Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 69 - 69 - Prison Escape
After she says that she offers the gang to sleep in the barn behind their house. Haru leads them to it and when they arrive Appa jumps in and starts eating the hay immediately. Seras laughs at the actions as Appa is acting cutely, she goes over to him and pets him gently on his stomach.
Katara and Haru leave the barn while she does this. Seras decides to sit down and closes her eyes to think about a theory she thought of after leaving Omashu. She bends a small flame and feels the energy inside of her. She tries to feel the path it takes and maps it out roughly in her head. She then lifts her finger on the other hand and a small rock floats on top of it.
She feels the energy going through a path and this almost confirms her theory.
'I've always wondered why only the countries had certain bending. It didn't make sense that fire-benders are only born in the Fire Nation and earth-benders are only born in the earth kingdom. Now I know why.' She thinks as she tries to do the two separate bendings on the other hands.
This time the energy goes on the same path even when it's on different hands.
'It's because the meridians, veins, energy pathways, whatever they're called are affected by genetics. That's why two fire-benders will give birth to a fire-bender. And sometimes when two non-benders give birth to a bender it's a form of mutation when their pathways are opened.'
'The avatar can probably use all four elements because all the pathways are opened due to Raava being connected to their spirit. Also the reason why he can't use all four elements At the same time without going into the avatar state is because he doesn't have enough energy or chi to use them. Just this little flame and small pebble is the same as that catastrophic flame from when I started learning fire bending.' She sighs as she releases them and stands up.
"That's one mystery solved, now for the sleeping arrangements." She mumbles to herself as she gets the sleeping bags off of Appa.
"What was that?" Aang asks.
"Nothing, just going to set up our beds for the night." She yawns.
The next day Seras wakes up to find Katara yelling something about Haru and how he was taken by the Fire Nation. Seras isn't worried and goes back to sleep.
Before she can taste the sweet release though she said shaken by something. She opens her eyes to find Katara giving her an angry look while grabbing her collar.
"Fine Fine. I'm up. Let's go get the kid back." Seras raises her hands in defense before stretching.
"How? We have no idea where he is?"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't Find him."
"Huh?" Aang asks confused.
"Great idea. We just have to be captured by the Fire Nation ourselves." Katara yells happily which makes Sokka grunt in frustration.
Seras brings out a blood pack as she has missed the taste of it and starts sipping on it. Katara does the skit where she pretends to earth-bend because Seras can not control her own. In the end she is captured by the soldiers.
Seras leans on her back and puts her arms behind her head while humming. This makes Sokka angry.
"Can't you at least act like you're worried about her!?" He asks loudly.
"She's a smart girl. I'm sure she won't be in any danger. I would be worried if it was you though."
"What!?" He gets even angrier.
"Calm down Sokka. Seras is right, Katara will be ok."
"Ugh, Fine. But I'm still pissed at how relaxed you are."
"If you don't relax now how will you expect to fight later?"
"Who said anything about fighting?"
"You really think she'll leave that prison without trying to save all of them? this is katara we're talking about."
"Oh my god.....you're right." Sokka sighs in realization.
"That sounds like katara alright." Aang laughs which makes the other two laugh as well.
Around midnight, Sokka decides its time to bring Katara back and they bring Appa close to the structure without being seen. Aang lands on top of the structure and silently goes to her position.
He soon comes back with her and She is alone.
"Your twelve hours are up, where is Haru?"
"I can't."
"See? Told you." Seras smiles.
"Jeez. Can we for once just stick with the plan? Why do I make them if we never follow them?"
"It's already decided Sokka. Well let's get started on the prison escape." Seras stretches while getting up and cracks her fingers.
As she does this her clothes morph into similar ones Katara is wearing. Katara notices Sokka is about to yell when she covers his mouth.
"More abilities? Are we ever going to discover what you can fully do?" Katara asks not even surprised anymore.
"Only when necessary." Seras jumps up and lands beside her while saying this.
"Here's the plan. This structures uses coal to power its machines. We will make the coal come up to the top and have the prisoners use it to escape. I'll be here if anything goes wrong. Any questions?"
"Yeah, where is the coal and who is going to bring it up here?"
"The coal should be in a place that is not accessible to the inmates. That means it's below ground. There are vents all over the place so we'll have Aang shut the main ones and air bend the coal upward to the platform. Anything else?"
"What do I do?" Sokka asks eagerly.
