The gang lands on a cliff that is close to the city and they jump off of appa. Seras stretches and multiple joints crack at the same time as she releases a relaxed sigh.

"That was loud. Are your bones ok?" Sokka asks clearly impressed.

"Oh yeah, they are doing juuuuuust fine." She grunts before continuing with a languid voice.

"The earth kingdom city of omashu. I used to always come here to visit with my friend Bumi."

"Wow, we don't have cities like this in the South Pole."

"They have buildings here that don't melt!"

"Well let's go slowpokes, the real fun is inside the city." Aang jumps and begins to run to the city.

"Wait aang! It would be dangerous if people found out you are the avatar."

"You need a disguise."

"What am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?"

"Well, you're not old enough to grow one naturally, but a fake one could be arranged." Seras speaks up while petting appa.

"You're a genius seras!" Sokka yells before grabbing Appa's fur.

A while later aang has a full head of hair and very luxurious mustache. Momo hops into the head of fur and hides inside.

"A fine piece of work Sokka. I'm impressed." Seras says Seriously.

"I know right? I'm a genius." He states smugly.

"Ugh! This is so itchy. How do you live in this stuff?" Aang complains.

"Now you look just like my grandfather."

"Technically aang is 112 years old." Katara states.

"Now let's get to skippin young whippersnappers. The big city awaits." Aang says with an aged voice and twirls the staff with his foot before using it as a cane.

"Pfft." Seras laughs a little before following them.

A few minutes later they're almost at the gates when aang speaks up.

"You guys are going to love Omashu. The people here are the friendliest in the world."

"Rotten cabbages!? What kind of slum do you think this is?" An annoyed voice says in front of them.

One of the three guards crushed two cabbages before earthbending an entire cart off the path.

"No! My cabbages!" The old man yells out looking over the edge.

Katara, Sokka, And Aang look over as well.

"Just keep smiling." Aang says worried with a smile plastered on his face.

They all walk forward And aang is limping to show off how old he is. They do this when the same guard lifts a boulder and puts it over aang's head.

"State your business."

Aang runs up showing off his air bending and reaches within inches of the guard. He then begins to point at his ċhėst while speaking like an old man.

"My business is my business young man and none of yours! I got half a mind to bend you over my knee and pelt your backside."

"Settle down old timer. Just tell me who you are."

"The name's Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, the third. And these are my grandkids." Aang says before katara walks up.

"Hi, June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis nice to meet you." Katara smiles.

"You seem like a responsible young lady, see that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu." The man stares for a few seconds before pointing at katara.

"We will."

They move to the side, seras and Sokka wall up behind them.

"Wait a minute." The guard grabs Sokka's shoulder.

All of them turn to the guard with a worried look.

"You're a strong young boy, show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag."

"Good idea!" Aang throws the bag to Sokka.

The guard notices seras and is suspicious how she looks different from the other two. But he doesn't push it and uses earthbending to open the gates.

The gates open up sideways and the gang walks inside marveling at the way the city is built.

The gate is about to close when Momo's wars pop out of the fake hair. Since seras was behind aang, the guard didn't see it.

"Pfft. I think you grew some extra ears aang." Seras laughs a little.

Katara and Sokka look over before laughing as well.

"What do you mean?" Aang reaches for the top of his hair and feels Momo's ears.

While aang explains the chutes to the others, seras is thinking about the possibility of drinking from an earth bender so she can start to earthbend.

"I think I'm having second thoughts." Katara states while looking down at the drop.

"Don't worry katara."


"It's going to be awesome!" She gives a rare smile which shows how much fun she is having.

"That's not what I-"

"Get ready!" Aang yells as he tips his body weight forward.

Aang and seras are laughing while the cart is moving. Meanwhile Sokka and katara are mȯȧning in fear.

After a while seras sees a cart that is carrying Spears and it's gaining on them.

"I think there is a small problem." Seras states.

"What?" Sokka asks with difficulty when he sees the point of the spear at his nose.

He ducks and notices seras giving him a playful smile.

"Ah Ah!" Katara sounds out In fear.

"I'm on it!" Aang starts to tilt the cart side to side and it hops off the track.

The land near some troops and continue on before hitting the railing of another track. They land safely on it before continuing on.

"Aang do something. Use your airbending!" Katara yells hoping he'll use it to stop.

"Yeah! Good idea. That'll make us go even faster." He starts airbending on the sides of the cart making them go faster.

Hahahahaha!" Seras continues laughing while the cart speeds on.

This goes on until they reach a checkpoint where another cart is. They hit it which makes them all go flying. Aang twists around which makes the cart go underneath them and the gang land safely inside of it.

They land on top of a roof which makes hem slide at a weird angle. They then crash through a window which Makes them enter the room destroying a big pot a guy was painting.

"Sorry!" Aang yells hoping the guy hears.

Then they go through another home which adds a cat to their group. Momo doesn't like it and they're both running over Aang's fake hair destroying it in the process.

While this is happening they crash through a wall and fall down. They land on a cabbage cart which makes them tumble over each other.

Seras being the smart person that she is, jumped just before they fell on top of the cart and lands safely on her two feet.

"Hahahaha haha! That was so much fun."

"My cabbages! You're gonna pay for this!" The man angrily yells while soldiers start to surround them.

"Two cabbages please." Aang grunts a little before smiling.

They are all escorted to the throne room where a very old Bumi is sitting. Guards surroune them while he notices aang.

"Your majesty. These juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages." The leading guard states.

"Pfft." Seras laughs a little at the last charge.

"Shut up!" Sokka whispers.

"Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage!" The cabbage man jumps angrily.

"Silence! Only the king can pass down judgement. What is your judgement sire?" The guard puts his hand out to quiet the man before asking Bumi.

