Ma Xiaoyue is a bit at a loss, it seems that she does not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Ling Weifeng was embarrassed with a face What is like? "

This words a, her face rose red, Ma Xiaoyue is direct silly eye.

Oh, I'll go. There's someone more stupid than her in the world. At least she knows what love is.

Then he shook his head abruptly. It was wrong. Master Ling was her God. How could she call her God stupid.

It must be master Ling who wants to test her IQ. Yes, it must be.

Since young master Ling wants to test me, I must give a good answer and strive for impression score.

After several circles in his mind, Ma Xiaoyue nodded sincerely, "like is..."

Words to the mouth, but she stuck, like this kind of thing, can only mean can't be expressed, how can she explain it.

"It is A feeling. "

"What does it feel like."

"The feeling of liking."

Ling Weifeng

Well, she shouldn't have hoped for this cute girl.

Seeing the disappointment on her face, Ma Xiaoyue was also a little anxious, "Oh, it's really hard to say. Anyway, I want to see each other all the time. No matter how bad the mood is, as long as the other party is around, they will feel very happy. As long as they separate, they will miss and miss each other very much."

"They are very happy when they are together. If there is a conflict, they will be very sad, just like the heart is suddenly hollowed out. It's very hard to be sour and astringent."

"I hope you are the only one in each other's eyes, and only treat you well. When you see each other and others together, you will be jealous."

"Emotional ups and downs are very big, worry about gains and losses, their own happiness and sadness are almost related to each other, just like It's like riding a roller coaster. "

"When we are with each other, we often have a rapid heartbeat, we will be very shy, and sometimes we even suspect that we have heart disease."

Ma Xiaoyue said a lot, all of his feelings are said, I hope she can understand.

Ling Weifeng was stunned and murmured to himself, "I suspect I got Heart disease? "

"Mm-hmm." Ma Xiaoyue nodded desperately. "Anyway, I want to be with each other very much. I want to be together every day. Even if I don't do anything, I just watch quietly and I feel very happy."

See Ling Weifeng lenglengleng no reaction, Ma Xiaoyue continued, "I just said these, if there are two or three points, it is almost like."

Ling Weifeng raised his head, some at a loss, "two or three Just like it

Ma Xiaoyue's head was like a chicken pecking rice, "Mm-hmm."

Ling Weifeng's eyes are a little free, and her heart is suddenly seized by others. If All of them.

The soul seemed to be taken away. She walked on the school road in a trance, replaying Ma Xiaoyue's words in her ears.

The scenes of getting along with Xi's Prince Gu also came to mind one by one.

She was happy with him.

Every time he teased her, she would feel very shy and blush.

Every weekend holiday, although she doesn't say it, she will be very happy to see Gu, the son of Xi, come to see her, because She missed him.

Every time he left the door, her heart seemed to be emptied in general, the whole person was very lost.

Every time she saw him and Zhou Meige together, she would feel inexplicably miserable. Originally, it was called jealousy.

And last time, not only did she suspect she had a heart attack, she even went to see a doctor.

Since cohabiting with him for a period of time, her joys and sorrows seem to have something to do with him.

Ling Weifeng breathes a little bit fast, in the heart suddenly very flustered, she is very hesitant.

It turns out that she I like him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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