"You have the most important duty."
"Watch Appa."
"I'm counting on you Aang. Now let's go back to the beds and wait for morning." Seras says as she and Katara walk back into the prison.
The next day, Seras, Katara and Sokka are by the main air shaft keeping a lookout for the soldiers. Sokka explains the plan with more detail when a yell disrupts them.
"There's the intruder!" Multiple soldiers are pointing spears at them.
"Stay back, I'm warning you!" Sokka yells as he takes out his boomerang.
"Katara stop. You can't win this fight!" An older man yells.
"Listen to him well child. You're one mistake away from dying where you stand." An arrogant voice sounds which makes Seras scowl, again remembering Maxwell.
The men walk closer making the tension rise. Just as it's about to reach its climax, a rumbling comes from beneath making everybody look at the vent.
Massive amounts of coal come flying out making the vent lose its cover from the sheer force. Everyone backs up from it when Aang jumps out covered in soot. Momo comes flying after not covered in anything somehow and Aang starts coughing out black smoke
Katara jumps on top of the rubble and grabs a coal, she then raises it into the air.
"Here's your chance earth benders, take it! Your fate is in your own hands." To Katara's surprise they back away instead of fighting.
"Hahahaha! Foolish girl. You thought a few inspirational words and some coal would change these people? Look at these blank, hopeless faces."
Katara does what the man says subconsciously. As she does so the man continues.
"Their spirits were broken a long time ago. Oh, but you still believe in them. How sweet." Katara puts the coal down and gives a despondent look.
"They're a waste of your energy little girl. You failed." The man walks away after destroying Katara's hopes.
Just as he is almost at the door a coal flies straight to the back of his head making him fall forward a little. He grunts angrily before turning back to find Haru making three more coal dance in a circle on top of his hand.
The man groans angrily before fire-bending a huge flame straight to the boy. Haru turns his body away to minimize the damage when a wall of coal is formed in front of him.
He gets surprised and turns back to find his father was the one who defended him. Four of the fire nation soldiers get into a stance and await orders. They don't wait long as the leader gets into position with them.
"Show no mercy!" As soon as his voice lands all of the soldiers release fire at the same time.
Three others follow Haru and his father in making a much larger wall made of coal which blocks the fire coming at them. Haru's father and the rest grunt while leaning back which makes the coal form into a concave arc.
"For the earth kingdom, attack!" He says while making a noise that shows how much effort he is putting into it.
As soon as his voice lands they lunge forward placin their hands on the ground rapidly which makes the arc of coal fly forward and throw itself outward like a shotgun shell.
The soldier disperse most of the coal with shields they made of fire. This causes a stalemate to the two sides which then erupts into a mass fight.
The earth benders are obviously winning because there are more of them and they can defend while attacking. Haru and his father take some coal and condense it together which makes a single boulder made of coal.
They throw it to a wall which makes a hole that leads to the ships anchored at the prison.
"Get to the ships, well hold them off." Haru's father commands and everyone follows it.
"Don't let them escape!" The warden commands as he releases more fire.
Aang makes a funnel of air and yells sokka and katara to feed him some coal. When they do the coal shoots out like bullets hitting the fire nation soldiers making them fall to the ground.
Haru and his father don't miss this chance and make the soldiers come to them on top of a bed of coal. They converge together into one pile and the father-son duo move them to the edge which leads to the ocean.
"No please! I can't swim." The warden begs.
"Don't worry, I hear cowards float." The father states before dropping them.
They leave soon after to get on the ship as well. Katara goes after them when she notices Seras isn't moving. She goes forward and before he can speak Seras talks first.
"Go with them Katara, I need to do something first."
"I'm not leaving until you tell me."
"Fine. What do you think is going to happen when the Fire Lord realizes one of his main suppliers of coal was taken from him?"
"You mean-"
"Yeah, he'll send more soldiers to take it back and this time I don't think he'll be so forgiving to the men who took it away from him."
"That's why I'll make it so it would be much more trouble than it's worth." Seras says interrupting katara a second time.
"Fine, but don't hurt yourself." Katara leaves after saying that.
"I won't." Seras smiles at how worried she is.
She turns to Appa which Aang left so she can hitch a ride on after them.
"You ready buddy? I'm going need your A-Game." Appa groans before ŀɨċkɨnġ her face.
"Good, because I'm going to need you to fly as fast as you can when I yell. Ok?" Appa answers her with a grunt as she pets the bridge of his nose.
