Han Ling is a little confused, so she is clearly talking about the affairs of Xi Prince Gu and Ling Mengxi. How can she suddenly turn to gongdou opera.

Ling Weifeng stretched out his head and kissed her face, "sleep, beauty."

Just fell into the water, now there is some ice in her body, she curled up in the body, in the dark, the temperature in her eyes inch by inch cold.

The bait has been thrown out. When will the fish get hooked.

The next day when I got up, Ling Weifeng's head began to dizzy, a little painful.

Han Ling saw her listless look, a little distressed, "son, don't go back to school today, mom will give you leave."

"Mom, you're too fussy. I didn't sleep well last night. I'll go back to school to make up my sleep. Let's go, beauty."

Because it is only the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, so only the next morning, afternoon classes.

Ling Weifeng was in a coma all afternoon.

Wang Jiaohua see her face is not right, very worried, "small maple, you are OK."

"It's OK. I didn't sleep very well last night, xiaohuahua. Could you go and buy me an iced drink?"

"OK, you wait."

After a while, Wang Jiaohua came back panting, "to."

Ling Weifeng took the ice water, drank a mouthful, finally felt better, the person also spirit.

She put the bottle of water on her face, and her icy sense of touch made her head clear.

After class, after dinner, xihuangzi Gu took her back to her apartment.

Sitting in the car, Ling Weifeng mumbled, "Xihuang, are you angry with me?"

"No His voice was cold and his eyes were cold.

Ling Wei Feng bowed his head and twisted his fingers. His face was so Wan that he said, "clearly there is."

From dinner to now, he has not said a word to her.

It seems that since the masquerade ball, he has ignored her, and his attitude has never been colder.

This ice like indifference made her very uncomfortable.

Xi Prince Gu didn't make a sound, but the temperature in the car almost dropped to freezing point.

Ling Weifeng saw his hand holding the steering wheel, pinched white, as if to endure something, she swallowed mouth saliva, heart is sad Yan.

He seems to be in a bad mood. In this case, don't pull her to be a road killer.

Back in the apartment, Ling Weifeng changed his shoes, ran directly to the big bed, rushed to the bed and rolled twice with the quilt in his arms.

Tired to death, also don't know how drop, feel the body is very tired, top heavy.

Xi's Prince Gu stood at the door, looking at her heartless appearance. Her face was as heavy as water.

His fist clenched slowly. What should he do with her.

"Take a bath and sleep. I'm so sleepy." Ling Weifeng got up and walked barefoot to the wardrobe and took her pajamas. She was about to get her underwear. She caught a glimpse of xihuangzi Gu standing at the door. She stopped again.

She scratched her ears and turned her head with a smile. "Xihuang, you didn't recognize me at the masquerade dance. Remember to make breakfast for a month. You don't have to go and buy the ingredients for tomorrow."

The temperature around him suddenly dropped, and his face became colder and colder.

She was able to mention masquerade ball so freely that the kiss was nothing to her, was it.

Sometimes he really wanted to strip her chest to see if she had a heart.

The fist slowly clenched and loosened, "I can't do it."

"Well, you don't want to cheat."

Xi Prince Gu coldly looked at her, suddenly picked up the car key, "I have something to do tonight, I will not come back."

And he just threw the door out.

Bang -

the huge sound of closing the door made Ling Weifeng's body tremble.

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