Wang Jiaohua did not understand what was going on, and saw a long white hand reaching her, with her thick black glasses in her hand.

Wang Jiaohua was stunned. That was the hand she had seen, the best to see.

The fingers are long, thin and white as if transparent.

She suddenly thought of a word, ice for skin jade for bone.

Ling Weifeng helped Wang Jiaohua put on her glasses and then helped her up.

Wang Jiaohua looked at the lens in a daze, the lens had white fog, hazy, not very clear, but it was because of this hazy feeling, she felt that the person standing in front of her at this time, just like God.

She thought that she would never forget that, in her most troubled time, a person, like God, came to her and offered her a helping hand.

Lingweifeng's mouth is hanging a playful smile, her face, it seems that there will never be such a smile, elegant, unrestrained.

Xu yue'er has just taken up the arrogance, and smiled at her sweetness, clever and sensible.

"Young master Ling, you are back."

Lingweifeng mouth corner of the play more strong, "Yo, how lively ah, what is this."

Xu yue'er went to her side with money, said Jiao Didi, "young master Ling, it is like this. The headteacher just looked for me and wanted to transfer me to wangjiaohua's position."

"Oh? Where is that little flower sitting? "

Xiaohua three words, she cried very gently, listen to everyone shake, Wang Jiaohua suddenly raised her head, to the eyes of the bully micro Feng flirting, face red, busy down.

Xu Yue son is a little uncomfortable in her heart, but I think about it. Wang Jiaohua, the first ugly woman in the class, has a low identity and can't enter the eyes of young master Ling, so she is relieved.

So the smile was sweeter and pointed to the lower right corner of the classroom, where there was a broken table and a rotten chair.

All the items of Xihuang aristocracy college are the most perfect, and there is no broken table or chair. It is obviously intentionally broken.

The classroom of the college is very spacious. There is a large space behind each classroom for students to do some entertainment. Now, there is a table and a chair in the corner, which is lonely.

It can be seen that these people want to isolate wangjiaohua and embarrass her.

Ling Weifeng just looked at it with the fun, and didn't talk.

The bell rang on time. The teacher in charge of class came in with a stack of textbooks, and walked in proudly. He saw several people at the last table of the classroom, and his face was slightly heavy.

But as soon as he saw Ling Weifeng standing there, he showed a big smile.

"Young master Ling, this is..."

Xu yue'er is afraid of the class teacher saying what to reveal, and he said, "teacher, did you not let me move to wangjiaohua's seat when you are finished class. She won't move it, so we are still discussing this matter."

The head teacher was a little confused. Xu yue'er quickly gave him a look, and the head teacher understood it all at once.

He is a personal elite, naturally know what attitude to treat who should be, so he reached for the help of the rimmed glasses, and looked at Wang Jiaohua with a serious face. "Classmate Wang, how have you not moved yet?"

"I......" Wang Jiaohua wanted to say something, but eventually, she closed her mouth. "Yes, I will move it right away."

Heart sour, she knew, the head teacher did not say to Xu Yue son move, must be Xu Yue son and Ling Weifeng to the same table, so deliberately.

She thought that, as long as she was dragged to class, the class teacher came, she would preside over justice for her. Unfortunately, she forgot that this is a society that is in a hot and steady way. How could the head teacher offend the Xu group for her poor girl. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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