Xi Prince Gu only felt a slight electric current passing through his lips, which was so fast that it seemed to be just an illusion.

Ling Weifeng has already propped up his upper body, and is sitting on the waist of Xi Prince Gu.

She covered her lips and the corners of her mouth hurt.

He reached out and touched it. It was a little bloodstained, and it was really broken.

Xi's Prince Gu stood on his elbows, half raised his body and looked at her in silence.

Ling Weifeng hate to stare at him one eye, a punch hit his hard chest, "all blame you."

Turn to murmur in a low voice, "also don't know to break a face, this young master's good skin bag."

She was busy reaching for her mobile phone, trying to see if the injury was serious, but found that the phone was not in her pocket.

This just remembered, just her cell phone was in her hand, I don't know where to fall.

So he reached out his hand to the back and found the mobile phone of Xi Huangzi Gu in his pocket.

Just reach out and touch.

Just touch a few times did not touch the entrance, Ling Weifeng some impatient, increased the range.

Xi's Prince Gu's eyes sank, and his larynx rolled up and down for a moment. He quickly grasped her confused hand and did not dare to let her touch it again.

It's going to be a big deal!

"Get it up for me first." Xi Prince Gu said, his body was a little tight, and his face was not very natural.

She did not know, two people's present posture, how ambiguous.

Ling Weifeng did not find that she knelt on the ground, propped up his body, and then sat down heavily with revenge, a buttock on his stomach.

Hum, let you bully me.

Xi's Prince Gu just indulged in laughing and indulged her in making trouble.

The apartment will be cleaned every day, the floor is very clean, Ling Weifeng sits directly on the floor.

Xihuangzi Gu gave her the mobile phone. She took a picture of the screen. The corner of her mouth was broken and shed some blood.

I'll go. She's a good leather bag, broken! Phase! Yes!!!

Ling Weifeng looks at Xi Prince Gu with a sad look. He blames you and you.

Xi Prince Gu saw her wound and felt the wind disordered.

Hurt too much Ambiguous.

I don't know. I thought she was bitten by someone she was kissing.

And Ling Weifeng is nothing to notice in general, just distressed his appearance, so handsome a face, actually made a cut, too unforgivable.

She jumped up angrily and trampled on the stomach of Xi Prince Gu, "let you bully me, let you bully me, hum!"

Then he picked up the bear and walked to the room.

When Xi Prince Gu came in, he didn't see her in the room. The bathroom door was closed, and there was a patter of water.

Turning around, she saw that the door of the cupboard was open, and she seemed to have forgotten to close it.

You can see at a glance the huge wall closet, divided into two areas, he is on the left, she is on the right.

Although they are all men's wear, the style is not the same. He prefers rigorous style, but she likes non mainstream style.

He never thought that one day a second person would be in charge of his closet. What he thought was that the other was a man.

He went over and closed the closet, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the white suitcase at the bottom.

Frowning slightly, how did the suitcase go into the closet.

He pulled out the white suitcase and weighed it. It was quite heavy.

He tried to open it, but found that it was fingerprint unlocking, which could not be opened at all.

Xi Huangzi Gu "..."

It's just a gift box. It's so mysterious.

Just want to put it back, heard the bathroom came to the door, followed by Ling Weifeng nervous voice, "what are you doing."

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