"Clear phone?" Fang LAN asked coldly.

Wang Jiaohua nodded, "yes."

This is her first meeting with Fang LAN, and she has no psychological preparation at all.

Two people kneel face to face in front of the low tea table, sipping tea.

This is a famous teahouse in the capital city. It has a very elegant environment. Occasionally there are birds singing. It is a slow-paced place.

It's great for relaxing.

However, at this time, she can not relax, the whole body of each nerve is tight.

Fang LAN coldly glanced at her, "Miss Wang, you should be very clear what I am looking for you for today."

Wang Jiaohua looked up at her and pursed her lips.

"Tell me, how you will leave my son."

Wang Jiao's Flower God is shocked, but she's not surprised. "Auntie..."

Fang LAN seemed very impatient to listen to her voice, raised his hand to interrupt, and then handed over a blank check, "how much do you want to write yourself, I have only one request, leave Fang Jiming.

The Fang family is not something that people of your status can imagine. "

After a pause, she said, "Oh, by the way, the child in your stomach belongs to our Fang family. After you are born, you must return to our Fang family."

Wang Jiao's heart hurt hard. She was thinking of a voice and was interrupted by Fang LAN, "you don't have to answer me in a hurry. You can think about it first and have a cup of tea first."

Fang Lan said, holding up the white porcelain teapot, poured himself a small cup of tea, and then also to Wang Jiaohua poured a cup.

She didn't seem to want to give Wang Jiaohua a chance to speak. She picked up the tea and sipped it gently, with a concentrated expression.

Wang Jiaohua looks ugly. She looks down at the teacup in front of her.

It is a very beautiful white porcelain teacup, the bottom pattern is a big red flower in full bloom, looks very bright.

In the light green tea, floating a few pieces of tea tender teeth, floating on the big red flower, green leaves and red flowers, it seems so dazzling.

Seeing that she didn't drink, Fang LAN despised her.

"Why, are you afraid I'll prescribe medicine? What you have in your stomach is the flesh and blood of our Fang family. Although I don't agree with you to enter the door, the child still wants it. "

Tiger poison does not eat children, she is not enough to kill her grandson.

She said that if she didn't drink, it would seem that she was too defensive. So Wang Jiaohua took up her tea and drank it.

Although Fang LAN doesn't want to see her, the other party knows that this son is very fond of, so don't worry about her idea of hitting the child.

In a bad mood, Wang Jiaohua picked up the white porcelain teapot and poured tea for herself, drinking one cup at a time.

It seems that we should treat tea as wine to relieve boredom.

Fang LAN frowned, "drink tea to the right amount, especially if you are still pregnant."

Wang Jiaohua put down her tea cup, took a deep breath, suppressed her instinctive fear of LAN and looked her eyes in the face.

Although she was afraid of Fang LAN, she didn't want to shrink back.

"Auntie, maybe you don't think I deserve to be a senior, but Ah

Just after the words were spoken, she frowned fiercely, and a piercing pain came from her lower abdomen, which made her face pale instantly.

Big drops of sweat dripping down, breathing is also rapid.

She screamed and suddenly curled up and fell to the ground.


Fang Lan was shocked and her face changed suddenly!

She quickly got up and went around the tea table to Wang Jiaohua. "What's the matter with you?"

"Ah It hurts, my stomach hurts Children My child Ah... "

A scream of pain spilled from her bloodless lips, as well as blood from her lower body.

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