[mom is going to be mad by you today. You're going to be investigated. Be careful. 】

Fang Jiming's eyes flickered a few times, and she was sure that her mother would thoroughly investigate Wang Jiaohua.

Check it. Maybe after checking, it's easier to accept Wang Jiaohua.

Let her check, brother. Can you help me get the account book tonight. 】

[what do you want the account book for. 】The face of the person, sent several questions of expression.

I'm very sure that I can get the marriage certificate. 】

[Xiaoming, you are crazy! You dare to marry your mother! 】

[Jiaojiao is pregnant. I have to give her the title. Brother, can I get the registered permanent residence. 】

after a long time, there was a reply.

I'll send it to you tomorrow morning. 】

[thank you. 】

put down the mobile phone, Fang Liangming also lies down.

Holding Wang Jiaohua to sleep.

However, the fragrance of her body constantly penetrated into his nose, but he could not sleep.

The man in his arms was delicate and soft, and he was tense all over.

Wang Jiaohua has a good figure. She is a public figure. Every part of her body is well maintained. Even under the magnesium lamp, she is also perfect.

How could he have no other thoughts when such a delicate man lay in his arms.

Itching in the heart, but can not touch, suffering.

The hand gently covers on her abdomen, baby, the father for you but endure very hard.

Feeling his action, Wang Jiaohua opened her eyes, "what's the matter?"

"Say hello to your baby before you go to bed."

Wang Jiaohua smiles, closes her eyes and continues to sleep. She is pregnant and sleepy. She is very tired now.

She could sleep, but Fang could not.

The whole body is burned but can't be solved, it's really too difficult to have wood have!

As if incomparable Xi Prince Gu, every day can hold his wife warm.

However, what he did not know was that the situation of Gu, the son of Xi, was no better than him.

Ling Weifeng did not know how many times he kicked away.

"No, I feel bad."

Ling Weifeng struggled to sit up, his right hand covered his chest, some nausea.

Xi Prince Gu frowned, reached out and patted her on the back to help her smooth.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. I just don't feel comfortable."

"Would you like some water?" Seeing that her face was a little white, Xi Prince Gu was worried.

Ling Weifeng nodded and drank some water to see if he could suppress the nausea.

After drinking more water, Gu Xizi drank more.

So Xi Prince Gu Le lay down with her in his arms, then turned over and pressed on her.

His hand slipped in from her lapel and untied her button with dexterity.

Lean over and kiss her lips.

Everything seems to gradually into the mirror, but, lasting less than half a minute, Ling Weifeng frowned and pushed him away.

"Husband, really can't, I feel bad."

The fire in the body of emperor Xi's son Gu ran everywhere.

"Wife, we haven't had a roommate for days."

Every time she was uncomfortable, he couldn't bear to force her.

Ling Weifeng bitter face, "but I really uncomfortable."

"Why don't you come, you're up there."

Ling Weifeng saw that he also really held back hard, although very reluctantly, but in the end there was no objection.

Just as soon as she got up, she felt weak in her limbs.

"Husband, I have no strength."

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

Well, it looks like he's destined to be patient.

"Wife, let's go to the hospital to see if it's OK. You've been in this situation for several days."

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