Help! My Delicate Object is a Madman

Chapter 121: look down on me?

   Chapter 121 Look down on me?

   Chapter 121

  The days and nights in this tower are too lonely.

   The cloned snake species cultivated can appear six at a time and can last for three days.

   These six are completely controlled by his will.

   When he is bored, he will separate the little snake and look around as a spy.

   He knew that the tower was in the domain of the Gods.

   also know that the tower will choose a tower guard every hundred years, and the selection of the tower guard is very strict.

   Every time he looks at it, he finds it funny, what's the point of doing this? You will die if you enter.

  The day I met Shen Suhe, as usual, I scattered the snake species and roamed the entire barren mountains.

   Luckily, it rained heavily that night.

   The other five little snakes were all dead.

   The last one was hiding under the tree and shivering. Originally, he thought that the last one would also die.

   Because there are never exceptions.

  The little snake he scattered will die whenever it encounters thunderstorms.

   You can wait until the thunderstorm is over, and at dawn the next day, the little snake is still alive.

   It was saved by a man.

  The little snake represents his will, and he can also feel the outside world through the little snake.

   When he saw what happened, he found himself warm in the arms of the man.

   He even heard the man mutter: "It's so weak."

   Even though he said that, he didn’t let go of it, and kept holding it, as if to warm it.

   Su Ye was lying in that person's arms, and he just thought it was magical.

   The first miracle is that he did not die, and the second miracle is that it did not kill the person.

  Before, someone saw a little snake accidentally on a rainy day and thought it was pitiful and wanted to pick it up and keep it, but what happened later?

  O, he bit off the man's hand in one bite.

   But this guy is fine.

   He became interested in this person, and even liked sticking to her very much. He was happy to do nothing but stick to her.

   Later, I learned that this person told him that her name was Shen Suhe.

   is still a tower guard.

  In this way, a entanglement kicked off.

   After several years.

   He wanted more and more to stick to her all the time, and he was not satisfied that he could only get along with her for two or three days at a time. He wanted her to see only him in her eyes.

   He was waiting for her in the tower, and he knew that she must be the last person to enter the tower.

  Everything was as he expected, except for one thing, she couldn't accept that the little snake was a part of him, and that he was not a little snake.

   also didn't want him to pester her.

There was a long silence in the    tower.

  Shen Suhe covered his eyes and said, "If it was someone else who came in, and that person also got the Fan Yin Fan, would you be so nice to him?"

   Su Ye sneered: "He will die."

  Shen Suhe pursed his lips: "But you, there are a lot of little snakes. Contact all those who might become tower guards."

   "Why should I do that?"

   "Is that possible, get the Fan Yin Fan?"

   She herself is a little unsure.

  Suye pulled her hand from her eyes, grabbed it, and pulled the person down, the two of them looked at each other.

   He stared at Shen Suhe: "You underestimate me?"

   He sneered: "You think I can't kill a human?"

  It was obviously cruel, but Shen Suhe's heart moved slightly when he heard it.

   As soon as the voice fell, another thunder and lightning fell.

   Su Ye's body froze.

   Shen Suhe reached out and hugged the person.

  Su Ye didn't expect that she would take the initiative, and felt that she was no longer so indifferent to herself. After thinking about it, she finally fell on the little snake.

   He lay on her shoulders, and his lips taunted and revealed, "It turns out that if he gave Ah He a little snake, Ah He would not be angry anymore."

   Little Snake seems to think that he is born with a bracelet.

The    is connected end to end, with his mouth biting his tail and wrapping it around Shen Suhe's wrist.

  No movement at all.

   Su Ye glanced at it, looked upset, and stretched out his hand.

   pulled the little snake out.

   Shen Suhe realized that their focus was not the same.

   Seeing how uncomfortable he was and how he had to endure it, she didn't refute it.

   But his heart calmed down.

   She just thought that she was not that important, and that those pasts were self-indulgent.

   Unexpectedly, it was my own misunderstanding.

  The mummy was sitting on the second floor, gazing at the bottom of the building while spinning silk.

   It knows that something big will happen in thunderstorm weather.

  Beside the mummy, the one-eyed cow watched in a daze, drowsy, but could not sleep.

The mummy wrapped her silk around the horn of the one-eyed ox, and said to herself, "I really don't understand these two people. They quarreled for a while, and then made up again." What was more unexpected was that the tower guard provoked the snake. Angry, the snake did not kill the tower guard.

   Thinking of this, the mummy lay down on the ground, tears welling up.

   Then why did it only say a word of greetings, then the snake was about to rip its cocoon?

   If it wasn't for the cocoon shell being ripped off several times, he would have hatched by now.

  It rained outside for a day, and in the tower, the two of them stuck together for a day.

   The last mummy she saw shook her head, hugged the one-eyed bull and left.

   It is winter outside now.

   Su Ye should have been sleeping.

   He hugged Shen Suhe, resting his head on her shoulder, a little loose, but clasped her waist with both hands and hugged her tightly.

   Shen Suhe moved a little, then he raised his head and stared at her.

   Finally made her unable to do anything, she said: "I won't go."

   The voice fell, and a mocking voice came from Su Ye: "Ahe said this before, what about after? Don't you want to tell me clearly and drive me away?"

   Shen Suhe was said to have a guilty conscience: "I, just, have some misunderstandings."

   The words ended, and Su Ye said again: "With some misunderstandings, can Ah He leave me?"

   he said, coughing lowly.

   Shen Suhe said slowly, "I, I didn't mean to."

   She patted him on the back, giving him a smooth ride.

   I don't know why he suddenly developed a fever, seeing his burning eyes, his brows and eyes are red, and his whole person is much weaker.

   so much more sticky.

   Shen Suhe was a little worried, he burned more and more.

   This snake won't burn his head, right?

   She said, "Is there any medicine in the tower to reduce fever?"

   Su Ye's eyelids drooped: "No."

After   , he added: "It will be fine tomorrow morning."

   Shen Suhe wondered: "Why do you have a fever?"

   "Don't you want a little snake?"

   Shen Suhe was taken aback.

  Suye added: "That little snake can follow you all the time, it won't disappear after three days. As long as I'm here, it will be there."

   After saying this, he stopped talking.

   was lying on Shen Suhe's shoulder, leaning lazily.

   Shen Suhe was silent.

  The weak appearance of his fever is related to that little snake?

   Originally, Shen Suhe didn't care about that little snake.

   She only wanted the one that was with her on the barren hills, if not, it would have no meaning to her.

   She said, "You gave me that little snake?"

   (end of this chapter)

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