She did not dare to go to the front door, for fear that others would see her in such a mess.

So he slipped out the back door and left by the back road.

Just out of the alley, a taxi passed by.

Zhou Meige reached out, stopped the taxi and took it.

As soon as she got on the bus, she smelled a very special smell.

I thought to myself that the environment of the taxi was very good. I put air freshener specially.

Just want to open the mouth to report Ling's address, she felt a black in front of her eyes, and then no consciousness.

When she wakes up again, Zhou Meige finds herself in a small black room.

She was sitting in a chair with her hands and feet tied.

The mouth is stuck with tape.

Zhou Meige moved her hands and feet, and then she found her situation.

Originally some chaotic thoughts, suddenly sober up.

She sank sharply.

There was a panic in my heart.

She was kidnapped.

She wanted to scream, but her mouth was sealed, so she could only purr.

After struggling for a long time, she couldn't help but give up her resistance.

In her heart, she analyzed the current situation and the people who might kidnap her.

However, even if she wanted to break her head, she didn't think of it.

Now she has nothing.

Who else will kidnap her?

Is it Ling Weifeng?

Think about it, it is only Ling Weifeng that is possible.

After a while, the door was suddenly opened, followed by two men in black and fierce faces.

They turn on the light in the room, and Zhou Meige can see clearly this little space.

A very small house, there is no furnishings.

Except for myself tied in the corner.

She looked at the two men in black in horror. However, the two men in black did not look at her.

Instead, he went through the room and opened the door again.

Two more men in black came in.

The two people who came in this time carried a very European leather sofa.

Zhou Meige is puzzled.

In her puzzled eyes, a tall and handsome man came in.

At the moment of seeing the prince Gu of Xi, Zhou Meige trembled uncontrollably.

The eyes were full of panic.

Now she is no longer infatuated with emperor Xi's son Gu, and some are just afraid.

A man, with all his means, destroyed the Zhou family in just a few days.

It scares her very much.

Xi Prince Gu such a man, she can not afford to provoke.

Xi Prince Gu came in and sat down on the leather sofa.

The two long legs are folded together and the body is leaning back.

The posture is lazy and noble.

It's just that look, but it's cold.

He glanced at the pale Zhou Meige and raised his hand.

Immediately, one of the men in black came forward and tore the sticky cloth from her mouth.

Then the four men in black retreated.

In the narrow room, only two people, Gu and Zhou Meige, were left.

Xi Prince Gu didn't say anything, but his aura was so strong that Zhou Meige shivered.

The atmosphere dare not come out.

Xi Prince Gu just looked at her condescending.

This one eye, as if looking at a mole ant.

"Do you know why I caught you?" His voice, very quiet.

But listening to Zhou Mei's ears, it seems to be ten thousand years of ice, so cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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