That dead child, now is a thorn between her and her son and daughter-in-law!

Because she couldn't prove that she didn't get the child, and the real killer couldn't be found.

Wang Siming is now pregnant again, but he refused to see her for fear that she would hurt the unborn child again.

Fang neither let her see, and protected Wang Siming.

The cautious attitude of the son and daughter-in-law should not be ignored.

But she also understood that once bitten by a snake and afraid of straw rope for ten years, she just hated the backstage man.

But I don't want to. It's Bu Zhiyao!

It's not enough to harm the Fang family once, and it's not enough to stir up the feelings between mother and daughter once, but to come again!

Fang Lan's eyes burst out with endless hatred, bitch!

She must give in, Yao is better than dead!

Compared with Fang Lan's hatred, bu Liancheng is afraid. He is afraid to hear some unbearable truth.

He has nothing to help with the investigation except

Don't be what he thought. If he hurt his eldest daughter because he didn't know people clearly and raised a white eyed wolf, he couldn't forgive himself.

"Chief, you asked me to help investigate what." Bu Liancheng some difficult to ask the words, the voice has some vicissitudes.

"yes, the suspect admitted that Yao Yao had paid a high price and asked them to help him to kill him. However, the hospital was guarded by the army, so he failed.

Since you are the father of the victim and the suspect, please come with us to find out the situation. "

Bu Liancheng stepped back two steps and nearly fell down.

Or Tang Fengyang helped him to stabilize.

Straight back, suddenly curved.

What kind of monster does he have.

Yaya is her sister. In order to buy her a favorite skirt, she can spend a month's pocket money. How can she do it!

"You, you, you..."

Bu Liancheng points to bu Zhiyao with trembling fingers. She is too angry to say a word.

A burst of colic came from the chest. Bu Liancheng's face changed and wrinkled in pain.

Tang Fengyang was shocked, "step, vice president, calm down and sit down first."

This is my future father-in-law. I can't do anything.

Love cold face some cracks, she some worried about the situation of Bu Liancheng.

Although I don't have any feelings yet, it's her father anyway.

However, she can not take into account both sides, Mrs. Bu's side of the situation, no better than Bu Liancheng.

Even worse, people are quick to faint, the wound is transmitted to the pain.

Their daughter who is pained by heart is not a human being!

Is the Bu family not good enough for her? In order to atone for her, the whole family even kneel down to the fangs and ask for their forgiveness. But in the end, what kind of monster did they raise.

It's made of human flesh. She has no heart. How can she hurt her sister like this!

Bu Liancheng finally got over her strength. She went to bu Zhiyao and pointed to her with trembling fingers, "you, you You, is it you who pushed Ya Ya down the stairs? She has become an animal. Do you still want to harm her? Is your conscience eaten by dogs!

Why do you want to hurt her like this, why? "

Bu Zhiyao seemed to be frightened and kept shrinking into the corner. Her eyes were flustered and her mouth was flowing. She looked crazy.

I'm not conscious. I'm afraid.

"Because of the name, she wants to marry me for ya ya." Tang Fengyang was gloomy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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