After Seras said this, Aang thinks for a few minutes about the past few weeks he's been awake. In his memories, he can hear his mentor speaking to him about something similar.

"Aang, you're young and I never wanted you to learn of your destiny so early. Many things will change, but I want you to remember one thing."

"What's that?"

"The avatar is a bridge between the spirit world and the human world. That means you must be a mediator. If you view the world with only your views, you will end up making mistakes. You need to experience life from many different perspectives if you wish to become a great avatar. Do you understand?" He pats the boy's head gently while looking down.

"Mmm....I don't know. But if I encounter a problem I'm not sure about, I can just ask you, right?" He gives a large grin.

"Hohoho! Yes, I'll always be here for you Aang. Now, let's get some cake."

"Yes Giatso!" Aang jumps up with his air bending as his mentor laughs again in happiness.

As Aang returned from the memory he looks at seras giving him a similar look his mentor Gave him.

'Why is she looking at me like that? How can such two different people act so similarly?' His thoughts are interrupted as Seras continues.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Aang looks down and back up before speaking.

"Do you regret what you did?"

".....I regret the deaths of the innocent soldiers that have died due to their leader's mistakes. However, I would do it again if I needed to. A war can only have a winner and a loser. Unfortunately neither side actually ends up winning anything of importance." She sighs sadly making Aang look at her in a new light.

"I'm not sure I understood everything you told me, but I do know one thing."

"What's that?" Seras raises an eyebrow.

"You're not a monster, Seras." He gives her a grin.

"...hehe, thank you Aang." The two give each other a hug and Aang leaves the room with a better expression than when he went in with.

After he leaves, Seras' gentle look turns into a crazy ŀust filled one.

'Although, I'm not going to say that a part of me greatly enjoyed committing such an act. Ah~, those screams are going to be with me for a very, very long time to come.' She happily skips to the healing tent.

The next few days pass in peace as many of the tribe's water benders rebuild the parts of the city that have been destroyed. Yue and Sokka have had their first official date where the boy kept talking about himself making Katara, Aang, and Seras groan while stalking them.

Strangely enough, the Fire Nation was also peaceful even though their massive fleet was destroyed. One only needs to read the posters all over the nation to know why.

- Fire Nation fleet returns in victory! Northern Barbarians have been destroyed! Long live the Fire Lord! -

"Sozin's Comet is right on schedule and it will be here in 7 months. When our fleet returns, we can completely turn our sights onto the earth kingdom." A muscular man points to the map in the center while speaking.

As he finished saying this, the others smiled in delight when they hear the doors being knocked upon. They're shocked because while the war council is in session, they should never be disturbed unless the highest order has been used.

"Enter!" Ozai yells and the doors open.

A man walks inside quickly with a pale face making the others confused. He walks to right in front of the throne and bows waiting for his lord to speak.

"Speak. Why have you disturbed us?"

"My lord. A first priority message has been sent by Vice-Admiral Tao. He says....says...." he stutters toward the end making Ozai angry.

"Speak like a man in your position should!" He bangs his leg and the flames rise to four times their normal height.

"Yes! He says that the invasion has failed!" This caused the room to be in silence as the flames flickered.

"WHAT!!? Say it again!!" He stands up and furiously yells.

"The invasion has failed....not only that...we have lost almost all of the ten thousand soldiers we sent there. The remaining men are the skeleton crew needed to operate the ships."

A few more seconds pass when all of the men in the room begin yelling at the soldier in sync.

"How is that possible!?"

"Explain now!"


Amidst their yells, the Fire lord has a grim look as a memory flashes in his mind. It's of a blonde woman and her crimson eyes that have seared themselves into his nightmares. He shakes his head and yells again.

"Silence!" The room quiets and they all look at him.

The Fire lord looks at the messenger.

"Read the rest of the report. We need to know why such a massive force have not only failed, but did so in such a miserable way."

"Yes! According to the report, things were looking good as they began the invasion with the Trebuchets. it took three days until the wall was fully breached. A massive hole appeared at 5PM and Admiral Zhao ordered for the entire force to enter the city.

"Is he mad!?"


"Ahem, he sent all ten thousand soldiers into the city and when over 90% of them were inside....suddenly, a massive amount of water came from the surrounding cliffs and....drowned them." The men had nothing to say to that.

"How much?" The Fire lord asks.

"...the vice admiral couldn't say, but he least tens of millions of gallons. The entire ocean was raised noticeably while he was on the ship."

"...and what of the water tribe casualties? Such a massive movement must have killed some of them?" He rubs his head while asking this.

"Only a few tens from when the soldiers entered the city. Most of their fighting force was protected by a large ice wall they created before the water could hit them."

"....." as the various ministers and generals were silent, another knock was heard.

"What now!?" Ozai yells.

Another messenger comes in holding a scroll which everyone recognizes the seal of.

"We shall take an hour recess. I believe we all need it to wrap our heads around this piece of news. Dismissed!" They all leave as he opens the scroll.

He immediately recognizes the brush strokes of his disappointing first-born son and frowns in displeasure. He reads the scroll and burns it when he gets to the end. His face was furious and he summons his daughter to deal with her brother.

Azula was in her room when a small bird knocks on her window with its beak. She opens the door and takes the note off of its leg. She sets aside a bowl of small snacks for it and begins reading.

It takes her a few minutes to read it all and at the end she has a malicious smirk on her face.

"Although the invasion failed, thanks to the evidence that Li is bringing back, we can settle it all on that idiot Zhao. Although the second piece of news is much more intriguing." She mutters you herself.

