, and the ability of anti investigation is beyond ordinary people.

If someone followed, he would not have noticed it at all.

Ling Weifeng shrugged, "this is this time. Don't you think it's strange. Someone knows I asked you to meet in the hotel, and I know my phone is out of power and I am late for work, so I will design and frame you.

If it wasn't tracking, how could our whereabouts leak? "

Xihuangzi looked at the light and flickered, "you are so alert, if someone follows, will not be aware?"

Lingweifeng side head, "so I wonder, I didn't feel someone tracking, but why someone to our whereabouts like a finger.

Isn't it tracking? "

If it's not tracking, there is only one possibility that people around them have problems!

Xihuangzi Gu's dark eyes are not deep.

"I think about it?"

Ling Weifeng nodded, "we have a ghost around us, but it is a little impossible to say it. We only send information, and should not be heard, unless someone has seen our mobile phone."

She said to settle down, looked at Xi Prince Gu, "have you been seen on your cell phone?"

"No." Xi emperor Gu said it very definitely, and then looked at her straight.

Lingweifeng stall, "I don't have one."

She thought of a man just after the words had just fallen.

Baifeifei seems to have seen her mobile phone, and also ordered to open wechat.

But she doesn't care, and baifeifei will not betray her.

Xi emperor Gu deeply looked at Ling Weifeng for a while before he took back his eyes.

"Eat. I'll send someone to check it."

Next, neither of them spoke, but ate quietly, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

Ling Weifeng is a little bit of food, clearly told himself to believe in baifei, but in my mind, but constantly playback baifeifei to return her mobile phone picture.

And the charger, why she went through the whole villa, did not find the charger.

She remembers that before flying out, she went upstairs once.

No, no!

Ling Weifeng shook his head, and baifeifei would not betray her, just coincidence.

After eating, Xi emperor Gu sent her back to Ling group.

He didn't disturb her when he saw her absent-minded.

Back to the royal building, Xi emperor Gu immediately called Wei Hongliang into the office.

His look was frightening.

Never allow, dangerous people stay at lingweifeng.

"No matter what you use, you must enter the network within a week, or you will go to Africa to check in!"

Wei Hongliang heard, the leg immediately soft, almost rushed to Xi Prince Gu foot side wailing.

For Mao, master for Mao!

Always hurt for hair!!!

But in view of the emperor Xi Gu's look is really terrible, Wei Hongliang, although bitter in his heart, dare not have a little complaint.

Only tears should be under.

Out of the door of the president's office, he looked at the direction of the eye secret room, and took a deep breath.

In order to complete the task that the young master has given, the American man also has to do it!

So he put in a very charming, actually very lazy action, one hand on the desk of mowan.

Pick eyebrows, show a self think very natural, actually very vulgar smile, "beautiful woman, tonight have an appointment?"

Yes, mowan, is so far, he found in addition to love other than another amorous network members.

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