Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 24 - 24 - Day 2
Walter walks inside and closes the door. He then bows slightly before speaking.
"I just wanted to ask if you would like any refreshments."
"No that won't be necessary."
"Alright then. If you need anything though, just dial the 1 on the phone and I will answer." Walter says before leaving the room.
After Walter leaves, Maxwell turns to Renaldo.
"Why do you think he showed up? It couldn't be just to ask about refreshments."
"He is a butler, he probably just wants the guests to feel at home."
"But He was a vampire hunter, it can't be that simple."
"Was Maxwell. Now he is just a harmless old man who serves at his masters pŀėȧsurė." Renaldo replies with sarcasm.
"Wow, why the hate father?" Maxwell asks in surprise.
"Just as you are the counterpart to Sir Integra And Alucard is to Anderson. Walter Dolnez was my counterpart many years ago." He replies with an icy glare.
"I never knew about that. Was he strong?"
"Of course, Anderson wouldn't hold a candle to Walter in his prime."
"Really? Even with him being a regenerator."
"That doesn't matter, Walter was the strongest vampire hunter in the world. He was but a child when he got that title and I'm sure he was so much stronger when he was older."
"That's very interesting." Maxwell leans forward putting his chin on top of his two interlocked hands.
"What is Maxwell?"
"Don't you think it's weird that Sir Hellsing leaves with only a butler as her companion? Even when she is out on the job, Walter Dolnez is the only one that accompanies her."
"Come now Renaldo, don't you see? Walter is still strong, even now as an old man."
As the two continue talking, Walter is outside the door listening in. The people inside don't notice.
'Ah, I still got it. How I wish to be young again.' Walter thinks before shaking his head side to side.
'No, I can't think like that. Such thoughts lead to regret.'
Day turns into night as the Vatican gets done with the last soldier for the day. Maxwell stretches and gets up.
"That was so boring, I remember the days when interrogations ended in death." He mutters to himself.
While they were getting done with their interviews, Integra and Walter were waiting in their office for the vampires.
A few minutes later, a dark portal appears on the floor and they both arrive out of it.
"Hi." Seras waves at them with her typical smile.
Walter just smiles back as Integra gives her an angry glare.
'Well at least it's not as bad as the one from the main entrance.' Seras thinks to herself as her master walks forward.
"Why have you called us, my master?"
"I just wanted to make sure that you both understand the rules still."
"Of course, no antagonizing our guests and definitely no harming either. Did I miss anything?"
"Then I shall take my leave." Alucard disappears.
"I would like you to stay Police Girl." Before seras can leave, Integra speaks up.
"Huh? Oh, ok." Seras looks back at the desk.
Integra just stares for a few seconds before beginning.
"I know you've been keeping secrets from Walter and I, Police Girl. I do not like secrets."
"I'm sorry, it's just you never asked me." Seras apologizes with some sincerity.
"Shouldn't a servant tell her master everything?"
"I have." Seras smiles.
"Pfft." Walter laughs before stifling it.
"Walter, go make some tea or something!" Integra gets angry and yells.
"As you wish, Sir." Walter bows before leaving.
As Walter leaves, seras notices his look and starts to get worried.
'He looks so.....defeated. I have to speak to him about how I can help.'
"Police girl, tell me about the abilities you showed when the Iscariots arrived. It seems like they had prior knowledge of them."
"Well, when I was a human, I had the ability to store things in a space that only I can access."
"Well, I think it will be easier to show you. May I." Seras says while walking forward and gesturing to a bust on her desk.
Seras touches the statue and as she does it disappears from view right in front of Integra. She walks aback a few steps and brings it out again in her hand.
"Can you store anything? And how much?"
"I can store nonliving things. As for the capacity, I believe it's infinite."
"That's impossible!" She yells.
"I haven't reached its full capacity. I mean there are thousands of bullets insi- Ah!" She stops before covering her mouth.
"Is that why there has been so many bullets missing!? Because you're stealing them!" Integra gets very angry at the realization.