Seras goes to the center of the structure and closes her eyes while breathing slowly. She then extends both of her hands outward making her palms face forward.
A small ball of flame is created and it grows to a massive size that the people on the ships can see and are frightened. They scream before Katara calms them down and explains the situation.
The ball of flame turns from a deep crimson into a bright orange and then turns yellow. It's color change slows down as it reaches green and it takes a few minutes before it turns into a deep blue, like the ocean.
The people on the boat can feel the heat from a few miles out which scares them again. The ball then starts to get smaller and they can no longer see it but they can still feel the heat which confuses them.
"God I'm glad that the longer I'm here the more chi I can hold. If this was a month ago I wouldn't even be able to do half of this." Seras mutters as the ball of flame becomes the size of a baseball.
Appa is almost on fire and seras' clothes are gone because they burned up. She keeps breathing as she slowly backs up and the baseball size flame stays in position.
Seras jumps on Appa's back and screams out.
"GOOO!" This makes Appa jump up and fly at his fastest speed in the direction the boats went to.
Seras soon loses her connection to the flame and it starts to make a noise like it's screeching. The people on the boats have to cover their ears as the noise is too loud.
Soon the sound stops abruptly which makes them confused before they see a gigantic beam of white light that makes Aang's look like a toothpick.
The white light gradually becomes blue on its edges which then becomes green, then yellow, then orange, and red for last the further away from the center it is.
Just as it becomes red, the loudest explosion anyone has ever heard occurs as the light becomes a mushroom shaped cloud. The gang gets worried before they see Appa flying to them with some singed fur.
When they reach the boats Seras sees everybody's shocked face and most of the prisoners show fear. She gives a wry smile before turning to the gang.
"Mission accomplished, I think its time for us to go. Save the questions for after." They all nod dumbly before climbing on and they leave.
After a few minutes of explaining Katara asks Seras a question.
"Hey seras, you wouldn't have happened to have found my-" she doesn't finish as Seras brings out the blue object.
"My necklace!" She yells loudly which jars the eardrums before snatching it from her hands.
"You didn't think I would let such an important memento be destroyed did you?"
"No but I didn't know if you knew I lost it."
"Of course I did. Now let's get back on track to the North Pole."
They all agree and they fly away away from the view of the people on the ships.
Katara and Haru leave the barn while she does this. Seras decides to sit down and closes her eyes to think about a theory she thought of after leaving Omashu. She bends a small flame and feels the energy inside of her. She tries to feel the path it takes and maps it out roughly in her head. She then lifts her finger on the other hand and a small rock floats on top of it.
She feels the energy going through a path and this almost confirms her theory.
'I've always wondered why only the countries had certain bending. It didn't make sense that fire-benders are only born in the Fire Nation and earth-benders are only born in the earth kingdom. Now I know why.' She thinks as she tries to do the two separate bendings on the other hands.
This time the energy goes on the same path even when it's on different hands.
'It's because the meridians, veins, energy pathways, whatever they're called are affected by genetics. That's why two fire-benders will give birth to a fire-bender. And sometimes when two non-benders give birth to a bender it's a form of mutation when their pathways are opened.'
'The avatar can probably use all four elements because all the pathways are opened due to Raava being connected to their spirit. Also the reason why he can't use all four elements At the same time without going into the avatar state is because he doesn't have enough energy or chi to use them. Just this little flame and small pebble is the same as that catastrophic flame from when I started learning fire bending.' She sighs as she releases them and stands up.
"That's one mystery solved, now for the sleeping arrangements." She mumbles to herself as she gets the sleeping bags off of Appa.
"What was that?" Aang asks.
"Nothing, just going to set up our beds for the night." She yawns.
The next day Seras wakes up to find Katara yelling something about Haru and how he was taken by the Fire Nation. Seras isn't worried and goes back to sleep.
Before she can taste the sweet release though she said shaken by something. She opens her eyes to find Katara giving her an angry look while grabbing her collar.
"Fine Fine. I'm up. Let's go get the kid back." Seras raises her hands in defense before stretching.
"How? We have no idea where he is?"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't Find him."
"Huh?" Aang asks confused.
"Great idea. We just have to be captured by the Fire Nation ourselves." Katara yells happily which makes Sokka grunt in frustration.
