Lingweifeng wilted, with a bitter melon face on top, "I feel stuffy in my heart, I feel that my breath is not smooth."

"Boring?" Xi emperor Gu looked at the air conditioning, thinking, "we go to the balcony to sit for a while."

The wind of the night, slowly blowing, with a cool.

Ling Weifeng carries a cup of strawberry juice, looking at the opposite of Xi Prince Gu elegant wine tasting, the heart is more uncomfortable.

"Is that better?" Asked Gu Jiusheng, the prince of Xi.

Ling Weifeng shook his head. "It's still very difficult."

"Xi Prince Gu frowns," is it sick, whether to go to the hospital to see. "

She continued shaking her head, and she was not very impressed. "Maybe it's just coming back. I'll be a little bit used to it. I'll sit for a while."

Xi emperor Gu is not too relieved, carefully looked at her, see her lip corner wound, still no scab.

Her skin was tender, a small wound, and it was obvious.

He got up, in Ling Weifeng's puzzled eyes, went into the room, and came out again, holding a box of green plaster in his hand.

"What's up." Ling Weifeng saw him pull a cane chair to sit beside her, a little confused.

"You don't feel the corner of your mouth."

Ling Weifeng was ignorant, reached out to touch the corner of his mouth, "Oh, this, no pain."

Just hit when a bit of pain, lips are hit numb, but has passed so long, where will pain.

This small wound, like eating accidentally bite the same, small meaning.

She was so careless that the prince Xi sank his face, grabbed her hand and pulled it down heavily. "Don't move in disorder."

She felt it so much, and split it again, and shed some blood.

Ling Weifeng did not speak, quietly let him help with the medicine.

She was back to the light, and there was a shadow on her face. In order to see the wound, xihuangzi Gu was close.

She could smell him near, her heart beat faster and was a little messy.

She twisted her two white hands together to cover up her panic.

A pair of peach blossom blinked and blinked. She saw the focus of emperor Xi Gu and the pain in his eyes.

Feeling the soft strength of his hand, gently brushing her lips, the mood suddenly got better.

No pain, and a little bit of fun.

The lips also unconsciously bend.

"What to laugh at."

She had only bent her mouth, and was asked by the emperor Xi so, and she showed a big smile.

Emperor Xi Gu is helping her wipe the medicine, she such a tear cherry lip, the medicine on her hand directly applied to her lips.

"Gu, the son of Xi emperor,"... "

Lingweifeng, "..."

The lips are cold and cold, very uncomfortable. She raises her hand directly and wants to rub it with her back.

The prince Gu grabbed her hand and stared at her.

Then gently wipe the ointment off her lips with a finger that is not covered with the ointment.

Her lips are soft, lips are beautiful, beeps, small, pink and tender, and looks like a pink jelly, which makes her feel like a kiss.

Xi emperor Gu throat knot up and down move, panic do not open eyes, "clean."

After finishing, he got up quickly, and was too quick to kick the cane chair to one side.

Ling Weifeng watched him step into the room, frowning slightly, what to do.

Emperor Gu did not come out again. She sat for a while and entered the room, and saw that he had laid down.

She shrugged, climbed up from the other side of the bed, took up the bear and turned off the light and slept.

Also did not know how long, only then came her clear shallow breath sound, originally closed eyes of Xi emperor Gu, suddenly opened his eyes, turned over, and lay face to face with her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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