Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 76 - Traveling To The North Pole
When seras was on her way back to the port, the Fire Lord's palace was in a state of unrest. For the past 6 days, the fire Lord was in a coma from the injuries caused by seras making Azula acting Fire Lord until he awakens.
During this time, Azula ordered for all upper level officers to be informed of Seras and some speculation of her abilities. She didn't note what truly happened as it would cause a stain on her and her father's name.
'it doesn't make sense....' Azula sits on the throne brooding about what happened 6 days ago.
'Uncle informed us she was a great Fire bender but didn't use any. However she used some weird abilities and weapons that haven't been seen before.' She remembers how she got her father to act like some animal and she seemed to meld into the floor.
'Not to mention her great physical strength and speed.....' she sighs in annoyance when someone appears next to her.
"Your highness, the fire lord is awake."
"Thank you, Li. I'll head over immediately." Azula stands up and heads to the exit.
She walks for a few minutes before arriving at a set of double doors with intricate designs. After knocking on the door, a male voice says 'Enter'.
"How are you feeling father?" She asks while sitting on the chair.
"I'm fine Azula. What has happened while I've been sleeping?"
"I've informed the upper level officers that a woman infiltrated the palace and tried ȧssassinating you. I couldn't find a way to make it a high priority without saying something of this level. I apologize for my lack of ability."
"Don't. I would have done the same exact thing." His reply makes her happy but an uncomfortable feeling is formed in her ċhėst.
"Yes. Unfortunately we've received no word of her whereabouts."
"What are those incompetents doing?"
"Yes. She hardly seemed human. My lightning went through her stomach and it healed almost immediately. Also she was able to pass through objects and make things appear from nothing."
"I noticed those too, but we can't exactly confirm anything. Plus nobody would believe us if we mentioned it either...." he grunts in anger before standing up.
"Enough of that. Even if our soldiers found her they wouldn't stand a chance. Let's focus on our attack against the north. Now that the avatar is headed there we need to destroy them before he masters water bending."
"I understand father. Might I recommend someone to lead the attack?"
"Oh? Who might that be?"
"Commander Zhao. He was the one that captured the woman and fought the avatar on Crescent Moon Island."
"A commander...then from here on he shall be an Admiral. Make sure to inform them of his promotion and send additional orders about the attack."
"It shall be done. Would you like me to do anything else?"
"Thank you, Father." She leaves the room with a normal look.
When she left Azula had an expression on her face that showed both confusion and anger. Anger from not understanding the congested feeling in her ċhėst and confusion from not feeling happiness that her father complimented her.
Inside the room, Ozai also had an expression of confusion and anger but for different reasons. He was angry that he showed weakness by falling into a coma and confusion as to why his daughter didn't show much happiness that he complimented her.
'Should I do another session? No, she's too old now and the war is about to heat up due to the comet....' he stops thinking about it as he has to meet the generals to finalize some of the plans.
When the fire lord woke up, the gang were on appa flying to the next island. They were trapped on the previous island because a giant storm prevented appa from flying.
"So where to next Sokka?" Aang asks while sitting on the flying bisons head.
"Hmm. That's a good question. We should head north but there isn't a close enough place to land before it turns dark."
"Then we should try to stay on the coast of the earth kingdom until we need to land." Katara offers a solution.
"That's a good idea, except for the fact that the entire fire nation knows to look for a flying bison. However we don't have-Achoo!" Sokka sneezed on the map which covers it in some snot.
"*sniff* it's not my fault! It came out of nowhere!"
"....did you get sick because of the storm yesterday?" Aang asks.
"No way! I'm healthier than two platypus bears combi-Achoo!" He shows off his bicep when he sneezes once more.
"Yeah yeah. Come here." Katara pats the spot next to her.
She checks his forehead with her hand noting a fever and sokka finally admits that his throat has been hurting for a little while.
"That means you probably have the flu. We should stop and rest now."
"No! We have to get Aang to the North Pole as soon as possible. I'm fin-ACHOO!!" This time the sneeze makes appa flinch.
"I think Katara is right sokka. It's better for you to get healthy first before we continue."
"Looks good." Aang pulls the reigns and appa begins to descend.
As they're landing, Seras finally found a ship big enough to handle her new propulsion method but small enough to be handled by one person. Unfortunately for her it was surrounded by a few soldiers.
