Han lingcai has just pressed 110, but he hasn't pulled it out yet. Ling Yiyong's mobile phone rings at this time.

All eyes fell on him in unison.

Looking at the strange number jumping on the mobile phone, it is the same as the number of the MMS just now. Ling Yiyong's face is as deep as water. He connects the phone, but before he makes a sound, there comes a familiar male voice.

"Hello, Mr. Ling."

Ling Yiyong's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Lin Zehai!"

"Ha ha, Mr. Ling has a good memory. Is the photo I just sent satisfied with?"

He opened the hands-free, Han Ling heard here, if the whole person was struck by lightning, it was Lin Zehai, how could it be him.

Xia Chunlin's face changed. He looked at Han Ling and almost cut her to pieces. It seemed that she had made all the incidents, just like she had kidnapped the two sons of Ling family.

Master Ling's face is also very bad, looking at Han Ling's eyes almost spurt fire!

My family's misfortune, my family's misfortune!!!

How can you marry such a woman!

"What do you want?"

"Ha ha, general manager Ling, I'm not very good-natured, and I don't like to deal with the police. If you let me know that you call the police, don't blame me for my ruthlessness!"

As soon as this was said, Han Ling immediately deleted the number and did not dare to call the police again.

When Ling Yiyong saw her action, he said in a deep voice, "we didn't call the police."

"There's no best, or I can't guarantee whether you can live to see the sun tomorrow."

Hearing this, Han Ling finally couldn't help but rush to the past, grabbing Ling Yiyong's hand to her mouth, "Zehai, don't hurt Xiao Feng, please don't hurt Xiao Feng, please..."

As she said this, she was in tears.

There was a silence on the phone.

In such a big villa, there is only Han Ling's suppressed cry. Don't hurt my son, don't

Ling Yiyong was in great pain. He put his arm around her and continued to negotiate on the phone. "Lin Zehai, you have worked in Ling for so many years. I think I treat you well. Why do you want to do this?"

"Treat me well?" There came a sarcastic laugh over there. "I'm going to get to this point. I'm forced by your baby son!"

"What do you mean?"

"Ha ha, what do you mean..."

"What do you want?" Lin Zehai said that before finishing, Xia Chunlin rushed up and spoke bitterly to the phone.

"What do I want? Prepare 100 million dollars, I will call you again in an hour, remember, don't call the police, I can do anything now! Du Du Du... "

After the phone call was cut off, Xia Chunlin quickly grabbed Ling Yiyong's hand and said, "prepare money quickly, give him money, or he will kill Xiaojiang."

One hundred million dollars is not a small amount. Ling Yiyong immediately called the company's finance department and began to use the company's working capital.

Ling Laozi sat aside, angrily pointing to Han Ling, "widowed star, widowed star!"

Xia Chunlin was also full of accusations, "elder sister, what am I sorry about you? Why do you want to treat our mother and son like this? If you want Ling family property, just say it directly. We won't argue with you. Xiaojiang is innocent."

Han Ling only felt ironic. Why did everyone blame her for this? Did she instruct Lin Zehai to do so? Did she let others tie her son.

Her son also had an accident, she was also a victim, why no one pitied her.

Is it because she brought linzehai to the company, so all this is her fault.

Ling Yiyong came back after the phone call. Hearing these accusations, his bad face became more serious. "What do you accuse ah Ling for? It's not her."

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