Ling Weifeng struggled desperately, and his hands kept beating on the shoulder of Xi Prince Gu.

"Xi Well Let go of Well... "

His body was so hot that it seemed to melt her.

This feeling, as if to draw her close to the endless abyss, boundless fear.

Yes, fear, her only feeling at the moment, was fear.

At one time, some soul shaking pictures flashed in front of her eyes, which made her body and mind as if she had been stifled by a fierce ghost, and it seemed that her breathing was difficult.

She is very repellent, so with aggressive touch, this is the shadow she is most reluctant to face.

Ling Weifeng struggled desperately, hitting the water, splashing water, all poured on them, but how could not extinguish the burning desire.

Xi Prince Gu passed through her armpit with one hand and fixed her in his arms to stop her resistance.

Green onion body, but also with some young girl's astringency, he is enough to grasp, a little bit of force, white skin, left a little pinch mark.


Never been touched by the soft, suddenly force, Ling Weifeng pain to take a breath, tears are overflowing.

They are still in the water now, their body, hair, face is full of water, so it is not clear whether her face is sea water or tears.

However, Gu, the prince of Xi, did not notice her abnormality, and still held on tightly.

This is his girl, the one he wants to spend his whole life with.

It's his, her people, her body, her heart.

I want her. I want her very much.

I want it from the moment I know I like her.

She was too young to bear it all the time, but now she appears in front of him like a jade, and he can't help it.

Jade like body, snow white without a trace of defects, like a piece of ancient jade, without any carving, delicate, white.

At this time, Gu, the son of Xi, all his senses were burned down, but he was kissing instinctively.


Ling Weifeng struggled desperately, trim the nails, leaving scratches on his body, but the man was not feeling like, still caught her kissing crazily.

His body is getting hotter and hotter.

It's like a volcano with innumerable heat, about to explode!

"Xi Emperor Xi Well... "

Ling Weifeng struggled, Xi Prince Gu slightly let go of her lips.

"Xiao Feng, I want you."

"Give it to me, maple. Give it to me." His voice, with extreme depression, makes Ling Weifeng afraid of chaos.


"I'll take care of it."

Don't want to hear the rejection, block her lips again.

Sealed with a kiss!

"You are mine."

She is his, here is his, here is his, and here, here, are all his.

Ling Weifeng's eyes are full of fear, such as to see what the most terrible things.

The images in my mind are like a fleeting glance, and the memories that I least want to remember are all emerging in this familiar environment.

So cruelly spread out in front of her, make her face pale, body temperature, is a sharp retreat.

Extreme fear surrounded the whole body, her soul in the shudder, can no longer bear this terrible phagocytosis, Ling Weifeng suddenly struggling.

There was a scream of panic, with a tremor in the voice.

"No, Xihuang does not." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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