'I could kill them...but what's the fun in that?' She observes from a distance as she tries to have some fun during her last day in the fire nation..
'What can I do? Should I lure them to an area so they are away from the ship? What about the rest of the soldiers? Hmmm....' She begins to form an idea when something pops into her head making her form a sadistic smile.
'Oh that's good.....' She phases away to begin her plan.
Outside the port, the commander leading he soldiers was inside a large tent holding a paper when one of his soldiers came in with a report. another man is in front of him showing a look of anger.
"So you mean to tell me all of your men died under your watch. Not only that but you don't actually know what happened afterwards!?" The leader yells in accusation.
"Yes sir, but it's more complicated than that-"
"How complicated could it be!? You're either an incompetent or a coward. Pick whichever one you think is appropriate, officer Li."
"If that's all, then-" he is interrupted by one of his men coming in in a hurry.
"Sir. We have a sighting of the woman at the inn."
"Good. Then send-"
"Sir, there is another sighting at the tavern." Another man comes in.
"There was also a few other sightings in different areas with more coming in." The second soldier opens the tent to show multiple men coming from the city in a hurry.
"What the hell is going on!?"
"We don't know Sir."
"....god damn it.....send 100 men to the docks and make sure that this woman doesn't leave. Keep 50 men here and send the rest to follow the reports. We cannot fail to capture her!" The commander orders and the men get to work.
-This woman is wanted for a failed ȧssassination attempt on the fire lord. Capture her at all costs.
Note- this woman has great physical capabilities and is a strong fire bender. Be careful when confronting her.-
This paper has a picture that resembles seras greatly.
"A failed ȧssassination attempt? That can't be it....oh well, not like I'm high up enough to know the full story." The commander gets up and walks out of the tent to follow his orders.
When he left the tent, of his 300 soldiers, he sent 100 to the docks, 50 to the gates, and groups of 15 to each of the ten sightings. He decides to go to the docks because it's the most likely area the woman he is hunting will go to.
While the soldiers were running into the city, seras was already on her recently commandeered ship a few meters away from the docks. She smirks because she is glad she drank from that ninja in the Naruto world.
'I can't believe I forgot about shadow clones. Oh I can't wait for them to congregate at the docks.'
The next ten minutes, the port is filled with angry yells and screams of soldiers chasing Seras' shadow clones. All ten of them made sure to keep close enough that they won't lose her and far enough so they keep chasing. Unbeknownst to everyone, they all slowly get closer to the docks where their commander is stationed.
"Has there been any word?" He asks a soldier next to him.
"No sir."
"What is happening? We received reports over twenty minutes ago and nobody has anything?" After he asks this, he hears many men yelling stop or halt.
Almost instantly, ten groups of soldiers appear from the city all yelling for someone to stop. The commander is shocked because he saw ten women who looked exactly the same all laughing and dodging the attacks being thrown at them.
When the groups get closer, all ten Seras' look at the commander before saluting and disappearing in a puff of smoke. By the time anyone realizes anything, the soldiers were in a state of panic and exhaustion as the commander is just wide eyed that ten identical women disappeared.
"What. The. Hell. Just. HAPPENED!!?" He yells to the sky.
As soon as he gets done, a hand is placed on his shoulder which makes him turn around.
"Hiya." Seras gives a smirk making him back up immediately.
"W-Who? What....How!?" His mind is in such a mess that he can't ask anything.
"As much fun as my week here was, I'm afraid I have prior obligations to tend too. If you meet the fire lord, tell him he's a dead man." She waves good bye before running off.
However before she's fully gone, she yells one last thing.
"oh yeah! Have fun with my little gift!" She then goes puff.
".....Gift?" He asks no one when he feels a tremendous amount of heat coming from the sky.
When he looks up, he immediately pissed himself because a giant orange sphere was above the docks falling downward at an incredibly fast speed.
"Take cover!!" He yells but it was too late.
An explosion that was smaller than the prison's happened, but still caused massive devastation. Seras was in her boat a few hundred meters away giving a small smirk at the destruction. the docks were completely destroyed as some buildings were also in ruins. Altogether the city was untouched and the population completely safe.
"Oh man! That was satisfying." She opens a map and looks to the sky to make sure She is heading in the right direction.
'Ok, let's start at 10% output." She holds her hand to the back of the boat and releases a flame tornado.
The boat sails quickly in the opposite direction.