"It's just a precaution Sir Integra. I don't want to be without bullets when on the job." Seras tries to smile and explain.
She notices that she is failing as Integra's face is getting angrier.
'Master, help me.'
A few minutes go by before Integra just sighs in defeat before regaining her calm.
"Fine, the bullets I'll allow. So, what about the second ability?"
"Don't deny it! I saw how you moved when you dodged Anderson's bayonets. That wasn't speed, or any vampire ability."
"Yes it wasn't. When I learned how to use that dark portal, something inside me clicked and I learned how to teleport. I can go anywhere instantly."
"Anywhere? Can you bring others?" Integra asks incredulously.
"Yep." She smiles again.
Integra goes silent for a few more minutes looking to be deep in thought. Afterwards she looks up and has decided on an action.
"Seras." She smiles.
Seras backs away when she saw that.
"Sir?" She puts up her arms in defense.
"As you know, I haven't been very happy with your recent actions." She continues as she gets out of her chair and starts to walk forward.
"Yes?" Seras backs up again.
"I'm glad you've told me your secret, but it still doesn't change the fact that you have been lying to me." She keeps walking forward slowly.
"I know sir." Seras tried to back up again but hits the wall.
"I do have a way you can make it up though." Integra finally gets close enough to her and now seras can't escape.
"What would that be?" Seras looks up at the platinum haired beauty who is still smiling.
"Oh it's nothing difficult. I just want you to teleport us to the Pope's chambers at the Vatican."
"You heard correctly." Integra is still smiling.
"I can't Sir. Maste-"
Integra puts a finger over seras' mouth and hushes her.
"It will be fine seras. I know how much you want to get in my good graces again. Do this for me and all will be well." Integra whispers right into her ears.
Seras blushes at how close they are before sighing in defeat.
"Fine. Would you like to go now?" Seras asks.
"Grab my hand." she reaches out with her hand.
Integra does so and seras concentrated on the Pope's Room. A few seconds later she locates it and then she speaks up again.
"Don't let go, it will feel weird."
As soon as Integra agrees, they both disappear into nothing.
Meanwhile at the Vatican. The pope just got done with his duties and is relaxing on the couch inside his private room.
He is watching Tv and if any religious followers were here they would be appalled at his choice of shows.
The pope is watching anime! He is also eating crappy food like Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
He is sitting down when he feels something at the back of his head. He turns around and sees two women looking at him with disgust.
'Who are they!' He goes to scream when Integra gestures to seras.
She sighs and approaches the pope to cover his mouth. Integra just looks around at the mess of a room before sneering and turning her attention back at the man.
"Hello Pope Francis. My name is Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing." She introduces herself properly.
The Pope's eyes go wide in recognition before turning to the girl shutting his mouth.
"Hello, I'm seras Victoria. I'm terribly sorry but she is my boss." Seras smiles wryly at him.
"Now that you know who we are I would like to speak to you. Before you shout for your guards I would like to say that she is a vampire and she could kill them all instantly."
'Damn, now what?'
When he nods, seras lets go of his mouth slowly before walking back to Integra.
"What do you want?" Francis asks.
"Oh nothing much. I just wanted to see the person who decided to choose Maxwell to investigate my organization." Integra shows a faint smile but she is clearly angry.
"Maxwell? Oh! the investigation!" The pope mumbles until he remembers.
"So? Who are you to question my decision?" He continues with a question showing confidence.
"Who am I?" She asks back angry.
"I am the chosen being to voice out gods will. Everything I say is what GOD wants. What could a mortal like you do to that?" The pope states with arrogance.
The room is silent for a few seconds until it is disrupted by laughter.
"HeheheheHahahhaaahahahaha!!!!" Seras clutched her stomach.
"Oh my, that's priceless." She starts to tear up while saying so.
"How dare you laugh at me! God will smite you down for such blasphemy!" The pope yells angrily.
"Seras why are you laughing? Don't you believe in god?" Integra asks.
"Oh I do. But do I believe that he talks through this fatty Otaku? No." She is still chuckling while saying so.