Seras brings out a blood pack as she has missed the taste of it and starts sipping on it. Katara does the skit where she pretends to earth-bend because Seras can not control her own. In the end she is captured by the soldiers.
Seras leans on her back and puts her arms behind her head while humming. This makes Sokka angry.
"Can't you at least act like you're worried about her!?" He asks loudly.
"She's a smart girl. I'm sure she won't be in any danger. I would be worried if it was you though."
"What!?" He gets even angrier.
"Calm down Sokka. Seras is right, Katara will be ok."
"Ugh, Fine. But I'm still pissed at how relaxed you are."
"If you don't relax now how will you expect to fight later?"
"Who said anything about fighting?"
"You really think she'll leave that prison without trying to save all of them? this is katara we're talking about."
"Oh my god.....you're right." Sokka sighs in realization.
"That sounds like katara alright." Aang laughs which makes the other two laugh as well.
Around midnight, Sokka decides its time to bring Katara back and they bring Appa close to the structure without being seen. Aang lands on top of the structure and silently goes to her position.
He soon comes back with her and She is alone.
"Your twelve hours are up, where is Haru?"
"I can't."
"See? Told you." Seras smiles.
"Jeez. Can we for once just stick with the plan? Why do I make them if we never follow them?"
"It's already decided Sokka. Well let's get started on the prison escape." Seras stretches while getting up and cracks her fingers.
As she does this her clothes morph into similar ones Katara is wearing. Katara notices Sokka is about to yell when she covers his mouth.
"More abilities? Are we ever going to discover what you can fully do?" Katara asks not even surprised anymore.
"Only when necessary." Seras jumps up and lands beside her while saying this.
"Here's the plan. This structures uses coal to power its machines. We will make the coal come up to the top and have the prisoners use it to escape. I'll be here if anything goes wrong. Any questions?"
"Yeah, where is the coal and who is going to bring it up here?"
"The coal should be in a place that is not accessible to the inmates. That means it's below ground. There are vents all over the place so we'll have Aang shut the main ones and air bend the coal upward to the platform. Anything else?"
"What do I do?" Sokka asks eagerly.
"You have the most important duty."
"Watch Appa."
"I'm counting on you Aang. Now let's go back to the beds and wait for morning." Seras says as she and Katara walk back into the prison.
The next day, Seras, Katara and Sokka are by the main air shaft keeping a lookout for the soldiers. Sokka explains the plan with more detail when a yell disrupts them.
"There's the intruder!" Multiple soldiers are pointing spears at them.
"Stay back, I'm warning you!" Sokka yells as he takes out his boomerang.
"Katara stop. You can't win this fight!" An older man yells.
"Listen to him well child. You're one mistake away from dying where you stand." An arrogant voice sounds which makes Seras scowl, again remembering Maxwell.
The men walk closer making the tension rise. Just as it's about to reach its climax, a rumbling comes from beneath making everybody look at the vent.
Massive amounts of coal come flying out making the vent lose its cover from the sheer force. Everyone backs up from it when Aang jumps out covered in soot. Momo comes flying after not covered in anything somehow and Aang starts coughing out black smoke
Katara jumps on top of the rubble and grabs a coal, she then raises it into the air.
"Here's your chance earth benders, take it! Your fate is in your own hands." To Katara's surprise they back away instead of fighting.
"Hahahaha! Foolish girl. You thought a few inspirational words and some coal would change these people? Look at these blank, hopeless faces."
Katara does what the man says subconsciously. As she does so the man continues.
"Their spirits were broken a long time ago. Oh, but you still believe in them. How sweet." Katara puts the coal down and gives a despondent look.
"They're a waste of your energy little girl. You failed." The man walks away after destroying Katara's hopes.
Just as he is almost at the door a coal flies straight to the back of his head making him fall forward a little. He grunts angrily before turning back to find Haru making three more coal dance in a circle on top of his hand.
The man groans angrily before fire-bending a huge flame straight to the boy. Haru turns his body away to minimize the damage when a wall of coal is formed in front of him.
He gets surprised and turns back to find his father was the one who defended him. Four of the fire nation soldiers get into a stance and await orders. They don't wait long as the leader gets into position with them.
"Show no mercy!" As soon as his voice lands all of the soldiers release fire at the same time.
Three others follow Haru and his father in making a much larger wall made of coal which blocks the fire coming at them. Haru's father and the rest grunt while leaning back which makes the coal form into a concave arc.