The king looks at each one of them. However when he gets to aang and seras, he stares a little longer before smiling.

"Throw them.....a feast!" He begins slowly before stating much to the surprise of every person except seras.

They are brought to a room with a big table where multiple people are bringing loads of food. The gang sits down while the king stands up behind them.

"The people of my city have gotten fat from too many feasts. So I hope you like your chicken with no skin." He says while picking up aang's chicken leg

"Thanks but I don't eat meat." Aang replies.

"How about you? I bet you like meat." Bumi puts his hand on sokka's shoulder before stuffing his mouth with the chicken wing.

Sokka doesn't get angry as he is enjoying the chicken leg.

"Is it just me or is this guys crown a little crooked?" Katara twirls her finger beside her head.

Seras ignores the rest of the conversation as she Is eating an ungodly amount of food. Bumi stretches before throwing a drumstick at Aang. But before it reaches him, seras grabs it midflight and starts to chew on it.

This brings everybody's attention onto her as they notice that multiple plates are empty at her position.

"You gonna eat that?" She looks at the king before pointing to the plate in front of him.

"Yes, Yes I am." Bumi smiles while sitting back down.

The next second he throws another drumstick which aang catches with his air bending.

"There is an air bender in our presence and not just any air bender. The avatar!" The king states as the guards gasp in surprise.

Aang stops his air bending making the drumstick fall.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Pippinpaddleopsicopolis?"

"Ok you caught me! I'm the avatar, doing my avatar thing. Keeping the world safe." Aang stands up.

"Everything checks out, no firebenders here." He lifts the table cloth and looks underneath it.

"So good work everybody, love each other respect all life and don't run with your Spears. See you next time." he puts his hands around katara and Sokka before walking backwards.

The guards that are behind them, cross their spears stopping them.

"You can't keep us here! Let us leave!" Katara yells.

"Lettuce leaf?" Bumi picks up a piece of lettuce before putting it in his mouth.

"We're in serious trouble, this guy is nuts!" Sokka whispers to the group.

"Tomorrow, the avatar will face 3 deadly challenges. But for now the guards will show you to your chamber.

"My liege, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?" The elderly guard asks.

"The newly refurbished chamber."

"Wait, which one are we talking about?"

"The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing that is. Of course we've been calling it the new chamber but, we really should number them." Bumi speaks out in confusion.

"Take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!" He continues before eating another piece of lettuce.

The guards bring them to a very nice room which is opened with earth bending. The wall slides down and they are all pushed inside. The guard closes the wall behind them.

The room they were sent to has 3 comfortable looking beds covered in green sheets. The room is also lit by what looks to be flowers in pots jetting out from the wall. There is also green curtains hanging from the ceilings and they stretch all the way to the walls.

"This is the Prison cell? But it's so nice?" Katara states.

"He did say it was newly refurbished."

"Nice or not, we're prisoners."

"I wonder what these challenges are going to be?" Aang grips his staff in worry.

"Don't sweat it, I'm sure the king won't harm you or any of us. He seems like he knows what he is doing." Seras states while stretching.

"How can you say that? He is clearly crazy." Sokka yells.

"Do you really think that the king of this city would be allowed to stay as king if he was insane? Never mind all of that, I'm dead tired." Seras asks back before jumping on a bed.

The bed springs back which makes her rise in the air.

Aang tried to send Momo through the air vents to get appa. It clearly doesn't work while katara goes to seras' bed and lays down in it.

"Let's get some sleep guys. Aang needs it to face the challenges."

After they all goto bed, seras looks around before phasing into the ground. She finds her way back to the throne room and looks around.

'If I was a jailed earthbender, where would I be?' She asks herself before winding back to the cell area.

She phases through multiple cells and doesn't Find anything until she hears angry grunting coming from the last cell. She goes to it and finds multiple cracks on the wall which would be where the door would be.

She phases her head through and finds a man chained up so his body can't move. His hands and feet are immobilized by metal so he can't move his appendages.

His neck is also chained up. Seras phases her whole body into the cell and the man notices her.

"Who are you?" He asks gruffly.

"No one you need to know." Seras begins walking to the man.

When she reaches his face she notices that he is young, but still a little older than seras. He has a beard that looks unkempt. Before she can say something she feels the earth beneath her moving.

Bumi rises out of the ground with a twirl and stands between them.

"And What is a bunny like you hopping through my castle?" He asks while still giving a smile.

"Oh you know, just searching for a carrot." Seras sticks with the analogy.

"What business do you have with an earthbender like this man? He is not someone a child should be looking for."

"What did he do?"

"He's done very bad things."


"Well he has killed many people which includes children. He used his earthbending as a form of torture which kills them slowly." Bumi's smile fades.

"Perfect, just the kind of person I was looking for." Sera claps happily before walking forward.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take him off of your hands. I really need something from him."

"I can't let you do that. He is a menace and deserves to die painfully."

"Don't worry, if you leave him to me I'll kill him and he will feel pain like no other." Seras gives a mysterious smile.

"I can't." Bumi gets in her way again.

"I'm not looking for permission. I'm telling you what's going to happen." Seras steps forward again when bumi grabs her hand.

Seras gets angry and her eyes glow red which makes him flinch. She phases through his grip and grabs the chained up mans head. She then phases herself and the mans body into the Wall disappearing completely.

Bumi stares in surprise before laughing madly.

"So Interesting. Very interesting indeed."

The two figures come out in a remote area outside of the city. Seras chucks the man to the ground as he coughs painfully. The man looks around before staring at seras.

"What did you do?"

"I don't have to tell you."

"Tell me or I'll give you first hand knowledge of what happens to my victims." He earthbends a boulder over her head.

"Pathetic." Seras states coldly.

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