"Fat!? I'm not fat! This is holy energy being stored so I can perform miracles." The pope defends himself.
He looks like he actually believes what he is saying.
The two women just look at each other thinking the same thing.
'Is he serious?'
The man goes on about how he is chosen and how he can hear gods voice. A few minutes of this goes on until seras had enough.
"SHUT UP!" She yells making the room shake.
The pope stops mid word and a smell wafts through the room.
"Did you just piss yourself?" Integra asks.
He doesn't answer when she just sighs.
"How ridiculous. No wonder Maxwell is so confident." She gets up and dusts her pants off.
"We're leaving seras. How I ever thought this buffoon on the same level of our queen is beyond me." She is frustrated at the whole situation.
"Ok. Please hang on sir Integra."
They both leave the pope still laying in his own piss and arrive back at the office. As soon as they arrived they see Walter and Alucard with angry expressions.
"Integra Hellsing! Where have you been!?" Walter yells showing anger for the first time.
"Walter, How did you know I was gone?"
"Alucard told me. He felt it as soon as you left. Now answer me."
"I'm sorry Walter. I was showing Sir Integra my new power." Seras takes the blame.
"You're too soft Police Girl. We know for a fact that Sir Integra ordered you to do it. I know you want her to like you again but taking blame like this is ridiculous." Alucard reprimands her.
A few seconds of silence later Walter just sighs in relief.
"I was very worried sir Integra."
"I'm sorry Walter. I lost my head a little with the Iscariots poking around my organization. I just wanted a little payback."
"Police Girl. What did I just get done telling you?"
"Not to use my powe-"
"And What did you do!?" He yells cutting her off.
"I used my powers." She hangs her head low.
"Goto our room and I'm not letting you drink blood for the next few days."
"But master!"
Seras leaves the room in the typical human way. Alucard turns to Integra and gives her a glare.
"I don't appreciate you using my childe as your personal plaything. I understand wanting to know her secrets but using her powers without my say so?"
"You forget who the master here is Alucard!"
"No I didn't, I may be your servant Integra but seras is not." He storms off after saying so.
Walter and Integra are left in her office stewing over the situation.
Meanwhile Maxwell just got a call from the Vatican and was informed that Sir Integra And seras infiltrated all the way to the Pope's personal room.
"How is that possible!? They were just here an hour ago!" He yells into the phone.
"I don't care if they just appeared! You should have noticed something amiss!"
"Then from now on we will be leaving two guards with the pope at all times. Don't call me until you know how they got past all of our defenses." Maxwell hangs up the phone and throws it onto the table.
"Why happened Maxwell?" Anderson asks.
"Oh nothing. Just that the Protestant whore and her newly acquired pet have just infiltrated the Vatican and attacked the pope!" He begins sarcastically before continuing with a yell.
"Is his holiness ok?" Renaldo asks.
"He's fine. He's more angry that they appeared."
"I see. How do you think they got there? I mean I just saw Sir Integra about 45 minutes ago." Anderson says.
"I don't know Anderson. Ever since that blonde bimbo appeared all of our information has been useless." He slams the table again in anger.
A few seconds of silence later and Heinkel feels something on her shoulder. She turns and sees a hand jetting out of the wall.
She immediately pulls out her guns and points at it before noticing a tri-folded paper where the hand used to be.
She picks it up and reads Maxwell's name on the front. She grits her teeth before interrupting the others conversation.
"Bishop Maxwell, there is something I must show you."
"What is it Heinkel? Information on the seals?" He asks with hope.
"No, I'm afraid not sir." She denies while handing him the paper.
"Don't tell me...."He begins to say before starting to read the note in silence.
-Dear Maxwell,
I have been very tolerant of your insults in our home and I am starting to wonder if all the Vatican has to teach is how to curse. If so I believe you wasted your money on a poor education. Please do remember that I'm always listening and if I catch you insulting any of us a total of ten times during your stay, know that Sir Integra has allowed me to take direct action. Enjoy your stay and I hope you don't reach that threshold.-
"DAMN IT!" He crumples the paper and slams both hands on the table breaking it.
