"The jade pendant is mine. My father gave it to me! Birthmarks are born. It's her Bu Zhiyao is a little crazy, pointing to love with one hand, "she pretended to be me. She deliberately made a false birthmark and pretended to be me."

Tang Fengyang's face was colder, "it was made with potion."

Bu Zhiyao was a little flustered. Her spirit was not normal. Now she is crazy.

She shook her head. "No! My birthmark is born, it's her! Is she deliberately made a false birthmark, want to rob my identity is not!

I know, it's you. Tang Fengyang must be you. You want to marry her, but her identity is not on the stage. So you want her to take my place, don't you? "

"Shut up!"

Tang Fengyang did not speak, bu Liancheng stopped loudly, slandering the president of a country, this is a big crime!

Bu Zhiyao knelt directly at the foot of Bulian city. "Dad, Dad, you believe me. The jade pendant is in my hand. If I'm not your daughter, how can I have a jade pendant?"

Bu Liancheng has some headaches. He doesn't dare to say it.

"Do a paternity test." This is the most direct and effective method.

As soon as I heard about the paternity test, bu Zhiyao was flustered.

She fell to the ground, her eyes were a little lost, "no, Dad, you don't believe me, you should do paternity test with me for the sake of two outsiders. I'm your own daughter. How can you treat me like this?"

"Yao Yao, since you are my own, you are not afraid of anything. The paternity test is also for you. No one will question your identity in the future."

Bu Zhiyao was desperate.

It's over. It's all over.

Once the paternity test was done, she had nothing.

At this time, Tang Er rushed to see the moment of Tang Fengyang, almost kneeling.

"Sir, please give me another chance. I have a wife who has a terminal illness. If I die in country y, how can this family live?"

Tang Fengyang "..."

People, "..."

Tang Er, you seem to be an orphan, aren't you married?

Special where come from, have old below have little, how come of incurable disease wife!

Tang Fengyang did not care about him, reaching out, "take it."

Tang Er reluctantly handed over the appraisal results, and hastened back, "Sir, think twice."

Now, in front of Mrs. Bu, it is public that vice president Bu has an illegitimate daughter, which will cause a family revolution!

What's more, it seems that Mrs. Bu's situation is not very good. What should I do in case she is so excited that she will be short of an iron ally.

You can't go astray for the sake of beauty.

The president, who understood Tang er's face, was very ugly. "You're going to Y City for me tonight."

"Sir, this is the result of the appraisal report. Please have a look at it."

Tang Er handed over the document very quickly, asking the president to take it lightly.

Then another kind of melancholy eyes, to love, beauty disaster.

Demons and concubines bring disaster to the country!

Tang Fengyang took over, and then handed it to bu Liancheng, "I'm sorry, without your consent, I made a paternity test report without your permission."

Trembling, my eyes shrank.

At first, he took out the open identification results. When he saw the results, his pupils almost contracted into a vertical line.

Love It's really His daughter.

He put this report aside, and then shivered to open another one that had not been opened. When he saw the result, he couldn't help but cry.

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