'Seras Victoria has a soft spot for my uncle and brother. How can a person so strong have such weak attachments?' As she thinks the latter, her mother's face appears in her memory and the room heats up for an instant before it settles down.

" can I use this to my advantage?" She slowly burns the latter when a servant informs her of her father's summons.

When Azula arrives at the throne room, she notices that Ozai is absolutely furious. Almost as much as when Zuko interrupted the war council three years ago.

"You called for me father?" She bows while asking this.

"Yes." He pauses and looks at her for a few seconds which makes her look up at him.

"Azula, my daughter. I have two top priority orders for you."

"Anything, father." She excitedly states.

"First, I want you to take an attachment of soldiers and take The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu." As he said that Azula trembled.

He ignores it and continues.

"Secondly. On your way, I want you to capture both your brother and your uncle as traitors to the fire nation."

"Uncle Iroh and Zuko? Did he do something to anger you father?"

'Hmm? She's never questioned me before.' He ignores the unsettling feeling when he answers.

"Your brother sent me a message telling me of the last three years and it has greatly angered me how much of a failure he has been. I don't care how you do it, but I want him and my brother in chains and sent back in disgrace!" The flames rise even higher.

" shall be done as you command, Fire Lord." She accepts the orders and gets up before walking out of the throne room.

When she left, Ozai gave the doors a piercing look before he calls for the council to return.

As Azula walked to back to her room, she was making plans in her head.

'Dealing with ZuZu and Uncle Iroh will be easy as they're both very naive. I'll just say that father wants them both to return to the fire nation. As for Omashu, every indication says that the king of that city is insane, but all of his tactics have proven to be genius.' She takes out a couple scrolls and brush before writing.

'However, their city is easy to get into and we haven't attacked it in a few years. Their complacency will allow me to be victorious.' She wrote two letters to her 'friends'.

"Ty Lee, Mai, and I can enter the city in disguise. We will cause a ruckus and get captured on purpose. Ty Lee will make the King unable to bend and then we can take over the city from inside." She mumbles to herself about contingencies and back ups as she gets a maid to send the letters to the Tower.

After a couple hours, she completed her plans and gives a large sigh.

A week after the end of the war, Seras woke up and directly headed to Yue's room. She noticed that the princess was already up and having lessons. She decided to wait until she was done to talk to her.

A few hours passed in extreme boredom when the last tutor finally left. The princess sighed in relief and she took that as her sign to enter. She phased directly behind the sitting princess and leaned down to her ear.

"What's up?" She whispers.

"Aaaaah!!" Yue screams in fright but stops when she sees who it was.

"Hahahahaha! It never gets old!" Seras held her stomach while laughing.

"Seras! How many times have I asked you to please not do that!?" She fumes while blushing.

"I expect this time to be the 81st. You have such cute reactions that I can't help myself."

"....please stop it...." she hides her face in shame.

The guards outside the door grin to one another as this has been a repeat occurrence for the past week. They stopped bathing in at the 5th destroyed door they caused.

"Anyway, what are you here for?" Yue tries to steer the conversation away from her embarrassing act.

"Ah, I need you to come with me."


"Because.....I'm going to cure you."

Yue was still because she knows what Seras is talking about. A couple weeks before the war started, her father and mother told her about the circumstances of her birth and what it could mean if the worst would pass. She cried for the whole day and only settled down when she slept.

"A-are you serious?" Her lips tremble.

"Of course." Seras smirks in reply while crossing her arms.

"....thank you."

"You're my friend, Yue. I don't wish to see your life ruined by another being's selfishness."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Come, hold my hand." Seras reaches out with her arm and Yue grabs it.

They disappear from The room And reappear in the Spirit Oasis. Before Yue can ask what is going on, the two spirits turn into their transparent human forms shocking her further.

"You're here." the Moon Spirit placidly states.

"Yes, now its time for the second half of my part of the deal."

"Have her stand in the pool." The Water Spirit commands in annoyance.


"Go. The Moon Spirit needs to take back its energy. It needed a week to prepare which is why I didn't bring you here sooner."

"...." Yue just nods and heads to the Spirit pool.

"Now, you'll feel some pain because my energy has mended with yours for so long. You don't have to do anything but stay conscious. Are you ready?"

"....I am." She takes a few breaths and nods in affirmation.

"After I take out the energy you must begin the healing process immediately. If not, she will die within ten seconds. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do. Don't worry, I will not let anything happen to her."

The moon spirit nods before closing his eyes and touching Yue's forehead and ċhėst with both of its hands. Almost immediately, Yue shines bright white an she begins screaming from the pain.

"Stay awake! This will end very quickly!" The moon spirit yells as the bright white light, begins to turn illusory.

The light then seems to be getting absorbed through the spirits hands as if he is draining it out of her. Seras watches this situation and was immediately reminded of energy bending.

'Interesting, the energy is being suċkėd through the thumbs as if they're straws. It's almost like a show of force against their own body's energy's. Aang was only thirteen when he faced Ozai and maybe that's why he was almost swallowed up.'

Soon the white fades from Yue completely and she slumps into the pool. Before her head hits the ground, Seras held her and pulled out the horse talisman from her inventory. She places it on the princess' ċhėst and a golden light appears.

"THIS IS-!?" The water spirit yells in shock but didn't continue because the Moon Spirit held up its hand.

'Silence brother.' The latter telepathically states.

'But-' the former received a glare making it stop.

When the light fades, Seras looked down at the princess and noted that a stripe of her hair turned black all the way through. The rest of her hair stayed white though. Seras put away the talisman when she head Yue speak with a slight groan.

"" She goes unconscious right after.

"Pleasant dreams, Yue." She smiles down at the girl.

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