Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 20 - 20 - Future Plans

'Finally.....I've finally unlocked all of the powers from my reincarnation. Now where and when should I go?' She sighs in relief while looking at the ceiling.

'Since I'm in Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate, and Abridged. That means that Incognito is real and Helena is too. I would like to meet and speak to her, but I don't know the date from the anime. It was after the Viral Video fiasco so it could be anytime now. Speaking of which I should ask about what has happened during my punishment.' She thinks of many things before deciding what to do.

She gets up in her pajamas and finds out that her uniform is no longer good enough to use so she puts on a regular shirt with jeans. She then leaves to go and find Walter.

After running around the Mansion, seras finds Walter in the kitchen making tea and skips over to him.

"Good evening Walter."

"Seras? How are you feeling?" Walter asks in worry.

"I'm fine, something like that can't keep me down." She flexes her biceps jokingly.

"You know, if you were a regular vampire you would have died. You should take better care of yourself."

"I will Walter. Anyway, I was wondering if anything happened while I was....away." She asks trying to find the right word for her absence.

"Hehe. Nothing much except the fact that Hellsing could be ruined." Walter says without a care despite the words.

"What? How?" She tries to ask in genuine surprise.

"Well, it turns out that Steadler told a reporter about the vampires and helped her out to all of our information. She used this to report on us and frame us as a...how do you say...radical military group that hunts civilians by calling them vampires. She even streamed it live which really made Sir Integra angry." He tells her about this before the tea gets done.

"Wow! I missed so much. How is Sir Integra?"

"You know seras, she is the reason you were so close to death."

"No Walter. It was my fault. Just because Steadler betrayed Hellsing doesn't make my killing of him ok. What if he didn't? She was right to punish me."

"You do surprise me sometime seras. Well, do you have any other questions before I give this tea to Sir Integra?"

"No....actually just one." She says before pausing and explaining.

"Is it ok if I go home and grab some of my things? I haven't been there for a month."

Walter takes a few seconds to think before answering.

"That's Fine seras. You can go, I'll inform Sir Integra when I deliver her tea."

"Thank you Walter! You're the best." She hugs him before quickly running to the front of the mansion.

'Well now, All I have to do is meet the MI-5 Inspector then greet Helena. After that is incognito and when Integra is imprisoned I can try to use my teleport ability.' She skips happily at an inhuman speed before reaching the front doors.

Just as she gets there a shadow appears in front of her which makes her yelp in surprise.

"Hahahaha. Where are you going Police Girl? You just woke up from near death and you want to leave?" Her master laughs before asking seriously.

"I can't be near death when I'm already dead."

"Don't be a smart ȧss. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to my old home. I need to grab a few things."

"Hmm. You seem to be telling the truth. What are you grabbing?"

"Photos and mementos."

".....I see." He senses her immense sadness and realizes what's going on.

"Don't stay out to late and come back before sunrise." He relents before walking out of her way.

"I won't master. I'll be back before you can say onomatopoeia 5 times fast." She opens the door leaving quickly in her own portal.

"Onomato...What?" Alucard gets confused before realizing he sees how her dark portal is different than his own.

'How curious. Her portal is really different? I wonder why?" He asks himself before remembering her ability to store things in a separate space.

"Oh? You've held back something else. Haven't you Police Girl?" He chuckles darkly before going back to his room.

'Hmm? Why do I feel a chill?' Seras shivers uncontrollably before she asks herself surrounded by complete darkness.

As soon as seras left, Walter finally brought the tea to Integra's office. He knocks on the door and opens it afterwards without waiting for an answer.

"You're a little late Walter. Did something happen?" She asks without looking up from her stack of papers.

"Yes. I met seras in the kitchen while making your tea and we had a conversation. She also asked for permission to go home and grab some things."

"You let her go?" She gets up swiftly knocking somethings over.


"Why? You know what she is."

"Yes I do. She is a teenage girl missing home."

"You know that's not what I meant." She gets angry slamming her fist on the table.

"I know. She is a vampire but isn't she also a teenager who was taken from her life only a month ago?"

"Why can't I ever win against you Walter?"

"Experience. After all, I've dealt with your father." He laughs before starting to pour a cup of tea.

"That's true."

As Walter and Integra got done with their conversation Seras arrived at her old house and sees that nobody has been living in it since her death.

"Did Sir Integra not allow my house to be sold or is it just not able to be sold? Whatever, just need to get a few things and I'm set." She goes upstairs and finds a family photo in her dresser and decides to put it in her inventory.

'I didn't think that I would feel so much about Seras' family. I loved them just like she did and I'm so angry at the people that took the love away from her.'

She spends a couple hours walking the house spending the whole time in thought. She remembers so many nice things about her parents and can't seem to find anything bad.

'Such a happy family. What did they do to deserve such an ending? I can't see why anyone could just accept it as gods plan for them. I wish I could ask RE if he actually does.' As soon as she thinks that it is impossible she remembers the PS in the note and realizes something.

"Oh my god. Is that possible? It should be, after all I am dead. Is it truly that easy though?" Just when she gets done muttering this she hears a knock on the door and smiles to herself about what is to come. she pulls out a gun and walks to the door.

"Who are you?" Seras asks genuinely curious because she forgot his name in the show.

"No need to be so defensive Officer Victoria. My name is Harry Anders and I work for MI-5." He raises both of his arms in the air to signify his coming in peace.

Seras lowers her gun.

"Well, you already know me. So I guess the next thing would be to ask why you're here?"

"Hmm? Why does it seem like you're reading from a script? Were you expecting me?"

"What? No way. What do you want?" She denies before asking trying to change the topic.

