Concerned Yu looked at a face of black carbon Xi Prince Gu, and then looked at the heartless lingweifeng, how to feel the strange between the two people.

The prince Xi looked at the look, as if he wanted to kill people.

She guessed it was true. Prince Gu really wanted to kill people now.

He wants to strangle Ling Weifeng!

Is there anyone in the world who has no conscience more than she has.

The quarrel last night was so fierce that they are still in the cold war.

She didn't care at all, like a man who was OK.

It's time to eat, sleep, play.

Also in a good mood to transfer flowers.

He was almost spitting blood, but she laughed so indifferent.

Whether it was in her eyes, his mood was not worth mentioning at all.

Whether he is happy or sad, she doesn't matter.

Is it that he dotes on her too much and spoils her lawlessly, so his feelings, in her eyes, even bad cabbage are not as good.

The more he wanted to be, the lower the pressure around him.

The people around me were scared of the atmosphere.

Oeqi had intended to talk to him, but he was frightened by his ferocious expression, and kept hiding.

Everyone knows that the prince Xi is in a bad mood, and everyone knows to avoid the wind at this time.

Only Ling Weifeng did not know.

Even if emperor Xi ignored her, she could play very well.

Self entertainment, as if the sky fell down, also can not affect her.

The emperor Xi raised the root of the blue ribs on his forehead.

He even thought in a dark way whether to go to a woman to date something, and was angry with her.

Let her have a taste, too.

Maybe if she was stimulated, she would be ready.

Thinking like this, Xi Prince Gu turned his head and looked to o'ai Qi.

There is not a ready-made enemy here, he does not believe that Ling Weifeng will not vinegar.

So he said softly, "how's your hand?"

He suddenly spoke, and oeqi was flattered, and the whole man was stunned.

Happiness came so suddenly that she couldn't believe it was true.

He spoke to her on his own initiative, and Prince Xi actually spoke to her.

God, who's coming to tell her, it's true.

He didn't always hate her, no matter how hard she tried to please, he didn't even give her one in the eye.

She was so badly injured that she went to the hospital for examination, and he asked nothing.

Now I care about her injury.

Was it moved by her sincerity.

Has he started to like her?

So, is she having a chance?

Is it possible to get closer to him with another effort?

O'aiqi constantly in the heart of the bubble of happiness, various YY, a variety of days of the little nine.

See her not answer, Xi emperor Gu has no patience.

How is this woman so upset, will not be a day of infatuation will die.

Is it dumb? Does anyone ask you to answer it? Or is she an idiot.

I really want to stop Leo AI Qi, but he will bear the thought that Ling Weifeng doesn't care.

"I asked you what happened to your hands."

Repressing the disgust of the bottom of his heart, Xi emperor Gu again made a sound and asked.

Finally, oeqi came back to God and stuttered and said, "Oh Oh, no It's OK. "

She was so happy that she could not speak.

The first time the male God took the initiative to speak to her, it was so excited.

"Well, be careful, don't touch the wound before healing."

"Oh, OK."

After Xi emperor Gu said, he took back his eyes and picked up a book and pretended to look at it very seriously.

But the corner of the eye can not help but to observe the response of Ling Weifeng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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