"I just wanted to ask if you would like any refreshments."
"No that won't be necessary."
"Alright then. If you need anything though, just dial the 1 on the phone and I will answer." Walter says before leaving the room.
After Walter leaves, Maxwell turns to Renaldo.
"Why do you think he showed up? It couldn't be just to ask about refreshments."
"He is a butler, he probably just wants the guests to feel at home."
"But He was a vampire hunter, it can't be that simple."
"Was Maxwell. Now he is just a harmless old man who serves at his masters pŀėȧsurė." Renaldo replies with sarcasm.
"Wow, why the hate father?" Maxwell asks in surprise.
"Just as you are the counterpart to Sir Integra And Alucard is to Anderson. Walter Dolnez was my counterpart many years ago." He replies with an icy glare.
"I never knew about that. Was he strong?"
"Of course, Anderson wouldn't hold a candle to Walter in his prime."
"Really? Even with him being a regenerator."
"That doesn't matter, Walter was the strongest vampire hunter in the world. He was but a child when he got that title and I'm sure he was so much stronger when he was older."
"That's very interesting." Maxwell leans forward putting his chin on top of his two interlocked hands.
"What is Maxwell?"
"Don't you think it's weird that Sir Hellsing leaves with only a butler as her companion? Even when she is out on the job, Walter Dolnez is the only one that accompanies her."
"Come now Renaldo, don't you see? Walter is still strong, even now as an old man."
As the two continue talking, Walter is outside the door listening in. The people inside don't notice.
'Ah, I still got it. How I wish to be young again.' Walter thinks before shaking his head side to side.
'No, I can't think like that. Such thoughts lead to regret.'
Day turns into night as the Vatican gets done with the last soldier for the day. Maxwell stretches and gets up.
"That was so boring, I remember the days when interrogations ended in death." He mutters to himself.
While they were getting done with their interviews, Integra and Walter were waiting in their office for the vampires.
A few minutes later, a dark portal appears on the floor and they both arrive out of it.
"Hi." Seras waves at them with her typical smile.
Walter just smiles back as Integra gives her an angry glare.
'Well at least it's not as bad as the one from the main entrance.' Seras thinks to herself as her master walks forward.
"Why have you called us, my master?"
"I just wanted to make sure that you both understand the rules still."
"Of course, no antagonizing our guests and definitely no harming either. Did I miss anything?"
"Then I shall take my leave." Alucard disappears.
"I would like you to stay Police Girl." Before seras can leave, Integra speaks up.
"Huh? Oh, ok." Seras looks back at the desk.
Integra just stares for a few seconds before beginning.
"I know you've been keeping secrets from Walter and I, Police Girl. I do not like secrets."
"I'm sorry, it's just you never asked me." Seras apologizes with some sincerity.
"Shouldn't a servant tell her master everything?"
"I have." Seras smiles.
"Pfft." Walter laughs before stifling it.
"Walter, go make some tea or something!" Integra gets angry and yells.
"As you wish, Sir." Walter bows before leaving.
As Walter leaves, seras notices his look and starts to get worried.
'He looks so.....defeated. I have to speak to him about how I can help.'
"Police girl, tell me about the abilities you showed when the Iscariots arrived. It seems like they had prior knowledge of them."
"Well, when I was a human, I had the ability to store things in a space that only I can access."
"Well, I think it will be easier to show you. May I." Seras says while walking forward and gesturing to a bust on her desk.
Seras touches the statue and as she does it disappears from view right in front of Integra. She walks aback a few steps and brings it out again in her hand.
"Can you store anything? And how much?"
"I can store nonliving things. As for the capacity, I believe it's infinite."
"That's impossible!" She yells.
"I haven't reached its full capacity. I mean there are thousands of bullets insi- Ah!" She stops before covering her mouth.
"Is that why there has been so many bullets missing!? Because you're stealing them!" Integra gets very angry at the realization.
"It's just a precaution Sir Integra. I don't want to be without bullets when on the job." Seras tries to smile and explain.
