Until Ling Weifeng left for a long time, lingmengxi is still in a daze state, just what does that sentence mean.

What one face, two faces, idiot!

Ling Weifeng walked quickly to the service desk. The administrator was very happy. He was about to open the lunch box. A white hand stretched out.

"Uncle, I'm sorry. I don't want to invite you any more."

Ling Weifeng left a bewitching smile and left smartly.

The administrator's uncle has been around for a long time, but he hasn't come back to God!

Xi Prince Gu's back to the stairs, heard the sound of footsteps, turned his head, just with Ling Weifeng on.

Ling Weifeng was stunned for a moment, then grinned. It was as brilliant as March sunshine.

She shook the lunch box in her hand. "I heard that the eldest young master didn't eat. I brought it to you."

Xi Prince Gu Mou color a sink, "your second elder sister brought to me."

Ling Weifeng sat down opposite him, looked at the Bento that hadn't been moved on the table, shrugged his shoulders, and then put his own Bento on the table.

"Why don't you go to dinner today?"

"No appetite."

Ling Weifeng in the heart astringent, she also does not know why can have this kind of mood.

Both of them didn't speak any more, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Xi Prince Gu Shen looked at her, "what do you want me to do?"

"I'll bring you food."

"When the meal is delivered, why don't you go?"

Ling Weifeng!


Brother, I'm so kind to give you rice.

Cut, I don't know!

Ling Weifeng stood up in anger, "goodbye!"

At this time, she was so angry that she didn't look at the road. Her foot accidentally tripped over the leg of the chair. The whole chair turned over, and she bumped unsteadily to the side.


Ling Weifeng was scared a big jump, waist directly hit the corner of the table, and she to rebound out.

Xi Prince Gu's face changed and his hands stretched out to catch her.

She fell right on him and hugged him.

"Suck - ah, it hurts."

She put out her hand to cover the waist that had just been hit, and she bared her teeth in pain. Ouch, her waist was about to break.

Hit "where."


Ling Weifeng wrinkled his small face, supported Xi Prince Gu's shoulder and sat on his thigh.

This movement, unspeakable harmony, but at this time both of them were only concerned about her injury and did not pay attention at all.

Ling Weifeng rubbed the injured part constantly, hoping to relieve the pain.

"Does it hurt? Let me see." Xi Prince Gu reached out to lift her clothes, revealing a small section of white, tender and smooth skin.

Naked skin = exposed, with a burst of cool, Ling Weifeng suddenly woke up, covering the waist of the hand suddenly forced down.

Suction -

pain, pain and pain!

Her face twisted with pain, but she did not forget to turn the wound to the other side, and then tried to pretend as if nothing had happened, "it's OK, it doesn't hurt."

The eyes of Gu Mei, the prince of Xi, were cold and heavy, and the air around him seemed to solidify.

A nameless fire suddenly rose in his heart. Her attitude made him feel that his concern was unnecessary.

He pushed her hard. "Since it's OK, let's go."

"Ah." This push, but also pulled her wound, the pain she wanted to hit people!

She simply squatted on the ground and pressed her hands tightly to relieve the severe pain.

On the side that Xi's Prince Gu could not see, she quietly lifted up her dress and took a quick look.

A large green, but also some broken skin, exudation a little blood.

"Ash." Ling Weifeng wants to scold her mother, just hit it. It's so serious, so green and swollen.

Gu Shi, the son of Xi, couldn't bear to, so he went to help her up and let her sit on the chair.

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