But later, Fang Jiming and Ling Weifeng both spoke out. Whoever dares to embarrass Wang Jiaohua again is to fight against them, so Wang Jiaohua's confession gradually subsided.

Being able to get the two school grass maintenance at the same time makes the jealousy psychology of those fleas seriously unbalanced. Therefore, if you seize such a good opportunity, how can you be a wet dog.

So someone came out to play.

At the beginning, Ling Weifeng got the first grade result in both single subject and total score in the simulated monthly test. Even when Wang Jiaohua was the first in the score list, she could not be the first in every subject.

Ling Weifeng's appearance, broke Wang Jiaohua's record, so a gambling game, in such a boiling atmosphere, opened the curtain!

Ling Weifeng vs Wang Jiaohua, which is better or worse.

Have manpower to stand Ling Weifeng, small school grass adult must win!

However, some people think that Wang Jiaohua can be described as a battle against the back this time, and will definitely try her best to die!

So there is still a chance of success.

For a while, the gamblers of both sides were in a standoff, and opened various analyses. At the same time, the latest review state of the two people was pulled out for analysis.

Some people think that Ling Weifeng is not engaged in business, and he has not read any books at all. He is too coquettish and may lose.

Some people think that this is a well-established performance, can easily test out good results without review, and is sure to win.

Some people think that Wang Jiaohua is very diligent recently. She has put all her energy into her review. She is well prepared and has a good chance of winning.

Some people think that she is in the face of a fat man, the heart is not the bottom will try to gnaw books, will lose no doubt.

A variety of Posts emerge in endlessly, various, the forum is almost every moment in the refresh, see people dazzled.

Of course, there are also those people's jealousy. Wang Jiaohua, a special student, can get the favor of Ling Weifeng. It is said that the two are still in love with each other. I don't know how many young girls are jealous.

Many people hope that this gambling event will push the two people to the top of the storm, which will lead to the estrangement between them. Then they will fight against each other, and finally become enemies. They will not contact each other when they are old and dead.

Less than a day later, almost half of the students in Xihuang aristocratic college made a bet, and the bet was very large.

They are all rich men, and the least bad is money.

Some even hit a million, bet Ling Weifeng win!

For this kind of public gambling, the school is simply the first two big.

It is said that the headmaster saw that the incident was so serious that he almost fainted in the office with a headache, but could not stop it.

The enthusiasm of all the students has been ignited, and you are now forced to stop, not to arouse the public anger.

In this in full swing in the open gambling, all students ushered in a gruesome midterm exam.

However, half an hour before the exam, there was another shocking news, which quickly dominated the screen and suddenly dominated the forum!

Ling Weifeng, a dandy in senior one, ran to challenge the mid-term exam of senior three!

In a moment, the whole school was in a uproar!!!

God, earth, tell me it's not true.

Dandy school grass is so crazy!

She's just a senior one student. She's actually running to the third grade exam. Should she be so hot!

Moreover, he is envious, envious and hateful. He is handsome, has a good family background and is so smart.

How can there be such a perfect person in this world? He can fight with master Xi!

The most important thing for them to do is to take the test paper!

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