Her fall scared everyone in the ward.

With such a large range, the oxygen mask fell off, and the wound was torn again, and the tear was very serious. The pain made Mrs. Bu's face white and her forehead exuded a thin layer of sweat.

Fortunately, the doctor hasn't left yet.

Bu Liancheng rushed back to the hospital bed, the doctor immediately stop bleeding.

However, the laceration of the wound is too serious and it needs to be operated again.

Doctor life to prepare for surgery, bu Zhiyao fell on the hospital bed, holding Mrs. Bu's hand, crying bitterly.

"How are you, mom? Don't worry. I'll be fine. With my father there, the woman doesn't dare to beat me

Mrs. Bu opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything. It really hurt.

Her eyes, from the beginning to the end of love.

Tears in the eyes, as if there are thousands of words, but can not tell.

Bu Zhiyao grabs her hand. "Mom, don't you want to see the murderer who killed you? I'll drive her away now!"

"Don't you hear my mother's meaning? If you don't leave, you will be willing to kill my mother!"

Bu Zhiyao said maliciously.

Seeing that Tang Fengyang is protecting her belongings, she is crazy with jealousy!

The position of the president's wife is hers. Why should a servant rob her!

However, she did not have the courage.

This bitch is so terrible!

Love looks cold, turn around and go.

Seeing that she was going to go, Mrs. Bu was more excited. Even if she was close to fainting, she was struggling to get up.

If Bu Liancheng sees here, if he doesn't find any problems, he doesn't deserve to be the vice president.

He frowned. Although he didn't understand why Mrs. Bu reacted in this way, he understood what she meant and didn't want the bodyguard to go.

"Wait a minute." Bu Liancheng said, "Miss Zhong, could you please stay first? My wife seems to have something to say to you

The loving face looks at Mrs. Bu without any expression. The eager eyes, with attachment and begging, have no reason to be soft, nod.

She is not sure about Mrs. Bu's condition, and will wait until the operation is finished.

The only one who is unwilling is bu Zhiyao!

She gritted her teeth with hate, but she couldn't attack.

After all, in Bu Liancheng's eyes, she is a good girl with self-cultivation.

So I can only bear it.

During the operation, the corridor is very quiet. I like not to talk. I sit quietly all the time.

Tang Fengyang sat by her side, and occasionally said two words to her to relieve her mood.

Although she showed nothing, he knew that she was worried and guilty.

Bu Liancheng is sitting on the opposite side, her eyes have been falling on love.

With exploration and reflection.

He was thinking about the reaction of his wife.

Just now it was Bu Zhiyao who wanted to fall in love, but love didn't mean to fight back. Why would Mrs. Bu say not to hit her daughter.

And when she said this, she was clearly in love.

How could this happen.

His heart trembled inexplicably when he thought of the first time he saw the feeling of love, which was as intimate as flesh and blood.

Some can't believe to look at love, is it

When he saw love for the first time, he was shocked, but he thought it was because of the similarity between love and bu Zhiya that he had that kind of intimacy.

At that time, I didn't think much about it. Now it seems that

Bu Liancheng stares at love tightly, and then denies the idea in the heart, impossible!

This is ridiculous!

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