"Xu Jie."

In his eyes, the murderous spirit flashed by, very good!

Dare to move his woman, good is cruel!!!

Take off the coat, put it on her body, and then shake her shivering with cold, hold her horizontally and walk out.

Just met Wang Jiaohua, who was already out of breath. Ling Weifeng simply said hello to her and was carried away by Gu Leng, the prince of Xi.

In this direction

Ling Weifeng instant alarm, "you want to take me where."

"School clinic."

"I'm not going."

"You hurt your foot."

Ling Weifeng body a stiff, "just a small injury, go back to their own medicine on the line."

"No way."

Xi Prince Gu didn't give her any chance at all. He carried her to the infirmary. Ling Weifeng is anxious, struggling to jump down.

"You let me go."

"Don't move!" Gu, the son of the emperor of Xi, had a heavy face.

"I'm not going!" She struggled to jump to the ground, and a sharp pain came from her feet. The whole person was unstable and fell down directly.

Then he got up and limped back, looking at his eyes, all alert.

Xi's Prince Gu Quan clenched her more tightly. He strode forward to hold her horizontally and walk back.

Ling Weifeng relaxed, secretly looked up, saw his chin stretched into a stiff arc, she dare not speak.

All the way back to the apartment, xihuangzi Gu carried her upstairs and put her on the sofa. Without saying a word, he turned to the study to get the medicine box.

"Are you angry?"

Watching him put the medicine box on the tea table, calm face looking for medicine, Ling Weifeng shrunk his neck and asked carefully.

"No How dare he be angry with her? Every time he is angry with her, she will have an accident.

Ling Weifeng skimmed his lips, a little aggrieved, "clearly there is."

Xi Prince Gu looked up at her, sighed slightly, reached out to touch her head, "really not."

"You're not happy."

"Well." He took out a bottle of tumbler, unscrewed it, pulled her foot over and put it on his lap. "I'm angry with myself. I shouldn't leave the door at noon."

Ling Weifeng more aggrieved, "you roar me, has more than once."

He suddenly put his hand on the back of her head, and before she could react, he pulled her head over and gently dropped a kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry, it won't be any more."

"Hum." Ling Wei Feng Ao Jiao, do not rely on not scratch, "you said last time will not, no longer believe you."

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

Little bastard, you are not always heartless, let me worry about gain and loss, make me angry.

He did not speak, but pulled up her pants, just in the toilet light a little faint, not very clear to see, now a look, pupil severely shrink.

The surrounding air, like ice, was frightfully cold.

He was staring at him with this kind of cannibalism eyes, Ling Weifeng a little unnaturally want to smoke feet.

Her feet and men's feet are not the same, long and straight, very white, no hair, a look is a girl's feet, in case of being seen what is not good.

"Don't move." Xi Prince Gu pressed her feet and carefully painted the wine. He put his hand on it and began to rub it vigorously. "It may hurt a little. Bear with it."

Ling Weifeng bit his lips and said nothing, but his face sank a little.

She suddenly realized a problem. When she first came back, the emperor Xi ridiculed her for looking like a girl every day. But recently, when they were so close, and she had so many abnormal things, he stopped talking about them.

The heart cluttered, the eyes of the survey fell on him, the whole heart was shaking, he should not have found anything.

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