'It seems that I'm going about 30 kilometers per hour? The boat is still stable so let's go 20%....'
Seras eventually reaches an equilibrium of speed and stability at 80 kilometers per hour. By her earlier calculations she should reach the North Pole in a few days.
'Let's hope I learn a few things about water bending before the gang show up. Then I'll surprise them.' Seras gives a smile at how they'll look when they find out she can water bend now.
As seras was on her way to the North Pole, outside the city, The Officer she let go saw the giant fire ball that appeared from nowhere and paled in fright.
'They want us to stop someone who can do that!? God damn it.' He grinds his teeth before running to the area of attack.
When he entered the city, the ground shook making him fall on his back. When the shaking stops he looks up to find the sky covered in black.
'What have we angered?'
When Officer Li arrived at the docks, he was shocked to find nothing. All he saw was a giant hole in the earth being filled with sea water. He finds a few injured soldiers that are unconscious and goes to them.
"Hey! Wake up!" He slaps the soldier.
"...Im....Impossible..." the solider mumbles before the officer feels that he is no longer breathing.
"God damn it..." he states before running back to the entrance of the city.
When he arrives, he notices that many of the soldiers are in disarray.
"Shut up!" Officer Li yells and everyone does so out of instinct.
"The commanding officers have perished at the docks. Send word to the fire lord about this immediately! And make sure it states that the woman we've been chasing is the most likely culprit."
"I know it seems ridiculous. But it's the only explanation."
"I understand." The soldier nods before running away.
Officer Li was the highest ranking officer left so he ȧssumes control over the remaining soldiers. Since only his commander knew about the incident a few days prior, nobody questioned his orders.
A few minutes later, a messenger bird was sent flying in the direction of the palace.
The day passes with seras practically bored out of her mind as she was just standing on the boat with her fist out. She traveled approximately 800 kilometers when she stops, drops anchor, and sits on the boat.
"All that's left is going into the North Pole. Aang and the rest were allowed in because he is the avatar. I need a compelling reason to enter...."
'I never thought it would be so quiet....it's nice once in a while.' she observe the completely dark surroundings.
She looks up at the moon and feels something she has never felt before. Homesick. Seras then took a blood pack out of her inventory and opens it.
"I'll be there soon Master. Even if you only think it was a couple minutes, I'll be back." She drinks some blood before closing her eyes.
During this time, Azula ordered for all upper level officers to be informed of Seras and some speculation of her abilities. She didn't note what truly happened as it would cause a stain on her and her father's name.
'it doesn't make sense....' Azula sits on the throne brooding about what happened 6 days ago.
'Uncle informed us she was a great Fire bender but didn't use any. However she used some weird abilities and weapons that haven't been seen before.' She remembers how she got her father to act like some animal and she seemed to meld into the floor.
'Not to mention her great physical strength and speed.....' she sighs in annoyance when someone appears next to her.
"Your highness, the fire lord is awake."
"Thank you, Li. I'll head over immediately." Azula stands up and heads to the exit.
She walks for a few minutes before arriving at a set of double doors with intricate designs. After knocking on the door, a male voice says 'Enter'.
"How are you feeling father?" She asks while sitting on the chair.
"I'm fine Azula. What has happened while I've been sleeping?"
"I've informed the upper level officers that a woman infiltrated the palace and tried ȧssassinating you. I couldn't find a way to make it a high priority without saying something of this level. I apologize for my lack of ability."
"Don't. I would have done the same exact thing." His reply makes her happy but an uncomfortable feeling is formed in her ċhėst.
"Yes. Unfortunately we've received no word of her whereabouts."
"What are those incompetents doing?"
"Yes. She hardly seemed human. My lightning went through her stomach and it healed almost immediately. Also she was able to pass through objects and make things appear from nothing."
"I noticed those too, but we can't exactly confirm anything. Plus nobody would believe us if we mentioned it either...." he grunts in anger before standing up.
"Enough of that. Even if our soldiers found her they wouldn't stand a chance. Let's focus on our attack against the north. Now that the avatar is headed there we need to destroy them before he masters water bending."
"I understand father. Might I recommend someone to lead the attack?"
"Oh? Who might that be?"
"Commander Zhao. He was the one that captured the woman and fought the avatar on Crescent Moon Island."
"A commander...then from here on he shall be an Admiral. Make sure to inform them of his promotion and send additional orders about the attack."
