His face was cold and orderly, though worried.

The Xihuang family took both black and white together. At this time, the use of the power of the underworld was undoubtedly the fastest.

After ordering the local snake in Beijing to send someone to look for it, he ordered people to send the computer over again.

Ling Yiyong listened to his arrangement while driving. The more he listened, the more satisfied he was. He was worthy of being the heir of the royal family of Xi. Even he was ashamed of his courage and means.

He even had a premonition that if he waited for the emperor Gu to take power, he would bring the Xi royal family to a peak!

Suddenly, he remembered the engagement of Wu Long between Gu and Ling Weifeng. Ling Yiyong glanced at Gu, who was pounding the computer.

In the heart slightly sighs, if so outstanding has the courage person is he Ling family's son-in-law, that should be good.

Unfortunately, no if, Xiao Feng is a boy, and Meng Xi's reputation is ruined. The Ling family is afraid that they can get such a son-in-law without this blessing.

Just then, Lin Zehai's phone call came in again, and Ling Yiyong was about to answer.

Xi Prince Gu raised his hand to stop it. He took a data line and connected Ling Yiyong's mobile phone with his computer.

"Uncle, delay as long as possible. I'll fix his position."

Press the "answer" button.

"Where are you?" Lin Zehai's voice came from the phone.

"Wait a minute. I'll see where I see it." Ling Yiyong said and stopped for a long time, then began to report the position, "Lin Zehai, you have changed several places, what do you want?"

"Do what I tell you. Don't talk nonsense."

"How is my son now?"

"Young master is very good." As for the other son, he can't guarantee it.

"I want to talk to Xiao Feng, otherwise how can I know if what you said is true..."

Holding her hands tightly in front of her chest, Han Ling looks at Ling Yiyong nervously, and then looks at Gu, the prince of Xi.

The face of Xi Prince Gu was cold and heavy. His ten fingers were beating on the keyboard like flying. He could hardly see his fingers clearly. He could only see the dazzling shadow, like a six finger harp devil!

The code on the screen constantly jumps, reflecting on his face, sometimes bright and dark, serious and vivid.

Soon, soon can trace to the specific location, his forehead, even anxious sweat.

"Send the ransom to the West Bridge, now."

Lin Zehai snapped and was about to hang up.

Ling Yiyong saw that Xi Prince Gu had been traced to the last moment, but he was also very anxious. If he hung up now, all his previous efforts would be wasted!

"Wait a minute." He busy mouth to stop, "Lin Zehai, I Ling family treat you not thin, why do you want to do this."

"Ha ha." There was a mocking laugh on the phone, "Ling Yiyong, in vain, you are so wise that you can't even see the people around you."

Lin Zehai finished and hung up the phone mercilessly.

At the same time, Xi's Prince Gu knocked the last button, "the Dragon King Temple in three districts of barren mountain is effective!"

He said with a snap shut the computer, "stop

Squeak -

Ling Yiyong made a sharp noise when the high-quality tires rubbed against the ground.

Xi Prince Gu said coldly, "I'll open it!"

Lin Zehai brought his little maple to such a desolate place. Now it's winter. It's so cold at night and the temperature in the mountains is low. How much does she suffer.

At the thought that Ling Weifeng might be suffering from the cold, xihuangzi Gu wanted to kill people!

Xi Huangzi Gu's speed was not comparable to Ling Yiyong. He stepped down and the accelerator went straight to the end. On the road at night, the car almost flew up.

On the road, a dust left behind!

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