"Xi Prince Gu you are upset. That's it. Bye."

Ling Weifeng said, quickly hung up the phone, and directly shut down.

Xi Prince Gu Mei's eyes were cold and heavy. The busy tone on the phone made his heart more and more prosperous.

Call again. It's turned off.

His face was covered with black air.

He threw away his cell phone, went to the bar, took out a bottle of tequila, and poured it into his stomach like boiling water.

Eyes inadvertently touched the funny pig head on the wrist, laughing very silly, just like her.

Stupid, kind of cute. He likes it.

I don't know why I like it, but she has to.

Looking up and looking around the huge apartment, it's really cool.

He used to live alone and didn't feel anything. Now he is used to her existence. Without her, he suddenly feels countless loneliness, which almost drowns him.

After drinking a lot of wine, his face was crimson and his eyes were moist, with a bit of drunkenness.

Hand touched the pig's head, drunk hazy eyes suddenly become firm.

He didn't want to wait any longer. He had to let her know what he meant. Otherwise, with her Yulin head, it was estimated that he would not know how to enlighten him in the age of the monkey.

No matter what her reaction was, he would not let go.

No matter what difficulties she has, he can help her out.

If she doesn't want to say it, it doesn't matter. He can wait.

He can wait as long as she gives a deadline.

Because, she's worth it.

As for whether she will refuse, this question is not in his consideration. She is his fiancee, the woman he loves, and is destined to be his wife in this life!

After making up his mind, the whole person relaxed a lot. He went back to the room and took his mobile phone.

Dial it again, or turn it off.

Thin lips pursed into a straight line and sent a message in the past.

"Tomorrow noon, I have a word to talk to you."

Shut down, sleep.

Hotel, Ling Weifeng curled up in a group, tossing and turning, how can not sleep.

Several pillows were stuffed in the quilt.

One on the head, one under the waist, one between the legs, two in the hands and one on the stomach.

Staring at the ceiling, listless.

"Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

"Why can't I sleep? Why can't I sleep?" She slapped the soft white pillow in her arms and scolded angrily.

"Damn Xi Prince Gu, why do you run into my head? My brother has insomnia."

"All blame you, all blame you, all blame you, let me hold you to sleep, now I am used to how to do."

"You're not here..." I feel so cold.

She has been used to his temperature, now he is not here, she sleeps alone, sobbing.

Ling Weifeng half of the body lying on the bed, head down to the bed, looking down at the ceiling.

The indoor temperature has been adjusted to 27 degrees, she is almost hot into a roast pig, but why still feel cold, cold to sleep.

I don't know whether it's cold in the body or cold in the heart.

"Empty, lonely and cold..."

She sighed and sighed, and suddenly sat up straight.

Her eyes are dim. I heard that standing on her head with blood flowing back to her head makes me unable to think. I don't know if it's true. She wants to try.

So he got up and took a direct somersault. His feet leaned against the wall, his hands supported the bed, and the whole person stood on his head.

Why is he still in his mind

Feet down, cross legged sitting on the bed, the whole person such as frost hit eggplant, wilting.

Long broken hair fell to his face, like the decadent vampire in the cartoon, it was impossible to love.

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