Ling Weifeng laughed mysteriously, "you guess?"

Ling Mengxi is very nervous. She is afraid that Ling Weifeng will tell the truth, but on second thought, she won't dare to tell the truth.

Ling Weifeng, who loves face so much, certainly doesn't want others to know that she is a woman.

Otherwise, she would have been exposed for a long time. How could she become the person of the day in the school and take the lead!

"I can't guess." Yin Shunhua shows his hands.

Step of the elegant smile is very gentle, "small maple, you will reveal the answer."

"Ha ha, I won't tell you, let you die of curiosity."

"Cold cold kick her a foot," you should not be did not go, otherwise we so many people, how one also did not recognize you. "

Ling Weifeng spit out his tongue, "if I don't tell you, I won't tell you. Anyway, I went and went with a classmate. I also saw you and Shun Hua lead a red line. Congratulations, a lover will get married. Ha ha ha."

That wild laughter, listen to cold want to beat people!

"Each one a gift, don't be dishonorable, or I will go to the school forum to post, smear, haha."

"Well, I'll prepare the gift carefully. I hope you like it." Yin Shunhua laughs with a vague meaning.

He will prepare a special gift for her.

Tell me, who are you pretending to be cool

His heart was tickled.

Ling Weifeng thief smile constantly, let Lenglie how to bully and lure, is not willing to say.

Her eyes and Ling Mengxi meet in mid air, both of them smile as usual, but Ling Weifeng sees pride and provocation from lingmengxi's eyes.

She lowered her eyes to cover the flash of cold light.

After dinner, Ling Weifeng went upstairs to have a rest. He couldn't sleep. His mind was full of xihuangzi Gu.

Why didn't he come to eat? What did he eat for lunch? Didn't he eat anything.

Ling Weifeng fidgety to pull the quilt, block gas to cover the head.

He's not a child. Don't you know what to eat? She's worried.

Besides, such a big man, if you don't eat, you won't die.


Ling Weifeng fidgeted to throw the quilt, pedaled downstairs, let the kitchen master make a bento, and then walked towards the library.

The school library has a total of three floors. Now it is lunch break time. Many people come to the library to read or rest.

She didn't know where Xi's son Gu was, so she looked up from the first floor.

But the third floor all looked for, also did not see his figure.

"What's the matter? It's in the library."

Ling Weifeng murmured, turned to leave, walked two steps, suddenly thought of what, turned to look at the stairs leading to the balcony.

Just walked to the balcony entrance, no one heard the sound first.

"Master Xihuang, I I heard you didn't have lunch at noon, so So I brought you Bento. "

This voice is Ling Mengxi!

Ling Weifeng sneered. She didn't expect her second sister to be so anxious. She only heard those rumors last night. Now she can't wait to show her face in front of Xi Prince Gu.

She peeked out her head secretly, glanced at it quickly, and then drew back quickly.

Xi Prince Gu's face sank like water, "Ling Mengxi, what happened last night, don't you think..."

A small head flashed past the stairs, and his voice stopped abruptly.

There was a moment's silence, and a cold voice said, "put it down."

Ling Mengxi was very excited. She thought that Xi Prince Gu would drive her away directly.

She has been ready to be humiliated. Unexpectedly, Xi Prince Gu let her down. Does this mean that he also likes her and she has a chance.

She was very excited, but did not dare to show too obvious, just carefully stood aside.

Sitting on the sun chair, Xi's Prince Gu opened the luncheon absently, but his ears stood up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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