Help! My Delicate Object is a Madman

Chapter 153: Today, I do a good deed

   Chapter 153 Today, I do a good deed

  Huo Lin raised his finger and tapped on the table.

  The hall suddenly became quiet.

  Song Jianfei and Shen Jingguo looked at each other and stopped talking, business matters.

  Huo Lin said solemnly, "Huo Zhishen, you said that Huo Bai and others imprisoned and tortured you?"

   Huo Zhishen was thin and only had a handful of bones left, but he looked at Huo Bai as if he wanted to dig up his flesh, he gritted his teeth: "Yes!"

   "How did they torture you? Who is it?"

Huo Zhishen looked sad: "At the end of the assessment that day, Huo Bai was dissatisfied that I was a waste and almost defeated him. He forcibly took me away in front of everyone, and then joined the two dudes, Shen Suhe and Song Ningyuan, to dig meat and cut off his hands. Please master the master!"

   Having said that, Huo Zhishen raised his hand, he peeled off the gauze, and the **** wound that ran through the palm of his hand was unbearable to look directly at.

  Huo Lin looked at Huo Bai: "Is there such a thing?"

  Huo Bai's expression was as indifferent as before, and he said, "Report to the Patriarch, I didn't know about this."

  Huo Zhishen's hair was disheveled and looked like a withered man. He glared at Huo Bai angrily: "How could you not know? You were the one who brought me there! You designed it to harm me!"

  Huo Bai lowered his head and glanced at him: "You should thank me for not being there. For the things you did, you shouldn't have walked in here alive."

   Huo Zhishen's body froze, unable to believe that Huo Bai, who has always been calm and calm, would say such a thing.

  Huo Lin frowned: "Huo Bai, what happened?"

   Shen Suhe stepped forward and said, "Patriarch Huo, I did this."

  Huo Zhishen looked at Shen Suhe, and his expression became even more vicious: "I still know that I will stand up! Save me the trouble!"

Beside   , the elders of the Huo family shouted angrily: "Shen Suhe, why are you so cruel to Huo Zhishen? What are your intentions?"

   Shen Suhe is neither humble nor arrogant: "Junior things happen for a reason."

   Soon, Shen Suhe told everything about the deal between the Merman King and Huo Zhishen.

  The more Huo Lin listened, the more solemn his expression became: "Make a deal with the king of mermen, trying to curse Huo Bai?"

  Shen Suhe nodded: "This matter, Elder Huo should have found something wrong in the competition ring that day?"

   Elder Huo looked serious: "Indeed. Moreover, Huo Zhishen's cultivation is progressing too fast, which goes against common sense."

Shen Suhe said again: "Reporting to the Huo family, Huo Zhishen not only cursed Huo Bai, but also cursed me and Song Ningyuan. We found out about the king of the merman and him. Huo Zhishen tried his best to defend the king of the merman, in order to make the merman king. The king appeared, and we had to make this last resort."

  Huo Zhishen bit to death and refused to admit: "What evidence do you have?!"

   Shen Suhe leaned over and squatted down, stretched out Huo Zhishen's sleeve, revealing the huge black coral mark on it.

   She stared at Huo Zhishen: "This is the evidence."

  Huo Zhishen was silent for a moment, then hummed: "What kind of evidence is this? This is because I had nothing to do, and I tattooed it myself. Shen Suhe, don't slander people!"

After he finished speaking, Huo Zhishen crawled, crawled up to an old man, hugged the man's thigh, and cried, "Grandpa, you must call the shots for me, Huo Bai, relying on his high talent, deceives people too much! Shen Suhe, and that Song Ningyuan! Especially Shen Suhe, he chopped off my hand, just because he didn't want me to practice, he was just jealous of me!"

  The old man is full of white hair, holding a cane in his hand, with white hair and white beard, but his spirit is very good.

   Look at the position of the old man, the seniority is deep and the seniority is high.

   The old man looked at Huo Zhishen's hand with unbearable eyes, and he shouted angrily, "Please also ask the Huo family master to do justice for my grandson!"

  Huo Lin stared at Huo Zhishen with an ugly expression: "Collaborating with beasts, cursing people of the same clan, and slashing him is considered light. Uncle still wants to seek justice for Huo Zhishen?"

Huo Zhishen didn't dare to look at Huo Lin, so he could only keep hiding behind the old man, shouting, "Grandpa, you must decide for your grandson, those are the ones who slandered the grandson, the grandson did nothing! They are just jealous !"

  The old man's expression was also very gloomy. He swept over the audience: "You all heard it? He was wronged at the very bottom. It must be Huo Bai and the other three who deliberately framed it. They just can't see my grandson!"

The old man stared at Huo Bai, his voice hoarse: "Huo Bai, why do you think so much about my grandson's death! The head of the family announced that he would give you the title of head of the family in spite of everyone's opposition. You are already the head of the Huo family in the future, what else do you want to do? You just want to kill my grandparents and grandchildren? You also unite with outsiders to frame my grandson. My grandson is innocent and innocent. He was wronged by you like this. He is also your sibling! How can you treat him like this? !"

  The old man made three or two sentences and turned the black into white.

   Elder Huo said in a deep voice, "It remains to be discussed whether this matter has been wronged or not."

The old man shouted angrily: "What are you discussing?! Do they have any evidence? They are sure that it is my grandson just by a black mark. They imprisoned my grandson. They have already made all plans. This mark is that they stamped on me. On my grandson!"

  The old man is pressing step by step.

  Shen Jingguo and Song Jianfei looked at each other and made eye contact, but they didn't know what they were thinking.

The old man turned to Huo Lin again: "Patriarch Huo, don't favor Huo Bai just because he is your nephew."

The old man paused for a while, and his tone became yin and yang: "Since you have decided on the next patriarch early, you should strictly control him, and you dare to collude with outsiders and frame your family before you become the patriarch, and then take the seat of the patriarch in the future. Now, do you want to destroy all of us old people?"

  Huo Zhishen echoed: "Grandpa is right! Please also ask the Patriarch to give me justice!"

  Huo Lin's brows and eyes were cold and hard, he pressed the old man every step of the way, as if he had never heard of it, but just looked at Huo Bai: "Do you have anything to say?"

  Huo Bai didn't speak, Shen Suhe raised his hand.

   She spoke out and broke the deadlock: "Patriarch Huo, can you let me have a word with Huo Zhishen?"

  Huo Lin nodded: "Okay"

   Shen Suhe walked in front of Huo Zhishen and squatted down.

  Huo Zhishen looked vigilant: "What do you want to do?"

  Shen Suhe raised his hand, rolled up his sleeve, revealing the black coral mark: "This is the evidence of your transaction with that merman, do you admit it?"

   Before Huo Zhishen could speak, the old man said with contempt, "You framed him, you got him."

   Shen Suhe looked at Huo Zhishen: "That is to say, you have nothing to do with the merman?"

  The old man has to speak.

  Shen Suhe interrupted: "Senior, I'm talking to Huo Zhishen."

  The old man's complexion suddenly became difficult to look at.

   It has been a long time since no one dared to refute his words so shamelessly.

   Shen Suhe looked at Huo Zhishen: "You have nothing to do with the merman, do you?"

  Huo Zhishen said very hard: "Of course!"

  Shen Suhe nodded knowingly: "Since it has nothing to do with mermaids, then I will do a good deed today and remove this mark for you."

   (end of this chapter)

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