What happened next, Ling Mengxi did not know, because she had passed out.

Then a black Volkswagen stopped.

When the back door opened, Ling Mengxi was thrown in directly and the car drove away.

Just after the Volkswagen left, two people hiding around the corner looked at each other.

Then quickly take out the mobile phone, [boss, the target has been snatched ahead of time, what to do next. 】

just at the moment of turning around, another taxi passed in front of Ling's group.

Then stop at the side of the road, the driver is very depressed scratching his head, this Ling Mengxi how so popular.

Even kidnappings have been robbed.

He took out his mobile phone, the phone called in the past, "young master, Ling Mengxi was taken away."

Cold swaying the red wine in the glass, "was taken away? Who. "

"I don't know. It's a black Volkswagen that took people away with overpowering drugs."

Overpowering drugs.

Lenglie tasted a mouthful of red wine, "follow up, see who made it."

His eyes were a little cold when he hung up his cell phone.

Dare to design him and throw snakes back to Ling Weifeng, which can't be easily settled.

He is cold, not everyone can be provoked!

At the same time, on the top floor of the royal building, Wei Hongliang asked for credit with a smile. "Young master, the man has arrived. Everything is arranged properly."

Xi Prince Gu just nodded coldly and waved his hand. Wei Hongliang turned around and went out.

Looking up from a pile of documents, Xi Prince Gu glanced at the mobile phone on the side for the 101st time.

Why don't you call him back.

I miss my wife so much.

It's been centuries since I didn't sleep with my wife last night.

Xi Prince Gu felt that his wife was too reserved and never took the initiative to look for him.

Then he's the only one to take the initiative.

Are you finished? I'll pick you up for lunch? 】

Ling Weifeng waited for Ling Yiyong to unpack the dim sum package and heard a wechat prompt.

At the same time, I also saw a message reminder.

She opened the message first, and her eyes were cold.

[boss, the target has been snatched one step ahead of others. What to do next. 】

with her eyebrows twisted, Ling Mengxi is really popular. She is robbed of kidnapping.

So she gave an order to follow up and see who took it. If it's a robbery or something, remember to rush up and mend your feet. 】

dare to show off in front of her, I really think she is a sick cat!

After sending the message, she opened the wechat, and when she saw the words of Xi Prince Gu, she pursed her lips.

I have lunch with my parents. 】

the emperor Gu of Xi waited for the news that his wife would stand up. Don't be depressed.

I'll go and eat together. 】

[no, my dad doesn't know about our relationship. 】

the emperor Gu of Xi was even more depressed. How come her identity was exposed, but he could not?

[wife, just take this opportunity to meet the parents! 】

Ling Weifeng has just made her identity public. Would it be too soon to tell her relatives about Prince Gu of Hexi?

I always feel a little awkward. I'd better get used to it.

What's more, the engagement between Xi's Prince Gu and Nora hasn't been lifted. It's better to have one less thing than to have more.

[Xihuang, our relationship, I will find a chance to talk to my father, first of all. 】

Xi Prince Gu deeply felt that he was abandoned by his wife.

[wife 】

[dear, leave some space for our family of three. 】

a family of three.

Xi Prince Gu was fascinated by these four words. Was he not her family at all in her heart.

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