"Well, just now your father called back and said that Ling Mengxi had an accident, and I'm going to the hospital now."

"I'll be right there."

Ling Weifeng hung up the phone and stood up from Gu Huaili, Prince of Xi.

"My mother said there was something wrong with my second sister. I'll go and have a look."

Xi Prince Gu's eyes flickered slightly, then he got up and said, "I'll send you there."

Along the way, Ling Weifeng is a little uneasy.

Han Ling didn't say anything, but she seemed to be in a hurry.

What's the matter? Didn't Ling Mengxi attend the engagement banquet of Ling Jiang and Zhou Meige.

How did you get to the hospital.

Rushed to the hospital, asked lingmengxi ward number, just walked to the aisle, heard a shrill scream.

Then there was a cry of despair.

Ling Weifeng steps faster, into the ward.

There were several people standing inside.

Ling Yiyong, Han Ling, Xia Chunlin and Ling Jiang are all standing by the bed, while Ling Laozi is sitting on the side.

On the hospital bed, Ling Mengxi covered his left face with one hand and his forehead with the other, crying heartbroken.

The doctor stood on the other side, with disinfectant and tweezers in his hand, looking at Ling Mengxi who was in tears on the hospital bed.

I'm not sure.

Ling Weifeng frowned, approached, only to see the appearance of Ling Mengxi.

Take a breath of cool air in an instant.

The right half of Ling Mengxi's face was bloody, with some broken glass on it.

Deep visible bone!

Ling Mengxi was disfigured.

This is Ling Weifeng's first idea.

Ling Mengxi's right face, is really too terrible, the wound is much more serious than her original burn.

Even if the most advanced medical technology, it is estimated that it will not be able to restore the original.

No wonder they cry so bitterly and hopelessly.

Ling Weifeng slightly frowned, her face has also been disfigured, so she very understand, Ling Mengxi's feelings at this time.

Women are born to love beauty, not to mention the vanity so strong Ling Mengxi.

This blow is more cruel than killing her directly.

Ling Weifeng suddenly thought of something, a flash of light in his brain.

It's Gu, the son of Xi!

No wonder what he said tonight was so strange. He said that he would give her a big gift, and that Ling Mengxi and Zhou Meige would not dare to say anything about her.

It turns out that this is the gift he sent.

It's just that she doesn't understand.

Why did emperor Gu of Xi destroy Ling Mengxi's capacity.

Ling Mengxi didn't offend her. Zhou Meige did the burn, which had nothing to do with Ling Mengxi.

Ling Mengxi didn't even know about it because she only came back to Ling's home today.

Is it because Ling Mengxi made fun of her and said she was disfigured.

Therefore, Xi Prince Gu is about to destroy Ling Mengxi's proud appearance.

It's a pity that emperor Xi sent her to the hospital and went back.

Otherwise, she really wanted to ask why he destroyed Ling Mengxi's face.

Ling Weifeng again looked at the eyes, weeping Ling Mengxi.

The eyes turned slightly.

If Ling Mengxi was only disfigured because he made fun of her, so he was ruined by Xi Prince Gu. What about Zhou Meige.

Zhou Meige hurt her three times and twice. How would Gu, the son of Xi, deal with Zhou Meige.

Ling Weifeng's mouth curved a few invisible radians.

Originally, she planned to start in a few days, give Zhou Meige some lessons, and by the way, better grasp Zhou Meige.

Now it seems that there are some things that she doesn't need to do.

The Zhou family, at this time, is in a state of anxiety.

All the people went to tell each other about Zhou Hai.

The next day, Zhou Hai's corruption, bribery, abuse of power for personal gain, the matter of being detained by the Supreme People's Procuratorate seemed to grow wings, flying in all directions.

Zhou Meige, who had not slept all night, was completely confused.

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