Looking at the circle of heaven's favorite people haunted by Guanghua, Zhou Meige's hatred turned into deep sorrow.

Why, she used to be a brilliant presidential daughter, why she was reduced to the present situation.

It's Ling Weifeng. If it wasn't for Ling Weifeng, xihuangzi Gu would not have done anything to the Zhou family, and she would not have become the dog who lost her family today.

Destroyed her everything and robbed her man.

Before Ling Weifeng came back, in everyone's eyes, Xi Prince Gu had always been her boyfriend.

But since Ling Weifeng appeared, he has cleared away the relationship with her. Before he knew why, now that Ling Weifeng is a girl, what else can't understand.

Zhou Meige's eyes, slowly wet.

It's all thick. It's not like shaking.

Thanks to her hypnosis, Ling Weifeng threatened her that memory, or see now Ling Weifeng all stars, not live angry!

Ling Jiang's mouth slowly lifted up, "to see the culprit who made you look like this today is so beautiful, it's hard to bear it in my heart."

His words brought back Zhou Meige's thoughts.

She didn't look over her head and wiped her tears from the corner of her eyes.

What Ling Jiang asked her to do could destroy Ling Weifeng, but it would make Xi Prince Gu angry.

She didn't dare.

She was really afraid of this devil like man.

Ling Jiang is not in a hurry. Women's jealousy is terrible. The better Ling Weifeng is now, the more jealous Zhou Meige will be.

When jealousy reaches a critical point and destroys Ling Weifeng's evil ideas, it will overwhelm her fear of Xi Prince Gu.

So, he just needs to wait.

Suddenly there was a noise outside. Ling Weifeng, who was chatting vigorously, turned to look at the entrance and saw Tang Fengyang walk in.

Ling Weifeng Leng Leng Leng, he did not go to r country for international exchanges, how suddenly back?

However, today's day, Tang Fengyang can be present, she is very happy.

Her eyebrows and eyes are crooked, like a full crescent moon, which shows how happy she is.

But Tang Fengyang seems to have a heart to induct response, actually in the meeting place where people are coming and going, one eye locked Ling Weifeng who is sitting in the corner and surrounded by them.

The moment of two people's eyes touching each other, Tang Fengyang's face is solemn, and the moment is like a warm current, turning into a light spring breeze.

Xi Prince Gu saw this scene, and his heart was full of anger. Don't mention it.

My wife is so popular that I'm really distressed to have Muyou!

Originally, in his capacity, he should not have arrived so early, but he was afraid that others would covet his wife, so he arrived early, hoping to be more careful.

I didn't expect to arrive early. I drank a big jar of vinegar!

I'm dying of acid.

When Ling Yiyong and Han Ling saw that the president had arrived, they rushed to meet him.

"Xiao Tang, didn't you visit country R? Why did you come back so soon?" Han Ling asked with a smile.

Tang Fengyang nodded with a smile, "Auntie, I got off the plane in the evening."

"Han Ling, why don't he go home first

"Xiao Feng's party, how can I be absent as a brother?"

Those who had raised their ears were surprised to hear this.

Xianghu exchanged a look, both from each other's eyes to see dignified.

The third young lady of Ling family has a long history. She calls her brother and sister to the president?

No wonder, some time ago, Ling group has suffered two times such a big impact, not only stand still, but also upward trend.

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