She was not clear about Nora's attitude towards Xi's son Gu.

Although Nora called her over and said that he regarded Xi Prince Gu as his brother, she was always uncomfortable.

Who knows if it's acting.

Therefore, let Nora leave, is the most reassuring way.

Xi Prince Gu's face was embarrassed, "Xiao Feng, don't embarrass me."

"Is it difficult?" Ling Weifeng said mockingly.

Xi Prince Gu Jian frowned, "I take Nora as my sister, and she has done nothing wrong. What reason do you want me to let her go?

Moreover, she came here to help me, that is, the military base. She helped me to work out the plan for managing the army.

She's better at managing the army than I am. "

Ling Weifeng is a little awkward. If she is really like what Gu, the son of Xi, said, then she insisted that Nora go, it would be really too wrong.

However, when she thought that Nora and Gu were so close, she also lived in the independent villa of Xi Prince Gu.

She felt like a thorn in her heart, not to mention how miserable.

Just then, her cell phone suddenly rang.

It's Wang Jiaohua.

Seeing that she was a good friend, she was in a better mood.

However, at the next moment, it exploded directly!

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you and young master Xihuang? Have you quarreled

As soon as the phone is connected, Wang Jiaohua asks with urgency in her voice.

Ling Weifeng is a little puzzled. She doesn't want Wang Jiaohua to worry, so she doesn't tell her about the quarrel with Xi Prince Gu.

How did she know that.

There was a vague premonition.

The voice of mobile phone is not small, xihuangzi Gu also heard Wang Jiaohua's words.

The heart suddenly raised.

Don't do anything at this time.

"You watch the news online!"

Ling Weifeng quickly hung up the phone, opened the web page, a message was crazily swiped on the screen.

[the first successor, young master Xihuang, meets his girlfriend at night! The hotel is lingering and eye-catching! 】

the very powerful title, coupled with a picture of Xi Prince Gu holding a woman, broke into Ling Weifeng's eyes.

From the perspective of the photo, you can see half of the face of Xi Prince Gu, and one of his hands is on a woman's shoulder.

He lowered his head as if he were kissing a woman.

Gesture intimacy.

Although I can't see the woman's face, Ling Weifeng knows that it's Nora from her golden hair.

See this news, Ling Weifeng whole person is startled, head a blank!

Xi Prince Gu almost didn't die of fright.

His first reaction is to reach out and hold Ling Weifeng tightly.

Not only did she hold her hand but also her feet, for fear that she would escape.

With his understanding of her, when she reacts, the first thing must be to walk away.

Then hide and never see him again.

So, he had to control people first, and then explain slowly.

Sure enough, Ling Weifeng came back to his senses and began to struggle.

"Xi Prince Gu, let me go!"

"Xiao Feng, I don't know anything!"

He is really wronged. He has no impression at all.

Damn it, who's going to pit him like that!

He must find out the man, the broken body is not enough to dispel hatred!

He was drunk and brought to the hotel by Nora yesterday, so I have no impression of what happened last night.

Wake up to see Ling Weifeng lying beside, thought it was Ling Weifeng who sent her.

So the first time he saw the picture, he thought someone had framed him.

And Ling Weifeng, angry to blow up the lung! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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