Xi Prince Gu's face was almost frozen, and the air in the car seemed to be floating with ice.

Heartache to death, his baby, he even scolded a reluctant, those people actually dare!

"Where did they hit you?"

Ling Weifeng began to look for a wound in his body, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't even find a small wound.

"Where is it? There's a taxi." She mumbled to herself.

Xi Prince Gu would like to directly pick her up, and then carefully check again.

"Probably already." Ling Weifeng suddenly raised his head and laughed foolishly, "Hey, it's healing so fast."

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

Are you sure someone else really hit you.

"Someone really hit me. It was so bad that the tables and chairs were broken and my hands were broken Eh, it seems wrong... "

It's like she broke the chair, the table It seems that she did the same thing Hand

She looked at her hands very carefully, straightening, bending, straightening, and bending again.

"Not broken, hee hee."

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

He reached out and rubbed her head. "You'd better drink less in the future, fool."

"You scold me." Ling Weifeng is not willing to, a small face collapsed, small mouth on the Du up.

His face was full of accusations, as if the emperor Xi had done something heinous.

"No, you were drunk. You heard me wrong."

"Nonsense! I'm not drinking. How can I get drunk

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

Adhering to the principle of not fighting with drunkards, he just shut up and drove.

Ling Wei Feng scattered wine splash, holding his hand a burst of fierce shaking, "you scold me, you scold me, you scold me, sob, you are bad."

"Bad guys, bully me."

"Do you dislike me? Do you hate me? Do you not hurt me? Say so."

"It's not right for me to say that I'm not bothered by my car

"Boo hoo, you're so tired of listening to me that you don't let me talk. Boo hoo, bad guy..."

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

She was so drunk that he did not dare to send her home, so as not to worry Han Ling, so he took her back to the royal family of Xi.

His villa was independent and did not disturb his parents. He took her directly to his room and put her on the bed.

Ling Weifeng drink wine, confused between, hit the quilt on the embrace, roll into a big sleep.

Xi Prince Gu was speechless. He pinched her nose fondly, then got up and went to the wardrobe.

The hand holding the clothes froze. He looked back at her and frowned.

What clothes should he take for her?

Two people's body is a big difference, and she is a girl, where he came from girls underwear for her to change.

Keke, it seems that when she was in school, she was still in her physiological period. I don't know if it is over.

Xi Prince Gu's face changed. In her physiological period, he actually let her drink!

He quickly went to the bed, "small maple, small maple."

Called twice, no response, it seems to have been sleeping in the past.

Pursed his lips, he stared at her lower body, struggling to see if she was finished.

My eyebrows and eyes are heavy. I've seen it once and I've seen it twice. I'm afraid of anything.

He looks at his own woman, who dares to have an opinion!

Therefore, the emperor Gu of Xi, with ease, untied her belt

Ling Weifeng is a pig, who did not know when he was stripped.

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