"For the earth kingdom, attack!" He says while making a noise that shows how much effort he is putting into it.
As soon as his voice lands they lunge forward placin their hands on the ground rapidly which makes the arc of coal fly forward and throw itself outward like a shotgun shell.
The soldier disperse most of the coal with shields they made of fire. This causes a stalemate to the two sides which then erupts into a mass fight.
The earth benders are obviously winning because there are more of them and they can defend while attacking. Haru and his father take some coal and condense it together which makes a single boulder made of coal.
They throw it to a wall which makes a hole that leads to the ships anchored at the prison.
"Get to the ships, well hold them off." Haru's father commands and everyone follows it.
"Don't let them escape!" The warden commands as he releases more fire.
Aang makes a funnel of air and yells sokka and katara to feed him some coal. When they do the coal shoots out like bullets hitting the fire nation soldiers making them fall to the ground.
Haru and his father don't miss this chance and make the soldiers come to them on top of a bed of coal. They converge together into one pile and the father-son duo move them to the edge which leads to the ocean.
"No please! I can't swim." The warden begs.
"Don't worry, I hear cowards float." The father states before dropping them.
They leave soon after to get on the ship as well. Katara goes after them when she notices Seras isn't moving. She goes forward and before he can speak Seras talks first.
"Go with them Katara, I need to do something first."
"I'm not leaving until you tell me."
"Fine. What do you think is going to happen when the Fire Lord realizes one of his main suppliers of coal was taken from him?"
"You mean-"
"Yeah, he'll send more soldiers to take it back and this time I don't think he'll be so forgiving to the men who took it away from him."
"That's why I'll make it so it would be much more trouble than it's worth." Seras says interrupting katara a second time.
"Fine, but don't hurt yourself." Katara leaves after saying that.
"I won't." Seras smiles at how worried she is.
She turns to Appa which Aang left so she can hitch a ride on after them.
"You ready buddy? I'm going need your A-Game." Appa groans before ŀɨċkɨnġ her face.
"Good, because I'm going to need you to fly as fast as you can when I yell. Ok?" Appa answers her with a grunt as she pets the bridge of his nose.
Seras goes to the center of the structure and closes her eyes while breathing slowly. She then extends both of her hands outward making her palms face forward.
A small ball of flame is created and it grows to a massive size that the people on the ships can see and are frightened. They scream before Katara calms them down and explains the situation.
The ball of flame turns from a deep crimson into a bright orange and then turns yellow. It's color change slows down as it reaches green and it takes a few minutes before it turns into a deep blue, like the ocean.
The people on the boat can feel the heat from a few miles out which scares them again. The ball then starts to get smaller and they can no longer see it but they can still feel the heat which confuses them.
"God I'm glad that the longer I'm here the more chi I can hold. If this was a month ago I wouldn't even be able to do half of this." Seras mutters as the ball of flame becomes the size of a baseball.
Appa is almost on fire and seras' clothes are gone because they burned up. She keeps breathing as she slowly backs up and the baseball size flame stays in position.
Seras jumps on Appa's back and screams out.
"GOOO!" This makes Appa jump up and fly at his fastest speed in the direction the boats went to.
Seras soon loses her connection to the flame and it starts to make a noise like it's screeching. The people on the boats have to cover their ears as the noise is too loud.
Soon the sound stops abruptly which makes them confused before they see a gigantic beam of white light that makes Aang's look like a toothpick.
The white light gradually becomes blue on its edges which then becomes green, then yellow, then orange, and red for last the further away from the center it is.
Just as it becomes red, the loudest explosion anyone has ever heard occurs as the light becomes a mushroom shaped cloud. The gang gets worried before they see Appa flying to them with some singed fur.
When they reach the boats Seras sees everybody's shocked face and most of the prisoners show fear. She gives a wry smile before turning to the gang.
"Mission accomplished, I think its time for us to go. Save the questions for after." They all nod dumbly before climbing on and they leave.
After a few minutes of explaining Katara asks Seras a question.
"Hey seras, you wouldn't have happened to have found my-" she doesn't finish as Seras brings out the blue object.
"My necklace!" She yells loudly which jars the eardrums before snatching it from her hands.
"You didn't think I would let such an important memento be destroyed did you?"
"No but I didn't know if you knew I lost it."
"Of course I did. Now let's get back on track to the North Pole."
They all agree and they fly away away from the view of the people on the ships.
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