He also wanted to dig out the woman behind the emperor Gu every day.

But do not want to, Ling Weifeng every day in front of her.

It's not that she couldn't find it, but she didn't think of it!

Just then, the phone rings again.

Inside came Mrs. Zhou's panic stricken voice, "Mei Ge, did you see the picture?"


After the shock, Zhou Meige has returned to calm.

Growing up in a wealthy family, she was used to all kinds of intrigues. She had never seen any big waves.

At the beginning, I was shocked because I didn't expect that the relationship between Xi Prince Gu and Ling Weifeng should be that kind of relationship.

Now that she has sorted out her ideas, she has accepted.

It's just

Zhou Meige's eyes were fierce and the cold light burst out.

Xi Prince Gu is her, no one can take it away!

Even if it's Ling Weifeng, it can't be done!

Mrs. Zhou patted her chest, apparently not yet recovered from her fright.

"Meige, the man Is it master Xi Huang? "

When she first saw the picture, she couldn't recognize who it was.

But when you look at it, you can see that the man above is like Gu, the son of Xi.

It can only be seen from the man's clothes that she is not wearing.

After all, she was such a rich and noble woman that she seldom had a chance to see Xi Prince Gu.

Ling Weifeng, not to mention, has just returned home soon and always stays at school. Mrs. Zhou only saw her once in the mall last time.

So it's normal not to recognize it.

"It's him." Zhou Meige took a deep breath and completely calmed her mood.

"My God." From the mobile phone came Mrs. Zhou's scream, "it's really the young master of Xihuang!"

"Mom, keep your voice down. Are you afraid that others don't know?"

For Mrs. Zhou's surprise, Zhou Meige is very impatient.

"Don't worry, there's no one around me. My God, I didn't expect that young master Xihuang would have a good mouth."

Kissing in public, two men, and young master Xihuang is still such a noble identity.

He is not so bold.

"Mom, where did you get this picture?"

"That night, I arranged for three people to take ou Aiqi's fruit photos. As a result, Ling Weifeng made a mess of the matter. Today, those three people came to give me the assignment and returned all three mobile phones to me. Ouiqi just formatted the mobile phone that took her photo, but the other two didn't. what I saw on one of the mobile phones in the middle of the period scared me a lot."

Mrs. Zhou said this, and suddenly covered her mouth, showing panic.

"My God, Mei Ge, do you think the man who kisses Xi Prince Gu is Ling Weifeng?"

Yes, that thin little figure, clearly is Ling Weifeng.

Zhou Fu, as if he had discovered some big secret, was completely shocked.

Zhou Meige's eyes flashed coldly, "Mom, no one should say about it. You delete the photos in that mobile phone and those in your mobile phone. Don't leave the bottom."

"What do you want to do, daughter?"

"I'll do what I want you to do. I'll delete what I want you to do. What's more, it can't be told to anyone, not even Dad. Do you hear me

Her tone was a little blunt, and Mrs. Zhou shuddered.

Trembling to answer, "Oh, well, I don't say anyone."

"OK, that's it. Remember to delete all the records, and then close your mouth. This is related to the reputation of the emperor Xi. We can't afford to offend the royal family of Xi.

What's more, you can find someone to check this Ling Weifeng. "

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