Knowing that it was not right, it was unfair to Rong Shi Xiu, and even more unfair to Tang Fengyang.

Just, the resistance in the heart, almost zero.

This makes Bu Zhiya a little flustered and afraid.

Is it that she is a fickle woman in her own bones.

Obviously now is Tang Fengyang's girlfriend, but in the heart actually thought of another man, and also kisses with another man.

This feeling made her feel ashamed and indignant.

Tears fell down unconsciously.

Along the white cheek, slide down to the two crazy lips.

Rong Shi Xiu tasted the bitter taste.

He slightly a Leng, just the idea of confusion, instant sober up.


He didn't care about Bu Zhiya's will and forced to kiss her!

His girl, worthy of the best treatment, how could he force her like this.

"I'm sorry, ya ya. I'm sorry."

Her face was touched with tears.

Self reproach.

"Sorry, I was wrong. Don't cry."

Bu Zhiya's tears were more and more fierce. She was full of tears, shaking her head desperately, and suddenly threw herself into Rong Shi Xiu's arms.

Holding his waist, burying his head in his chest, crying like a helpless child.

"Shi Xiu, Shi Xiu."

She cried, as if to cry out all her grievances.

Yes, aggrieved.

Although she never put the grievance on her face, but in her heart, in fact, very aggrieved.

Everyone knows that she is destined to marry Tang Fengyang. Everyone knows that she will marry Tang Fengyang.

Everything goes with it.

However, no one ever knew that, in fact, she didn't want to.

Her upbringing and her character did not allow her to be capricious or rebellious.

All she could do was obey and marry the Tang family.

However, no one has ever cared about her feelings.

She's a person, not a puppet.

She has her own thoughts, her own feelings, her favorite people and her own happiness.

But these, she did not even show the qualifications.

Beauty weeps and weeps.

Hearing this, Rong Shixiu's heart was broken.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

He seemed to coax a child and patted her on the back.

"Ya Ya, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you."

Bu Zhiya buried his head in front of his chest and shook it desperately.

She suddenly raised her head and did the boldest and most rebellious thing in nineteen years.

He put his hands around Rong Shi Xiu's neck, and took the initiative to kiss his lips.

Rong Shixiu's head exploded a thunderbolt in an instant.

Stupefied on the spot!

After the reaction, the whole person was excited and turned from passive to active.

One hand on her waist, the other on the back of her head.

Deepened the kiss.

Two people kiss very intense, also kiss very engagement.

Poured into all the deep feelings, I would like to directly swallow each other's tongue into the stomach.

They both kiss for the first time. They have no experience at all. They can't even breathe.

After a while, bu Zhiya's face turned red and she almost got angry.

Rong Shixiu let her go and held her in his arms.

Hold tight, hold tight.

The passion recedes, the elegant step like the most gentle little woman, nestles in his arms.

Neither of them spoke.

Bu Zhiya gently closes her eyes.

This time, she felt guilty, but did not regret.

"Elegant." The soft voice of Rong Shi Xiu calls the way.


"Can you promise me not to marry Mr. President and not to let him kiss you until I am twenty-five."

Bu Zhiya is 19 years old, and there are still six years to go before she turns 25. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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