"You're not going to ride a horse." Rong Shixiu asked.

"It's too cold to go."

Rong Shixiu knew that she didn't want to go, but took care of him.

She knew that he could not ride a horse, for fear of his inferiority, so she used such an excuse to accompany him.

Yaya, Yaya, Yaya, the name engraved on his heart.

I guess I can't erase it in my life.

No matter what their future will be, no matter who she will marry in the future.

She will always live in his heart.

"Graduating soon, what major are you going to apply for?" Bu Zhiya still laughs indifferently.

"I'm going to apply for the military academy."

"The military academy is very good. The soldiers are upright."

"And you."

Military doctors.

Almost at the moment of Rong Shi Xiu's words falling, these two words crossed her mind.

He's a soldier, so she wants to be a military doctor.

However, it is only a dream.

Her future is doomed to be unable to make her own decisions.

Like, she can't choose the marriage she wants.

"Me, I don't know. Let's look at the arrangements at home."

Rong Shixiu turned his head and looked at her. He could see her perfect side face, which was a little red with cold.

Looking down, I saw her slender fingers, pale and stiff.

His heart moved, and he reached out his hand, holding her hand in the palm.

Then put it to your mouth, exhale, and rub her hands.

Warm her hands.

This is his first time, holding her hand.

Some stiff fingers, under his care, slowly softened, soft and slippery, which made him nostalgic.

Bu Zhiya was a little embarrassed. She blushed and bowed her head shyly.


Rong Shi Xiu's voice is very gentle.

Bu Zhiya nodded a little shyly, frowned and drooped her eyes, like a shy orchid in the empty valley.

People can't help but feel excited.

Rong Shi Xiu thought she was frozen when she saw her little face red.

So he reached out and took her face.

His purpose was to warm her face.

However, the moment he picked up her face, both were stunned.

Bu Zhiya raised her head in surprise and her eyes widened slightly. It seemed that she couldn't believe it. Rong Shixiu actually touched her face.

Rong Shixiu was also frightened by his sudden action.

For him, bu Zhiya is the fairy who is high above, sacred and inviolable.

That's his goddess.

It can only be viewed from a distance, not blasphemous.

He even felt that he had a trace of disrespectful thoughts towards her, which was a great crime.

To touch her is to defile the sacred.

Except in waterfall mountain, when he saved her, he never had physical contact with her.

But he didn't want to. Today, he not only held her hand, but also touched her face.

He didn't let go at once, but held his face in a stiff gesture.

This touch is too good, he is reluctant to let go.

This is absolutely the boldest thing he ever did when he was so old!

The small face of Bu Zhiya is crisp red. She looks at his eyes with a touch of shame.

Their eyes were glued together.

At a glance, ten thousand years.

In this way, always looking at each other, until the end of time.

Rong Shi Xiu's heart suddenly set off a wave of shock.

He loved her so much.

Also know, in her heart, actually has his.

However, her body, carrying the burden of the family, there are too many involuntarily.

Why can't he fight for such a beautiful girl.

I haven't tried hard, so I give up. I can predict how much regret he will have in the future.

Yaya, his elegance.

At that moment, Rong Shixiu's heart was extremely firm.

He will work hard for their future!

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