"I've only come to talk. Do you have anything to eat? I haven't eaten anything since yesterday." He asks while holding his groaning stomach.

"Hahaha. You, a human. is asking me, a vampire. for food? That's pretty funny."

"You don't?"

"Of course I do. Just give me a few seconds to see what I have."

A few minutes go by before seras brings out some cookies and tea.

"This tea smells really good. You must be a good cook." He picks up a cup and sniffs before complimenting her.

"Why thank you. Can we please get back to the matter of why you're here?" Seras smiles while asking.

"Of course. Well you see I knew you're father and I was hoping we could talk about him. After all it is the day of his death."

"I see." Seras says while clenching her fist in anger.

They spend the next couple hours talking about stories of her father which she enjoyed immensely.

"I can't believe it. Daddy actually said that?" She laughs while making the slip of calling her dad that way.

She covers her mouth in surprise to which Sanders laughs a little.

"It's Fine Seras. You lost him when you were young. I won't laugh at you for calling him that."

"Thank you. It's getting late. I'm probably going to be going back." She gets ready to get up and Anders loses some of his composure.

"Can I just ask you for a quick favor?"

"Look. I'm happy that you shared these stories with me, but since you knew my father for so long I have some resentment over the fact that this is my first time meeting you. Please, let it be short."

"I see. I'm not going to ask that you forgive my lack of presence, but could you just come with me? I would like you to meet someone."

"Why should I?"

"Well, you could learn a lot about the things that are happening in this city. I know you feel that there is something dark lurking about."

"Haha. You have such a way with words. Well, it's not like I'm in a hurry. Let's go." Seras says before getting up and cleaning her dishes.

About 15 minutes later they are getting out of the back seat of a black car. Anders walks inside and presses the elevator buŧŧon.

"You see. The latest vampire attacks have been increasing at an exponential rate. The company has decided on taking a more active roll investigating these occurrences. I'm one of the special few ȧssigned to do so."

The elevator arrived and they walk in. Sanders press the top floor buŧŧon and the doors close.

"I have discovered a true vampire during my investigation years ago and we have a very delicate relationship." He laughs a little before continuing.

"She was angry the last time I met her and I need to speak to her again."

"Wait. So I'm just a bodyguard? You do realize I'm only a fledgling? And one that has been one for only a month. I can't protect you from a true vampire."

"Calm down, You're just ȧssurance. I don't believe she'll attack." He says just as they get to the top floor and the doors open.

When the doors open seras sees a small structure that is surrounded by a garden. There are many kinds of flowers and trimmed bushes decorating the roof.

'Wow! It's so beautiful. Truly a mini paradise.' She appreciates the beauty when Sanders indifferently walks forward and knocks on the door of the structure.

"Yes?" A young voice filled with authority answers.

"Helena? This is Harry. I would like to ask you some questions if I may?"

"Little Harry? My it's been a few years." The voice perks up right when the door opens.

A girl of 13-14 wearing a light green dress answers the door. Her hair is silver and her lime green eyes show an age that is much greater than her body.

"I see you've brought company." She continues when she looks at seras.

"Is She your back up? Whatever come in. Don't touch anything." She continues before turning around and walking inside.

Seras looks in and notices a room filled witch book shelves surrounding a lone leather chair. Multiple candles look to be floating in the dark room. Helena sits in the chair and picks up a fancy tea cup. Seras notices that it is filled with blood and her eyes go red for a second before turning back to blue.

"You must be very young if you can't control your urges." Helena speaks after sipping her blood.

"Yes I am. I've only been a fledgling for a month. This man is practically blackmailing me to be here." Seras affirms her claims nonchalantly before throwing Harry under the bus.

"Harry?" Helena's voice lowers when she looks at Harry.

"That's not true Helena. She is only joking." Harry tries to save himself.

"Whatever. Say your piece and leave. You know how I hate people disrupting my life."

"Yes. I was wondering if you know anything about the increase in vampire attacks plaguing London."

"You mean to ask if me or my friends are involved. No need to heat around the bush."

"You know I don't think so personally. My job as an agent requires me to ask such questions."

"I'm only joking little Harry."

'Yeah right.' Harry thinks so without showing it on his face.

"The answer is no, we know not why such occurrences have happened. I do however know a little." She pauses.

"These rise in vampire attacks are not caused by true vampires. They are but shallow copies playing at vampirism."

"Is that it?" Harry asks.

"What I know Yes. But I do have a theory."

"Please say it."

"Come now, I bet the little fledgling knows." Helena laughs a little before pointing to seras who hasn't said a word.

Harry turns to seras with an expression of pleading.

"Fine, Agent Sanders. If they are copies then what does every copy need?" Seras sighs before giving a hint.

".....An original?"

"Ding ding ding. You've got it!"

"No need to be sarcastic." Harry says before going outside to make a phone call.

Seras and Helena are alone in her room staring at each other.

'She must be so bored. Can I try to diversify her existence?'

"What's your name?"

"Oh yes, I'm sorry. My name is seras Victoria. Officer of the Hellsing Organization."

"Hellsing? You kill vampires?" Helena stares angrily at seras.

"Yes, for now."

Helena gets up from her chair and places a hand on seras' stomach. A few seconds later Helena stops and looks up to her face.

"I see. You're the fledgling of Lord Dracula. You're very lucky that he is your sire." Helena says before stepping back.

"Yes, He is a very nice master." Seras smiles before pausing.

"Are you bored of living Helena?"

"That's a very dark question miss Victoria."

"I'll take that as a yes. How would you feel if I could send you somewhere different?"

"Like a different country? I've already been all over the world, I have seen everything and I'm bored of it."

"No." Seras denies her statement with confidence.


"How would you like to goto a different world?

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