Xi Prince Gu Mou dark light, can not see what he is thinking, a little indifferent tone, "no interest."

"I'm not interested. I don't think it's fun to pretend that everyone doesn't know."

Looking at her bright eyes, Xi Prince Gu really can't bear to hit her, "childish, no matter what you dress up as, I can recognize it."

Ling Weifeng squint at him, "don't talk too much."

"You can try it if you don't believe it."

Ling Weifeng happy, "well, since you are so confident, we bet how."

Xi Prince Gu finally came to a point of interest, "gambling what."

"At the masquerade party tomorrow night, can you recognize me, who loses and who makes breakfast for a month."

Ling Weifeng laughs at the thief, the thief and the traitor. The prince of Xi takes a puff at the corner of his mouth. This bet It's cruel!

it's not a joke to ask him to make breakfast.

But he didn't want to spoil her when he saw her so excited.


Anyway, he won't lose. No matter what she looks like, he is confident that he can recognize her.


Ling Weifeng was excited and chattered all the way. She said how powerful she had been to the masquerade ball before. No one could recognize her. He heard that the corner of his mouth of the emperor Xi was getting higher and higher.

She seems to have had a wonderful time in the past six years.

Back in the classroom, we can see that Wang Jiaohua is preparing carefully.

Ling Weifeng is in a good mood and stares at her with a smile, which makes Wang Jiaohua blush.

"Ha ha, you are so cute, little flower."

Wang Jiao flower face more red, stare at her one eye, "don't seduce me."

"Oh, my brother really wants to soak you up, beauty. I'll give you a gift."

Ling Weifeng said to take out the pink mobile phone, Wang Jiaohua a little puzzled to open the box.

When she saw the cell phone inside, her big eyes, hidden under the heavy lenses, suddenly widened, and then pushed back a little flustered.

It's a pity that Xu ban didn't want to buy this limited edition in China last time, but she didn't want to buy it in China.

In the class, she only saw Ling Weifeng use this mobile phone, but Ling Weifeng's is native gold.

"What a drop."

Wang Jiaohua has a red face. She thinks of her old Nokia and looks at this latest mobile phone. She feels embarrassed.

She knew Ling Weifeng didn't mean to humiliate her, but it was too expensive.

"Xiao Feng, this is too..."

Ling Weifeng waved her hand without any care. "I went shopping on Saturday and won the lottery in the shopping mall. Although I don't mind using two mobile phones, pink is too feminine. Brother, I'm cool and unrestrained, Yushu Linfeng, how can I use this kind of little girl's things.

If you don't want it, I'll have to lose it.

Waste of resources is a kind of immoral behavior, little flower, you can't harm me

Ling Weifeng exaggerated crying, said Wang Jiaohua can not laugh.

According to this, if she does not accept it, she will become a sinner.

This kind of mobile phone is limited edition, must have relations to buy, how can it be a lottery prize.

Even if it's a prize, other people in Ling's family can use it, or Ling Weifeng's female friends can also use it. How can they not turn to themselves.

Ling Weifeng said so, but to take into account her face.

The thick black frame glasses cover up the moisture in her eyes.

She lowered her head. "I accept your kindness, but it's too expensive for me to accept."

"If you don't want me to throw it away. If people say I'm immoral, I'll settle with you."

"Wang Jiaohua

She has met a scoundrel.

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