Zhou Meige's eyes drooped and the cold light flickered.

Suddenly stood up, "teacher, I have a cold these days, voice is not very comfortable, may not go."

The head teacher frowned, "can't you go to the stage?"

Zhou Meige coughed a few times, and her voice became more hoarse.

"Sorry, teacher."

"It's OK, it's OK. Since Zhou is not comfortable, let's pick another person to read English. Is there anyone who would like to go to the stage?"

Before someone recommended herself, someone said in a loud voice, "teacher, let Qi go."

The head teacher then looked at o'aiqi, who was indeed a suitable candidate.

I have a good image and come from Europe. I can't speak English.

"What do you think, Ou?"

I'm hesitating, Archie. All right

She used to read a manifesto. She used to speak on the stage at school.

Things so knock down, Ling Weifeng bit a pen, smile very much.

When he returned to his apartment in the evening, he went in to cook. Ling Weifeng was bored, so he lay in the living room to watch the dog blood idol drama.

She suddenly barefoot, secretly ran to the kitchen door, looked inside, made sure that Xi Prince Gu didn't find her, and then went in quietly.

Come up behind him, stretch out your hands and embrace him.

Xihuangzi Gu was frying a steak and was startled by her.

Then he laughed, "what are you doing?"

"Hey, hey." Ling Weifeng smile very mysterious, "turn around."

Xi Prince Gu didn't know what she was going to do, but he turned obediently.

Then, Ling Weifeng put his hands on the glass platform.

The smile on her face is very evil. Originally, she wanted to tease Xi Prince Gu, but she found that

Emma, you're not tall enough!

Desperately up, tiptoe, but found that it is still too short.

"Xihuang, you squat down a little bit."

Gu, the son of the emperor of Xi What are you doing? "

The TV play that is still playing in the living room just happens to be playing a scene in the kitchen.

The male Lord put the female master on the glass stage.

The corners of his mouth were in a good curve, and his hand was clasped around her waist.

Between body reversals, the two people's positions are exchanged.

She will be directly drummed on the glass platform, two hands on her side, will trap her.

The prince of Xi, with a smile in his mouth, bowed his head and narrowed the distance between them.

Scared Ling Weifeng back and forth.

"Dry For what. "

Guess what he's going to do next, her tongue is a little tangled.

She just watched TV. It was very romantic, so she wanted to imitate it, but she didn't want to really.

Xi Prince Gu nose tip has been close to her nose tip, two eyes in the air fight.

"What do you say?"

His tone is very ambiguous, the breath between the words, directly sprayed on her lips, make her heart like a deer bump.

"I, I, I, I'm going to watch TV, play Let go. "

"Wife, this is your initiative."

After that, she gave her lips a kiss.

It's rare for her to take the initiative. If he doesn't respond, it's not too sorry for her.

Ling Weifeng wants to cry without tears. It seems that the things in TV can't be learned casually.

After being asked for a long kiss, Xi Prince Gu seemed to be more and more fascinated, and did not let her go at all.

Until a smell of burning came, Ling Weifeng this from the love of God.

"Well Cattle Steak... "

She put one hand on the shoulder of Xi Prince Gu and tried to push him away. The other hand quickly touched it to turn off the fire.

Xi Prince Gu's hand was longer than her. He went over her hand and turned off the fire.

"Let's go on."

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