She notices that she is failing as Integra's face is getting angrier.
'Master, help me.'
A few minutes go by before Integra just sighs in defeat before regaining her calm.
"Fine, the bullets I'll allow. So, what about the second ability?"
"Don't deny it! I saw how you moved when you dodged Anderson's bayonets. That wasn't speed, or any vampire ability."
"Yes it wasn't. When I learned how to use that dark portal, something inside me clicked and I learned how to teleport. I can go anywhere instantly."
"Anywhere? Can you bring others?" Integra asks incredulously.
"Yep." She smiles again.
Integra goes silent for a few more minutes looking to be deep in thought. Afterwards she looks up and has decided on an action.
"Seras." She smiles.
Seras backs away when she saw that.
"Sir?" She puts up her arms in defense.
"As you know, I haven't been very happy with your recent actions." She continues as she gets out of her chair and starts to walk forward.
"Yes?" Seras backs up again.
"I'm glad you've told me your secret, but it still doesn't change the fact that you have been lying to me." She keeps walking forward slowly.
"I know sir." Seras tried to back up again but hits the wall.
"I do have a way you can make it up though." Integra finally gets close enough to her and now seras can't escape.
"What would that be?" Seras looks up at the platinum haired beauty who is still smiling.
"Oh it's nothing difficult. I just want you to teleport us to the Pope's chambers at the Vatican."
"You heard correctly." Integra is still smiling.
"I can't Sir. Maste-"
Integra puts a finger over seras' mouth and hushes her.
"It will be fine seras. I know how much you want to get in my good graces again. Do this for me and all will be well." Integra whispers right into her ears.
Seras blushes at how close they are before sighing in defeat.
"Fine. Would you like to go now?" Seras asks.
"Grab my hand." she reaches out with her hand.
Integra does so and seras concentrated on the Pope's Room. A few seconds later she locates it and then she speaks up again.
"Don't let go, it will feel weird."
As soon as Integra agrees, they both disappear into nothing.
Meanwhile at the Vatican. The pope just got done with his duties and is relaxing on the couch inside his private room.
He is watching Tv and if any religious followers were here they would be appalled at his choice of shows.
The pope is watching anime! He is also eating crappy food like Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
He is sitting down when he feels something at the back of his head. He turns around and sees two women looking at him with disgust.
'Who are they!' He goes to scream when Integra gestures to seras.
She sighs and approaches the pope to cover his mouth. Integra just looks around at the mess of a room before sneering and turning her attention back at the man.
"Hello Pope Francis. My name is Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing." She introduces herself properly.
The Pope's eyes go wide in recognition before turning to the girl shutting his mouth.
"Hello, I'm seras Victoria. I'm terribly sorry but she is my boss." Seras smiles wryly at him.
"Now that you know who we are I would like to speak to you. Before you shout for your guards I would like to say that she is a vampire and she could kill them all instantly."
'Damn, now what?'
When he nods, seras lets go of his mouth slowly before walking back to Integra.
"What do you want?" Francis asks.
"Oh nothing much. I just wanted to see the person who decided to choose Maxwell to investigate my organization." Integra shows a faint smile but she is clearly angry.
"Maxwell? Oh! the investigation!" The pope mumbles until he remembers.
"So? Who are you to question my decision?" He continues with a question showing confidence.
"Who am I?" She asks back angry.
"I am the chosen being to voice out gods will. Everything I say is what GOD wants. What could a mortal like you do to that?" The pope states with arrogance.
The room is silent for a few seconds until it is disrupted by laughter.
"HeheheheHahahhaaahahahaha!!!!" Seras clutched her stomach.
"Oh my, that's priceless." She starts to tear up while saying so.
"How dare you laugh at me! God will smite you down for such blasphemy!" The pope yells angrily.
"Seras why are you laughing? Don't you believe in god?" Integra asks.
"Oh I do. But do I believe that he talks through this fatty Otaku? No." She is still chuckling while saying so.
"Fat!? I'm not fat! This is holy energy being stored so I can perform miracles." The pope defends himself.