"It shall be done. Would you like me to do anything else?"
"Thank you, Father." She leaves the room with a normal look.
When she left Azula had an expression on her face that showed both confusion and anger. Anger from not understanding the congested feeling in her ċhėst and confusion from not feeling happiness that her father complimented her.
Inside the room, Ozai also had an expression of confusion and anger but for different reasons. He was angry that he showed weakness by falling into a coma and confusion as to why his daughter didn't show much happiness that he complimented her.
'Should I do another session? No, she's too old now and the war is about to heat up due to the comet....' he stops thinking about it as he has to meet the generals to finalize some of the plans.
When the fire lord woke up, the gang were on appa flying to the next island. They were trapped on the previous island because a giant storm prevented appa from flying.
"So where to next Sokka?" Aang asks while sitting on the flying bisons head.
"Hmm. That's a good question. We should head north but there isn't a close enough place to land before it turns dark."
"Then we should try to stay on the coast of the earth kingdom until we need to land." Katara offers a solution.
"That's a good idea, except for the fact that the entire fire nation knows to look for a flying bison. However we don't have-Achoo!" Sokka sneezed on the map which covers it in some snot.
"*sniff* it's not my fault! It came out of nowhere!"
"....did you get sick because of the storm yesterday?" Aang asks.
"No way! I'm healthier than two platypus bears combi-Achoo!" He shows off his bicep when he sneezes once more.
"Yeah yeah. Come here." Katara pats the spot next to her.
She checks his forehead with her hand noting a fever and sokka finally admits that his throat has been hurting for a little while.
"That means you probably have the flu. We should stop and rest now."
"No! We have to get Aang to the North Pole as soon as possible. I'm fin-ACHOO!!" This time the sneeze makes appa flinch.
"I think Katara is right sokka. It's better for you to get healthy first before we continue."
"Looks good." Aang pulls the reigns and appa begins to descend.
As they're landing, Seras finally found a ship big enough to handle her new propulsion method but small enough to be handled by one person. Unfortunately for her it was surrounded by a few soldiers.
'I could kill them...but what's the fun in that?' She observes from a distance as she tries to have some fun during her last day in the fire nation..
'What can I do? Should I lure them to an area so they are away from the ship? What about the rest of the soldiers? Hmmm....' She begins to form an idea when something pops into her head making her form a sadistic smile.
'Oh that's good.....' She phases away to begin her plan.
Outside the port, the commander leading he soldiers was inside a large tent holding a paper when one of his soldiers came in with a report. another man is in front of him showing a look of anger.
"So you mean to tell me all of your men died under your watch. Not only that but you don't actually know what happened afterwards!?" The leader yells in accusation.
"Yes sir, but it's more complicated than that-"
"How complicated could it be!? You're either an incompetent or a coward. Pick whichever one you think is appropriate, officer Li."
"If that's all, then-" he is interrupted by one of his men coming in in a hurry.
"Sir. We have a sighting of the woman at the inn."
"Good. Then send-"
"Sir, there is another sighting at the tavern." Another man comes in.
"There was also a few other sightings in different areas with more coming in." The second soldier opens the tent to show multiple men coming from the city in a hurry.
"What the hell is going on!?"
"We don't know Sir."
"....god damn it.....send 100 men to the docks and make sure that this woman doesn't leave. Keep 50 men here and send the rest to follow the reports. We cannot fail to capture her!" The commander orders and the men get to work.
-This woman is wanted for a failed ȧssassination attempt on the fire lord. Capture her at all costs.
Note- this woman has great physical capabilities and is a strong fire bender. Be careful when confronting her.-
This paper has a picture that resembles seras greatly.
"A failed ȧssassination attempt? That can't be it....oh well, not like I'm high up enough to know the full story." The commander gets up and walks out of the tent to follow his orders.
When he left the tent, of his 300 soldiers, he sent 100 to the docks, 50 to the gates, and groups of 15 to each of the ten sightings. He decides to go to the docks because it's the most likely area the woman he is hunting will go to.
While the soldiers were running into the city, seras was already on her recently commandeered ship a few meters away from the docks. She smirks because she is glad she drank from that ninja in the Naruto world.
'I can't believe I forgot about shadow clones. Oh I can't wait for them to congregate at the docks.'
