"Get up, lazy pig."

"No Ling Weifeng mumbled vaguely, but an idea floated out of his mind. How could mom's voice be so magnetic?

It's so nice to hear that you have mu you. I feel that your ears are going to be pregnant.

When Tianma was thinking about it, she felt that someone had pinched her nose, and then she had to open her mouth like a frozen cherry and breathe.

Ling Weifeng finally willing to open an eye, into the eye is a handsome face.

Her first reaction is, I beat, mom how to become so handsome? And like someone.

The second reaction is to brush the ground, open another eye, slap the hand of Xi Huangzi Gu, turn over and sit up, "Xi Prince Gu?"

"Awake?" Xi Prince Gu looked at her with a smile.

"Why are you here?"

Xi Prince Gu's face was a little unnatural, "my mother asked me to send some things to my aunt."

"Then go to my mother and leave me alone." Finish a head plunge into the pillow, roll up the quilt, continue to go to sleep.

Seeing that she really wanted to go on sleeping, Xi Prince Gu blackened his face. He grabbed her white tender little foot and pulled it hard.

Dong -

Ling Weifeng fell down on the thick carpet.

She jumped up with a scratch, "Xi Prince gu

This sound, roar majestic, roar earth shaking, roar everyone below the collective fear.

Han Ling shivers all over, son, you are too fierce!

Those who dare to yell at the emperor Gu like this are the only ones in her family. Even Du Ruxue doesn't dare to roar like this.

Strong, just one word.

Upstairs, Xi Prince Gu directly picked up Ling Weifeng and threw it into the bathroom, "hurry to clean up and don't look at a few o'clock."

No matter how lazy you are, you have already missed the time to eat breakfast. I don't know if you don't eat breakfast.

"Let go, let go, let go." Ling Weifeng patted his hand discontentedly, and his small face was full of anger, "xihuangzi Gu you are more wordy than my mother."

Ling Weifeng said, directly slammed on the bathroom door, the face of black carbon xihuangzi Gu isolated.

Angry Xi Prince Gu teeth itch, little bastard, dare to take him to open brush.

She lingered until twelve o'clock, when Ling Weifeng came out of the room. Looking at the Xi Prince Gu who was walking beside her, she thought darkly that if she gave him a foot in the back now, she didn't know if he would roll down the stairs.

That's what she thinks and does.

When they went downstairs, she quietly slowed down two steps, went to the emperor Xi's son, raised her foot high, aimed at his back waist, and kicked out mercilessly.

But do not want to Xi Prince Gu Gang good turn around, do not know whether he is intentional or unintentional, unexpectedly avoided.

Ling Weifeng stepped on empty feet, the center of gravity is not stable, and directly planted to the front.


Her eyes widened, her hands clutching in midair.

If she rolls down like this, will she be half paralyzed? No, life is so wonderful that she doesn't want to lie in the hospital.

All the people sitting in the living room downstairs waiting for emperor Xi to take care of it all stood up in fright at the sight of the incident.

Han Ling's face turned white, "Xiao Feng!"

God, who will help me.

Ling Weifeng body forward, in her thought and stairs to a close contact, a warm hand around her waist, will fall half of her to pull back.

Then she ran into a warm but hard chest.

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