He looks like he actually believes what he is saying.
The two women just look at each other thinking the same thing.
'Is he serious?'
The man goes on about how he is chosen and how he can hear gods voice. A few minutes of this goes on until seras had enough.
"SHUT UP!" She yells making the room shake.
The pope stops mid word and a smell wafts through the room.
"Did you just piss yourself?" Integra asks.
He doesn't answer when she just sighs.
"How ridiculous. No wonder Maxwell is so confident." She gets up and dusts her pants off.
"We're leaving seras. How I ever thought this buffoon on the same level of our queen is beyond me." She is frustrated at the whole situation.
"Ok. Please hang on sir Integra."
They both leave the pope still laying in his own piss and arrive back at the office. As soon as they arrived they see Walter and Alucard with angry expressions.
"Integra Hellsing! Where have you been!?" Walter yells showing anger for the first time.
"Walter, How did you know I was gone?"
"Alucard told me. He felt it as soon as you left. Now answer me."
"I'm sorry Walter. I was showing Sir Integra my new power." Seras takes the blame.
"You're too soft Police Girl. We know for a fact that Sir Integra ordered you to do it. I know you want her to like you again but taking blame like this is ridiculous." Alucard reprimands her.
A few seconds of silence later Walter just sighs in relief.
"I was very worried sir Integra."
"I'm sorry Walter. I lost my head a little with the Iscariots poking around my organization. I just wanted a little payback."
"Police Girl. What did I just get done telling you?"
"Not to use my powe-"
"And What did you do!?" He yells cutting her off.
"I used my powers." She hangs her head low.
"Goto our room and I'm not letting you drink blood for the next few days."
"But master!"
Seras leaves the room in the typical human way. Alucard turns to Integra and gives her a glare.
"I don't appreciate you using my childe as your personal plaything. I understand wanting to know her secrets but using her powers without my say so?"
"You forget who the master here is Alucard!"
"No I didn't, I may be your servant Integra but seras is not." He storms off after saying so.
Walter and Integra are left in her office stewing over the situation.
Meanwhile Maxwell just got a call from the Vatican and was informed that Sir Integra And seras infiltrated all the way to the Pope's personal room.
"How is that possible!? They were just here an hour ago!" He yells into the phone.
"I don't care if they just appeared! You should have noticed something amiss!"
"Then from now on we will be leaving two guards with the pope at all times. Don't call me until you know how they got past all of our defenses." Maxwell hangs up the phone and throws it onto the table.
"Why happened Maxwell?" Anderson asks.
"Oh nothing. Just that the Protestant whore and her newly acquired pet have just infiltrated the Vatican and attacked the pope!" He begins sarcastically before continuing with a yell.
"Is his holiness ok?" Renaldo asks.
"He's fine. He's more angry that they appeared."
"I see. How do you think they got there? I mean I just saw Sir Integra about 45 minutes ago." Anderson says.
"I don't know Anderson. Ever since that blonde bimbo appeared all of our information has been useless." He slams the table again in anger.
A few seconds of silence later and Heinkel feels something on her shoulder. She turns and sees a hand jetting out of the wall.
She immediately pulls out her guns and points at it before noticing a tri-folded paper where the hand used to be.
She picks it up and reads Maxwell's name on the front. She grits her teeth before interrupting the others conversation.
"Bishop Maxwell, there is something I must show you."
"What is it Heinkel? Information on the seals?" He asks with hope.
"No, I'm afraid not sir." She denies while handing him the paper.
"Don't tell me...."He begins to say before starting to read the note in silence.
-Dear Maxwell,
I have been very tolerant of your insults in our home and I am starting to wonder if all the Vatican has to teach is how to curse. If so I believe you wasted your money on a poor education. Please do remember that I'm always listening and if I catch you insulting any of us a total of ten times during your stay, know that Sir Integra has allowed me to take direct action. Enjoy your stay and I hope you don't reach that threshold.-
"DAMN IT!" He crumples the paper and slams both hands on the table breaking it.
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