The next ten minutes, the port is filled with angry yells and screams of soldiers chasing Seras' shadow clones. All ten of them made sure to keep close enough that they won't lose her and far enough so they keep chasing. Unbeknownst to everyone, they all slowly get closer to the docks where their commander is stationed.
"Has there been any word?" He asks a soldier next to him.
"No sir."
"What is happening? We received reports over twenty minutes ago and nobody has anything?" After he asks this, he hears many men yelling stop or halt.
Almost instantly, ten groups of soldiers appear from the city all yelling for someone to stop. The commander is shocked because he saw ten women who looked exactly the same all laughing and dodging the attacks being thrown at them.
When the groups get closer, all ten Seras' look at the commander before saluting and disappearing in a puff of smoke. By the time anyone realizes anything, the soldiers were in a state of panic and exhaustion as the commander is just wide eyed that ten identical women disappeared.
"What. The. Hell. Just. HAPPENED!!?" He yells to the sky.
As soon as he gets done, a hand is placed on his shoulder which makes him turn around.
"Hiya." Seras gives a smirk making him back up immediately.
"W-Who? What....How!?" His mind is in such a mess that he can't ask anything.
"As much fun as my week here was, I'm afraid I have prior obligations to tend too. If you meet the fire lord, tell him he's a dead man." She waves good bye before running off.
However before she's fully gone, she yells one last thing.
"oh yeah! Have fun with my little gift!" She then goes puff.
".....Gift?" He asks no one when he feels a tremendous amount of heat coming from the sky.
When he looks up, he immediately pissed himself because a giant orange sphere was above the docks falling downward at an incredibly fast speed.
"Take cover!!" He yells but it was too late.
An explosion that was smaller than the prison's happened, but still caused massive devastation. Seras was in her boat a few hundred meters away giving a small smirk at the destruction. the docks were completely destroyed as some buildings were also in ruins. Altogether the city was untouched and the population completely safe.
"Oh man! That was satisfying." She opens a map and looks to the sky to make sure She is heading in the right direction.
'Ok, let's start at 10% output." She holds her hand to the back of the boat and releases a flame tornado.
The boat sails quickly in the opposite direction.
'It seems that I'm going about 30 kilometers per hour? The boat is still stable so let's go 20%....'
Seras eventually reaches an equilibrium of speed and stability at 80 kilometers per hour. By her earlier calculations she should reach the North Pole in a few days.
'Let's hope I learn a few things about water bending before the gang show up. Then I'll surprise them.' Seras gives a smile at how they'll look when they find out she can water bend now.
As seras was on her way to the North Pole, outside the city, The Officer she let go saw the giant fire ball that appeared from nowhere and paled in fright.
'They want us to stop someone who can do that!? God damn it.' He grinds his teeth before running to the area of attack.
When he entered the city, the ground shook making him fall on his back. When the shaking stops he looks up to find the sky covered in black.
'What have we angered?'
When Officer Li arrived at the docks, he was shocked to find nothing. All he saw was a giant hole in the earth being filled with sea water. He finds a few injured soldiers that are unconscious and goes to them.
"Hey! Wake up!" He slaps the soldier.
"...Im....Impossible..." the solider mumbles before the officer feels that he is no longer breathing.
"God damn it..." he states before running back to the entrance of the city.
When he arrives, he notices that many of the soldiers are in disarray.
"Shut up!" Officer Li yells and everyone does so out of instinct.
"The commanding officers have perished at the docks. Send word to the fire lord about this immediately! And make sure it states that the woman we've been chasing is the most likely culprit."
"I know it seems ridiculous. But it's the only explanation."
"I understand." The soldier nods before running away.
Officer Li was the highest ranking officer left so he ȧssumes control over the remaining soldiers. Since only his commander knew about the incident a few days prior, nobody questioned his orders.
A few minutes later, a messenger bird was sent flying in the direction of the palace.
The day passes with seras practically bored out of her mind as she was just standing on the boat with her fist out. She traveled approximately 800 kilometers when she stops, drops anchor, and sits on the boat.
"All that's left is going into the North Pole. Aang and the rest were allowed in because he is the avatar. I need a compelling reason to enter...."
'I never thought it would be so quiet....it's nice once in a while.' she observe the completely dark surroundings.
She looks up at the moon and feels something she has never felt before. Homesick. Seras then took a blood pack out of her inventory and opens it.
"I'll be there soon Master. Even if you only think it was a couple minutes, I'll be back." She drinks some blood before closing her eyes.
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