It has been ten days since Wang Jiaohua left.

No news came back, until the eleventh day, she did not call Ling Weifeng.

Tell Ling Weifeng that he has settled down in country H.

Know that Wang Jiaohua has slowly come out of the sadness, Ling Weifeng hanging heart just put down.

After chatting with Wang Jiaohua for nearly half an hour, she reluctantly hung up the phone.

And then continue to look at the document.

When Xi's son Gu walked into the study, he saw that she was working on the documents.

This personality change seems to be a little long, has been more than ten days, is still processing documents.

He had no choice but to walk over, "wife, it's time to have a rest."

Ling Weifeng big hand a wave, "don't bother me."

Don't you see that she is busy? There are so many contracts that I haven't looked at. Where can I have time to rest.

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

Still addicted, right.

He didn't talk to her any more. He picked up people and walked into the room.

"Why, let go!"

Ling Weifeng angrily stares, her temper, seems to be really getting bigger and bigger.

In spite of her struggle, the prince of Xi took her back to bed and reached out to untie her clothes.

Ling Weifeng was extremely angry, "let go, let go, xihuangzi Gu, what wind do you smoke?"

"Wife, we haven't had a roommate for more than a month. Should you do your wife's duty?"

He's almost out of his internal injury this time.

It's a miracle that he can endure so long!

"I I'm not feeling well

"Not feeling well. Go to the hospital."

Every day he said he was uncomfortable and refused to go to the hospital, but his temper was getting worse and worse.


"If not, give it to me." He then hugged her forcefully and pressed her head to kiss her.

However, just kiss her lips, Ling Weifeng on the fierce struggle.

Then cover your mouth and retch.

"Husband, I really feel bad."

Xi Prince Gu stared at her for two seconds, "let's go to the hospital to see if it's OK."

"If you don't want to go, don't push me."

She softened her voice, and he couldn't be strong again.

It seems that concession has become his habit, and he can't get angry with her any more.

At the beginning, it seems that the days of abandoning the door after a disagreement seemed to have been so far away in the last century.

"I'll get you some soup."

During this period, she always said that she was not comfortable. He changed his way to make medicated food for her, but there was no effect at all. On the contrary, her temperament was changeable and her temper became more and more irritable.

She frowned as he brought over a bowl of dark soup and a strong smell.

"Xihuang, what kind of soup is this? It smells bad. "

"Pigeon stewed donkey hide gelatin, you haven't come for a long time during your period. Honey, drink this."

Ling Weifeng some nausea, do not want to drink.

But at the thought that he had spent so much time on stewing from work to now, he forced himself to drink it.

After drinking, I was ready to go to bed, but I couldn't sleep.

She felt a dry heat in her body, which made her want to vent her anger.

I turned over several times, and the more I slept, the more sober I became.

"What's the matter?" Looking at his restless little wife in his arms, he was worried.

"Husband, I feel so bad."

"It's hard."

"I I'm not feeling well in my stomach. I feel a bit sore. "

Xi Prince Gu held up his body and turned on the bedside lamp.

It almost scared him to death!

See Ling Weifeng cover stomach curled up in bed, small face evil white.

What surprised him most was that she had nosebleed!

And it flows a lot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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