Lenglie, with a heavy heart, helped her up.

"I'll take her home first, and you'll have a good talk when you wake up and calm down."

He said, and without waiting for the consent of emperor Xi, he helped her to get on the bus.

Xi Prince Gu was weak.

Watching her taken away by another man, and still a man with a heart.

His heart was cut like a knife.

But now she hates him and keeps him away. He doesn't dare to rob him.

The contradiction is big enough and can't be increased any more.

Seeing the cold car disappear, he turns around in a daze and walks into the bar behind him.

I also asked for wine and drank it bottle by bottle.

He drinks more than Ling Weifeng because he has a good amount of wine.

It's rare to get drunk.

But today, he really wants to get drunk!

Ling Weifeng lies in the back seat, laughing and crying, tears flowing.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

She suddenly came forward, pulling cold and crying.

Lenglie was so noisy that he couldn't even grasp the steering wheel.

The wine's aftereffect is very enough, Ling Weifeng is now drunk completely have no sense.

"Happy break up, I wish you happiness..."

She sang aloud, but out of tune, a little like a child learning to speak.

Listen to Lenglie some want to laugh.

But this situation is not suitable for laughing.

Ling Weifeng directly from the back seat, climbed to the front passenger seat.

Then he pulled it to the front windshield and looked out.

Suddenly exclaimed, "help, help, kidnap!"

Cold and cold

It was the first time he had seen her go mad. It was an eye opener.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

"The bad guys want to catch me. Wow, I'm going to be captured. Xihuang, Xihuang, come and save me."

Ling Weifeng almost roared with his voice.

Leng Leng is very glad that the sound insulation effect of the car is good, otherwise it is really mistaken for kidnapping, that would be wronged.

After calling for a long time, Ling Weifeng seems to be tired.

Some wearily sat back in the co driver's seat, gripping the seat belt, pulling and biting.

"Fasten your seat belt." Said Lenglie.

Ling Weifeng heard someone talking and turned his head.

Murmured and looked at him dimly.

It seemed that she couldn't see what he looked like, so she got closer.

Feel her close, soft body, almost hanging on him.

Cold cold body a stiff, some attachment.

Ling Weifeng reached out and pulled his hair. "Xihuang, how did you change your hair?"

Cold and cold

"Xihuang, have you had plastic surgery? You're not as handsome as before."

Cold and cold

He knew that he didn't have Xi Prince Gu Shuai, so he didn't have to say it.

"Xihuang, where are we going?"

"Take you home."

"Go home Go home Go home Wow, don't go home. I won't go home. "

Ling Weifeng suddenly made a scene, holding Lenglie and pulling and biting, and refused to go home.

It was so cold that I couldn't grasp the steering wheel for several times, and the car was driving really breathtaking.

She refused to go home. He had no choice but to take her back to the cold home.

All the way, Ling Weifeng has been tired, and after drinking, he has enough strength to sleep directly in the past.

As a result, the cold family escaped a disaster.

Lenglie carried her back to his room.

Let her sleep in his bed.

Then he twisted the warm towel and wiped her face and hands.

He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her sleeping face.

"Emperor Xi Xihuang... "

Ling Weifeng eyebrows tight wrinkled, head uneasy to wriggle, seems to be very uncomfortable.

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