After all, Zhou Meige is just a high school student, no matter how deep his mind is, he can't hire such a fierce killer.

And they can also buy banned psychotropic drugs from special channels.

There are also bombs. Where did Zhou Meige buy the bombs and how to install them.

I feel that none of these things can be done by people of Zhou Meige's level.

So now that she saw the news, she was really shocked.

Or is Zhou Meige's strength far less simple than she saw?

Soon, Bai Feifei sent another email, saying that Zhou Meige contacted people and made the three events so meticulous.

It turned out to be through Zhou Hai's men.

Zhou Hai is the vice president. He has a group of people who can't see the light under him. He does some things that can't be seen.

Hu bin was one of them.

If we pass through these people, it really makes sense.

And according to the data from Bai Feifei, everything is reasonable.

[these materials are based on the information provided by the people below, and then combined with the information from the elder brother Qing, I have collated and collated them. They have been confirmed by someone, and there will be no mistake. 】

lingweifeng looks dignified.

It's true. She analyzed the data herself, and it was very accurate.

It's just, it's still weird.

It's incredible that a high school student did these things.

as like as two peas in the library, Xi Huang received a message almost identical to Ling Wei Feng.

Wei Hongliang waited aside and analyzed the data thoroughly.

"Is the information accurate?"

The prince of Xi asked with a frown.

Although he was sure that Zhou Meige had something to do with it, he did not expect that everything was planned by Zhou Meige.

It's just appalling.

"Exactly. We have found the seller. According to the buyer's information provided by them, we have found the person who bought the psychotropic agent and bomb. It is under vice president Zhou's command. We also arrested that person, interrogated and recruited him. It was ordered by Miss Zhou."

Xi's son Gu eyebrows and sharp eyes.

Zhou Meige only used a small part of Zhou Hai's power to do these things.

Then Zhou Hai, the old fox he helped up, has developed many unknown forces behind his back.

He sent someone to watch Zhou Hai, but not all aspects.

Because he is confident that he can hold Zhou Hai.

Now, I have a white eyed wolf.

He looked at the time, two days before Zhou Meige and Ling Jiang were engaged.

The corners of his mouth slowly rose. It seemed that he would prepare a big gift for the Zhou family.

The woman who dares to move him is not a woman who can make atonement with one life.

He flicked his finger to indicate that Wei Hongliang was ready to go.

"Don't do it now. When the engagement banquet is over, do it right away."

He is going to give a big gift as an engagement gift.

Wei Hongliang had been with Xi Prince Gu for so long, and he was very good at understanding Xi Prince Gu.

As soon as he said that, he understood what he wanted to do.

There was a shiver in an instant.

Wei Hongliang retreated, and Xi Prince Gu picked up the picture frame on the table.

That's a picture of him and Ling Weifeng.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are brothers and sisters, deep feelings.

But people familiar with the matter are clear about the real meaning of the picture.

Slender noble fingers, gently caress Ling Wei Feng's face.

"Little thing, have you been wronged? It's OK. I'll help you out. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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